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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fattransporter

  1. fattransporter

    The Most Weight Lost So Far???

    My husband had his band placed on the 26th of August in 2004 and he has gone from 398 to 288. Without any excercise at all. I keep hearing him say I am going to start. When I got my band on the 12th of January it really lit a fire under hime so he said that there is no way that he can let me lose more then him. Paula
  2. fattransporter

    Auto-immune Disease and Band Rejection

    On the Inamed website, the information about the band it clearly states that ANYONE with an autoimmune disorder, as well as other issues listed, should not have the band placed. This was veryinteresting to me because being on this site I am more of a reader then a poster, and I was getting very discouraged about some members that had had so much trouble with their band and did nothing but slam the Mexico docs for their troubles and retroubles. Recently I found out from another memeber that this member infact has an autoimmune disorder. This bothers me since the thought of band erosion just scared me to death. I think the band is a wonderful thing, but yet maybe those of us that have it didn't realize that maybe preexisting conditions existed and that is the sad part. Luckily mine is working great and steady as she goes. Hope everyone has a great day. Paula
  3. fattransporter

    Discouraged after surgery

    Are you getting enough fluids. I really lost alot more after I was monitoring the fluids I got . When I increased the weight fell off. Your body goes into a panic mode and tries to retain all of everything to survive. Hoping this helps. Paula
  4. fattransporter

    Outpatient or 1 nights stay?

    Stayed 2 nights 1 night before and one night after. Paula 1/12/06 265/248/170
  5. fattransporter

    Longest lap band

    Hello all, My name is Paula, I was banded by Dr. Kuri on the 12th of January. Absolutly a great experience and meeting of great people all in one shot. can't ask for anything more. I was just curious as to what is the longest known lap band. I mean it sounds like here everyone is 2-3 years. Any one longer?? Paula 1/12/06 265.1/250/175?
  6. fattransporter

    I'm shrinking!

    When were you banded Paula

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