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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bloomerific

  1. Man, other than your PCP saying that you have to lose weight (mine hasn't said a damn thing to me about my weight in 4 1/2 years, she just ignores it)...the scenario sounds like mine!!! I approached my doc with the paperwork and everything so that she could help in the support and all that, and she literally freaked out on me, accusing me of going to see someone else, etc. Then she said that my essay, etc. for my application "mirrored one of her other patients who is now a drug addict." CRAZY!!!!!! I'm looking for a new PCP as well, so best of luck to you in your search...who needs doctors that are going to think in such a narrow minded way?

  2. Good morning, all!

    Well, I went to the seminar last night with my sisters in tow...and I was really impressed (as were my sisters)! Wow, it's obvious that this team really takes care in prepping you for not only what will rock but what will suck! :thumbup:

    I was unable to meet Dr. Hoffman personally because he was in and out with an emergency and in the end I wanted to speak to him while Dr. Forbes took her turn at questions at the end, but he was speaking to Dr. Posner about something and I didn't feel comfortable interrupting. I stood up and went toward them but then they moved away from me, it was awkward! Dr. Forbes was fantastic and really good about answering questions, though.

    I met Marietta, she said that she needs 2 weeks to schedule everyone's appointments...that seems long in comparison to you guys, do you have any advice here? Should I call Lisa immediately after to schedule the doctor's visit, etc.?

    And as for getting all the testing done, I think I'm going to get the sleep study and 24 hour urine thingey done before I even go in, they say the more you do ahead of time the better. What other testing has to be done? I have a pretty recent potassium and thyroid (I'm hypothyroid) test done. The whizzed through the last slides about all the testing last night.

    Well, part one over!!! I'm still on the band kick, that's for sure. Even though I'd done my research, and they've only had one death in over 500 bypasses, hearing from their mouths that the death rate is still 1 in 200 and that it's just as dangerous as open-heart surgery---dude, say no more!!!!

    :rolleyes: Sally

  3. My seminar is tonight and I'm so excited!!! My sister's going with me but my other sister who is in town from Baltimore for work is also coming with me because she wants to know the score. How awesome is that?

    Question: does anyone have BCBS who has been approved lately? What did they need or not need? AHHHHH I'm so nervous and just want to get on with the process!!!

    I asked Cynthia this just now, but in case she doesn't get the message by the end of the day---would any of you recommend calling Dr. Hoffman's office this afternoon before the seminar and scheduling an appointment?

    I just want it all answered for me, lol! You've all been so helpful and I can't wait to meet you at a meeting on day in the park! Next week definitely!!!

  4. Loraine--thank you soooo much!!! :tt1: I wish I'd found this website months ago, I could've had my surgery by now, lol. :unsure:

    I live in Lockport, and I will definitely start coming to Delaware Park with you guys! Of course, this weekend I have a dress fitting (which by the time my best friend gets married in September, I won't fit in it at all!!!) at 10:00 a.m. and I wouldn't be able to get back and forth before then, so this weekend's out but I will definitely be joining up! Would my dog be allowed? :scared2: She's sort of well-behaved. She'd be fine with the walking, and would be fine for a while while in the juice bar! :lol:

    I had dreams of buying clearance clothes at Target last night, must be a sign! :frown:

  5. Loraine, thanks! :puke: I will DEFINITELY introduce myself to him, I would love to get my appointments all set up ASAP so I can have my surgery done ASAP. :) :) Losing the required amount of weight will probably not be a big deal for me, losing has never been the problem, it's the keeping it off that is. Which is why we're ALL doing this. :) :)

    Oh my gosh, I'm so excited!!

  6. Well I will definitely be asking for Dr. Hoffman if Drs. Forbes & Posner would insist on gastric bypass. The procedure frightens me to no end, the idea of not absorbing Vitamins freaks me out---I just know that when I'm smaller, I'll stay smaller. I like to work out (I know, freak!) but I get frustrated and lazy because I can't do it to the amount that I would like. And since I've *always* been a big girl, I've never had the chance to really do active things, though I love to be outside and hike and whatnot. That stuff I can do, but I'd love to whitewater raft and climb and stuff. :thumbup:

    Thank you all for being so welcoming...I can't wait until Thursday!!!

    Question: do all three doctors attend the seminar?


  7. Hi everyone!!!

    I had such a great time reading this thread!!! I've been communicating with Marietta at BGH; my first application (that I sent in early February) was lost at the hospital and by the time I realized that, I had missed the March seminar date. I'm now scheduled for this Thursday night, going with my sis (who is my support person), and my other sis wants to check it out and I'm so very very excited!!

    So, do you get to "pick" your doctor? I definitely am going to champion the Lap-Band even though they will push gastric bypass for me. I like to see that Dr. Hoffman will stick by your decision, because I was thinking that if the doctors pushed the bypass that I might cave.

    I've had quite a journey with all of this, my regular doctor was a complete bi**h with me about all of this, prompting me to not see her again once I had my paperwork into BGH...and as soon as I am approved for the surgery, I'm leaving her. I guess she's against any unnecessary surgeries, tests, etc. which I guess is how a D.O. is (she's not an M.D.). She claimed that I never talked to her about my weight. Um, what kind of doctor DOESN'T ASK? She has basically ignored it the whole time I've been her patient. Do you guys know if it's a major deal if you don't really have 3 years documented "trying?" I've been trying since the age of 12! I definitely need something to help me in my goal to become healthy, and at least I've proven to myself that I can lose the weight in a healthy manner.

    I can't believe that it's all really happening!! After the seminar, will I be able to call on Friday and start scheduling appointments? And can you usually get all of the appointments on the same day (just because I'd have to take 3 different sick days for them, and that would suck)?

    I'm so psyched to be a part of this community!!! You're just all so inspiring!

    Wow, anyway, that was a pretty long post! :ohmy:

    --Sally :crying:

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