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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bloomerific

  1. bugs....do NOT give up; they are SO swamped up there it's ridiculous. Keep calling, keep calling, keep calling, is the best advice I can give you. I looked through my stuff to see if there was any numbers that I had, I've just got 859-1168 on my the Kaleida card they gave me. I have Dr. Hoffman's number but that's not gonna get you anywhere with getting your first appointment.

  2. Pre-op went really well for me, but the nurse had to poke me twice with what seemed like a really big needle. My arm still hurts!!!!

    What I didn't know and I just found out was that they catheterize you! I mean, I get that while you're under they would want your bladder under control--sort of. I mean, I freakin' sleep and don't pee! What makes them think I'm gonna pee on the operating table? And seriously, couldn't they take it out before I wake up?

    All the RN had to explain to me was "tube in bladder" and I was done for the rest of the convo; I only half listened after that. :shades_smile:

    Other than that, I go for my medical clearance on Monday, last weigh in on Wednesday, and boom...here we go!

    Those of you talking about ice---what are these flat ice things y'all are talking about?

  3. Dang, I really wanted to start this weekend but I have my pre-op stuff.

    I have done the Turkey Trot for the past 2 years. I did better my first year, but I come in nearly last or last. I don't care!!! It's tough but doable. I *may* be doing it again this year, it depends if my family goes to Baltimore or my sister continues to come up here.

    I *may* show up on the 20th for walking...it'll be the Saturday post-band. The following two weekends are booked with weddings but I also want to start coming to support.

    Do the Turkey Trot--it's SO FUN!!!

  4. Hey kids! I have all of my pre-op testing tomorrow, how long does it take, what should I wear, what will they be doing, etc.? If y'all could please help me out that would rock.

    Also...have any of you ever emailed Dr. Hoffman? I know he's wicked busy but I thought I would email him yesterday talking about my concerns. I wonder if you have asked similar questions:

    --If I gain weight by my final weigh in, will he cancel my surgery?

    --Has he ever not been able to place a band because of someone's big old liver? I'm so crazy about this right now!!!

    --Can I choose where my port goes?

    --How is the post-op pain?

    Yours truly,

    Freaking Out in Lockport. :tongue2:

  5. Hey guys.

    I think I'm starting to get nervous.

    I haven't been eating on plan whatsoever, and I'm worried that my weigh in will be an issue. Did any of you go on a liquid diet to make sure your liver was shrunk as much as possible? I think I'm going to start one tomorrow. I'm freaking out that he'll get in there and not be able to band me.

    I'm less than 2 weeks away and having freakouts!

  6. Hey everyone!!! Sorry I haven't responded or commented in a while, I was at the family cottage for the weekend...where I barely get cell service let alone internet. :thumbup:

    Linda---CONGRATS!!!!! You're getting banded!! And on my birthday!:cool2:

    Judy---thanks for the offer of visiting, which would be great if I didn't know that my super obsessive family wasn't going to be crowding the damn hospital room. :w00t: The will be finding extra chairs, sitting on the windowsill, basically stalking me. This is what happens when any of my family has any kind of anything done, ha. We will definitely meet soon at a walk or at a support group meeting, though. As soon as I get the band done then get back into the swing of school (since the band is interrupting my back to school activities, oh well! it's more important than work!).

    Band---sorry that you had to go through that; I'm kind of sad though because brussel sprouts are one of my fave foods ever!!!

    LLL---I'd like to eventually be 175. I know that is an INSANE goal but I'm taking it slowly. 300 is my first goal, then I'll adjust after that. I get very focused when I'm losing weight though so I know that this will be earned! As soon as I lose about 50 lbs. I'll probably get into high gear with exercising and stuff. At first I'll just be doing Water aerobics which he said is fantastic for every bariatric surgery patient because of the low-impact cardio. :laugh:

    Well, it's the first day of school for teachers, so I'm outta here! If anybody else is a teacher (well, I'm technically a school counselor) or are sending off their kiddos tomorrow or today---good luck (and if you have kids and are sending them...congratulations, take a nap!)

  7. heyyyy LLL!!!!! It's so good to see you around here again; you were like the first champion for me because we were around the same size and I was really worried that they would push gastric bypass with me!! You were SO right about Dr. Hoffman. Listen up peeps over 350 lbs...especially if you are under 40...he's ALL ABOUT us getting the band. He told me that because I'm young, focused, etc. that it's actually better because I will lose weight at a much steadier pace . That to me equals less loose skin down the road. He also said that weight has NOTHING to do which surgery is better, but he said that if I'd shown up prior to him coming back to Buffalo that I would have never gotten a Lap Band. Anyway---what have you been up to?

    Me---I've got a September 15th surgery date. I saw The Hoff on the 19th and I told him that I felt like I was meeting a celebrity. They told me to lose 50 lbs. and I lost 43 or so and it was a major celebration...because I didn't really need the 50 lbs., they were just upping the ante on me without knowing. :tt2: He was so excited he just let me pick a date, he didn't have his calendar on him or anything it was so awesome. Now I just have to get all the pre-op stuff done and I'm set! I got my insurance approvals in the mail a couple of days ago.

    Welcome back!

  8. Band---I think it's just the overwhelming number of applicants, and not enough staff. Now that Dr. Forbes is gone that only leaves 2 doctors let alone not enough people to handle all of the paperwork. I'll be willing to bet that Kaleida will be on top of that very soon. Hopefully, anyway---the medical profession is understaffed everywhere!

    They lost my application in February, I didn't find out until March (I waited, that's why I always advise to keep calling), couldn't get into a seminar until April, my 3 hour appt. was in May, I had to have a recheck with the dietician in June to see how South Beach was going, I was supposed to have an appt. in July but I messed up my weeks, so then I walked in and weighed in early August, then had my appt. with Dr. Hoffman on the 19th with surgery on September 15th. It seems like FOREVER but now that it's here, it doesn't actually seem that long of a process. :thumbup:

  9. Judy--I've been trying to get to the park forever!!! :mellow: It's just so early for me, I'd have to leave my house at 7:30. So I might arrange to meet all of you afterwards or something. I live in the city of Lockport...I've missed all of the concerts because I've been working at summer camp. :thumbup:

    Linda--that wasn't me, I always ask them to bill me, it saves time. :cool2: But I was there wearing a green shirt and striped capris...I was there with my sister who was in red. I knew someone was going to be there from here today and I couldn't remember! Dr. Hoffman told me about the application explosion as well, and said it's going to be even more difficult with Dr. Forbes leaving. I wonder if they will replace her...and I wonder where she's going!

  10. Heyyyyyy everyone!!!!!

    I had my appointment with Dr. Hoffman this morning, first I met with Barbara...it was like a cheerleading session, seriously! The fact that I lost 40 of the 50 that was asked of me was like a celebration down there! It was awesome. Dr. Hoffman is AMAZING it was so cool to finally meet him face to face. I GOT A SURGERY DATE!!!! September 15th at 9 a.m. SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!

  11. Hey, all!!! I'm home for the weekend...I was supposed to have my Barbara appt. last month but I messed up my weekends so I had to reschedule to this morning but they didn't have any appointments...but I was able to weigh in---40 lbs. gone of the 50 lbs. required to get my BMI down to a safe surgical level! So excited!!!

    Judy, so psyched for you and your band/weight loss, etc.! You seem to be having the issues that I'm preparing myself for, so I'm glad you're talking about them, thanks!

    My appointment with Dr. Hoffman is the 19th, I think it's one of his first days back from his boards or whatever.

    Dr. Forbes is leaving? How come and where is she going?

  12. Hey everyone!!!

    I've been missing the site big time; I work as an assistant camp director in the summer and our internet is dial-up. Boo!! So getting to this site is mostly impossible. :cool:

    I had to reschedule my check in with Barbara to August 2nd so I have no news...I'm doing well losing weight at camp (well, I'm not weighing myself but I'm staying mostly on plan).

    Good to see new peeps around!! Judy, did you get a date yet? I scanned to see if you had but I might've missed it.

  13. Daniellabee...DEFINITELY DEFINITELY call. I didn't call, and when I decided to call it was almost a month later and they'd never received my application. Call until you get someone. Though there is a better number to call than what they give you. Someone has to have it...anyone?

    You have to see Jeanne Lew, the dietician that is part of the Weight Loss Clinic. Honestly, even though it's another hoop to jump through, they want to watch you the whole way through this process. She's really really nice and encouraging.

    Not to be cliche, but the waiting truly is the hardest part. It drives me NUTS. :blink:

  14. Linda--if you look to the top left of the posts, above our names, it will give you the date and time of the post. :cursing:

    I think most insurances want 5%. I'm losing 50 lbs. because I'm one of the heavier lap banders and they want my BMI down. That's okay with me, a loss is a loss, and these losses will be STAYING OFF for the first time ever!

    I really thought I was bored on Phase 1 and I'm still afraid of Phase 2, but guess what....

    In ONE MONTH with all of my off the wagon and no exercising, I've lost 28 lbs.!!! Sign me up for the South Beach for the rest of my life, man! Jeanne told me only 9 lbs. of that was Water weight so AWESOME!

    Thanks y'all for your support, this place really helps me make sure I'm on par with everyone else, and that we're really all going through the same junk!

  15. Judy---that means you may have an issue with your adrenal glands. They'll do some extra testing, but most likely it won't do anything but help your cause. :drool:

    Meeting with Jeanne today---what if I gained weight?!?!?!?????? I haven't exercised at all; I've been so stressed and busy--I know, excuses, but I really haven't had the gumption!

    I'm also having a venous doppler on the 7th floor prior to my dietician appointment. Woot.

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