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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bloomerific

  1. Judy---I'm still waffling on the Trot for this year. My sister seems to think otherwise but I hurt SO badly last year. I was barely able to shop the next day, lol! Of course I weigh about 80 lbs. less but still. I get really competitive and don't want to be last. We'll see. --Sally
  2. China---congrats!! I'm so happy for you, yay!!! We'll have to chat about stuff soon! Jason---don't get on that scale, brotha! It just messes with your head and usually wrong anyway. Trust only the scale at the clinic until your next appointment. Getting on the scale once a week or so is okay to monitor your weight but honestly---i've found it's more important how I feel, how healthy I am, how my clothes fit, etc. I got on the scale the morning of my last appointment and it was 3 lbs. off---to the positive, so when I got to the clinic, I'd lost more than I'd thought. Stupid scale, messing with our heads. Life will be much better when you get to soft solids, and you'll appreciate the food so much more. We've all been there, I got SO sick of pureeing everything...even at my best friend's wedding I ate a plate of professional pureed food...filet mignon, chicken pesto thingey, carrots, and a pureed baked potato. Ridiculousness. I'm constantly thinking I've stretched my pouch because I get weird pains and I've overeaten a couple of times non-intentionally (on the phone, walking around, just felt like I wanted more). And I can really feel my port now so of course I popped it off. Or, maybe I've just lost weight there :rolleyes2: At least I've got my humor!!! :tongue2:
  3. Jason, it's so good to see you back here!!! I can't believe you were too tight, that's nuts!!! I guess every person really is different! Akirra, your support person needs to come to your meeting with your surgeon. I took mine to my 3 hour appointment but she didn't need to be there.
  4. Hey everyone! I've had a bad food week; I don't know what it is but I feel like I'm eating all kinds of garbage! So today I've started back measuring, etc. I was really feeling like I could eat ANYTHING and a lot of it. I know that's because I'm losing weight and the band loosens a bit but still. I'll be excited for a fill in January. So we're going to walk in the Galleria? Will this still be the same time, etc.? The time is just so early, sometimes I'm so lazy, lol. I still can't believe I've never made it. Well, yes I can but I can't believe I haven't met y'all yet. Anyway...holidays here we come!
  5. Rain--don't be nervous, I've done it twice now. Last year was bad because I was bigger than the first year, but I still finished!!! Plus, once you hit Bryant St. it's all downhill until you get downtown where it levels off. I'm still waffling about doing it again because last year was so hard, I might wait a year so I can RUN!
  6. Judy---I'm sorry about your purse; that sucks!! Here's to hoping you get all of your stuff in order a.s.a.p. That's awesome that some of you are doing the Turkey Trot. I've done it for the past 2 years with my sister, nephew, and niece. This year will be those three as well as my sister-in-law. I'm debating whether to do it again; the first year wasn't too bad but last year was really really hard on me. I don't know if it was because I weighed more than the year before (I'm thinking yes), but now I'm back down to where I was the first year, maybe even less. I've just got this mental block from last year---I was in pain for days and could barely walk (bad joint pain in my left ankle). So as it gets closer I'll rethink it. The cool thing is that I keep my runner numbers up on my fridge just to remind me that I was able to walk that long! It really is a cool walk, I just hope to run next year! Judy--if I worked closer to Buffalo I would totally rent your condo, lol! Maybe one day if my job gets cut in the next two years due to declining enrollment in my school district. I hate thinking like that but it's a reality! And Jason...don't worry about posting and/or freaking out! Who knows if you'll read this but you should've seen me the week before my surgery I was a basket case asking all kinds of questions on here. It's completely normal. The hardest part is the waiting in the pre-op room. I was cold, and sat there for an hour before someone came and gave me an IV and the sedative. Ha ha, then I just giggled my way into the OR and then commented on how the music and the lights was like Nip/Tuck. You will be fine---a little sore when you wake up but nothing of major consequence. Good luck and welcome!!!
  7. Vix/Band--I've lost 35 lbs. since my surgery on 9/15, and I've lost 75 lbs since my first consultation at the end of May. Remember though, I'm on the bigger end of lap banders, where I am now is where a lot of people start. I'm feeling great and doing awesomely---but it's hard to compare me to your average bander. :thumbup: I eat a lot of solid protein--ground beef, chicken, fish, and vegetables usually afterwards. Sweet potatoes, etc. I also eat a lot of beans (which have to be cooked really well and chewed well) with turkey bacon in them (I have a rad recipe for baked beans that are just the awesome, and I make them with the Splenda Brown Sugar mix). In the morning, I can't eat solid food it seems, so I stick to a protein shake made with greek yogurt (Fage has 20 g. of protein in one cup!), fruit, splenda, and skim milk and a cup of yogurt later at around 8:00 a.m. By lunch I'm able to eat normally. I supplement (even though we're not supposed to) my water intake with Special K Protein Water packets in my water...it helps get it down and it works out for me. I'm not 100% with the bandster rule of drinking before/after but I'm pretty close. I get really thirsty after I eat but I do try and wait the hour after. What I haven't done is exercise to the point that I want to, so I'm thinking once that happens it will rock! I'm walking every night but I'd love to really get into some cardio. I'm sure I'll need a fill by January!
  8. EAS is the best---so cheap!!! NBflo, it's a premixed protein shake; definitely convenient for after surgery. buckets---it definitely went fast! Congratulations! I didn't have a foley--and was totally worried that I would. I'm not sure what Dr. Posner will do though! I followed the schedule, drank from the 2 oz. "shot glass" every 15 minutes. It was hard, and boring---it felt like all I did was watch movies and drink water and protein shakes. Good luck, yay!
  9. Oh no!!! That's not fair, you should be able to get in there next Wednesday!!! I would call back and ask to be put on the "cancel" list, so that if someone cancels you can get right in next week.
  10. Hey Judy, it went GREAT! Y'all were right, I didn't need a fill, and he's not even sure if I'll need one on Jan. 6th if I keep up how I've been so far. I've lost another 15 lbs. for a total of 75 since the end of May when I first started the program. Insane!!!!!!! So things are great, I'm gonna bump up my exercise, though!
  11. Don't give up, it'll happen!!! I don't think Posner or Hoffman do it while you're awake---I don't know of any surgeon that does that, actually---ack, I wouldn't want someone suturing the port to me and moving stuff around inside of me while I'm awake, gah!!! I'm going for a fill tomorrow--kind of nervous. I think I've only lost about 10 lbs. since my weigh in on September 23rd. Kind of discouraged, seeing as though I've done just about everything to a T. I could've kicked more butt at exercising, but I just got back into my routine. I'm also concerned about how it feels to get a fill. Does it hurt? Eeek!
  12. Ain't that the truth! I haven't touched a hard boiled egg in 2 weeks, ever since it got stuck so bad I thought I was going to die.
  13. Not that I'm surprised; but I was never told when to come off of soft foods. I did a week of puree, a week of soft, then moved to normal. Though, I do still eat mostly soft food and puree in my mouth anyway. But still--what's up with leaving that part out? I just figured it was a week of soft then to normal, you know? I'm thinking that I haven't been losing as much of my weight as I thought I would. Granted, my exercise has been minimal but I'm still doing it. I bet the fill on next Tuesday will be much needed. It's funny how my nervousness about weighing in has not and probably will never diminish.
  14. Hey kids! Judy--no, I didn't get to the park, I was out way late on Friday/Saturday It doesn't happen often but it was my best friend and I's birthday celebration. I'm having major issues in the morning; band, I'm glad you are as well (well, you know what I mean). I don't get a fill until the 4th, and I do think I need it, but the morning is VERY difficult for me unless I eat cream of wheat, and sometimes even that is an issue. This morning I tried to eat a piece of ham and swiss, rolled up like you, and I have been sitting here for 20 minutes burping and pretty much dying. This happens with eggs, hard boiled eggs, anything in the morning. Meanwhile I can eat like a banshee which sucks during the rest of the day. Then I hurt all day though from my body trying to rid itself of whatever is stuck. My nose is currently running and my head is killing me. I wish it would come up in a PB. But this is seriously going to curb my eating in the morning, and I PROMISED The Hoff I would eat breakfast every day!! Gahhhhhhhh.
  15. Shar---I bought a "fake" bullet mixer at Big Lots. It was $22, I think. As opposed to $50-60 for the actually Magic Bullet. It works okay, but the more liquid you can put in, it makes pureeing a bit better. And Linda---I had the WORST "feel sorry for me" day. I don't know if it was my body adjusting and wacking out my hormones or what but good Lord was it a bad day. My best friend went for her pre-wedding photos that day, and I was HYSTERICAL that she had to go without me, and that the matron (I was the maid) of honor got to go. Something so dumb and had I been at work I wouldn't have been able to go anyway---I was uber sensitive. It passed, though. I woke up totally fine the next day. Interesting phenomena!
  16. Linda---I wouldn't worry too much! I didn't "go" for about 4 days afterward. And it wasn't full on if you know what I'm saying. Of course now, one month out, I'm constipated! For like 3 days now. I'm a fan of Metamucil so I bought some this morning. So much for this protein thing---eat your protein first, then veggies? Dude, I'm not touching any sort of meat or cheese for a few days!
  17. GIRLSSSSS :smile: :thumbup: I'm so sad that I won't be at support tonight :tt2: :mad: I have to go back to Albion to give my mom dinner (she's had a few strokes, she's fine but really can't cook anymore or anything) because my dad has emergency court. He didn't have anyone to help out and doesn't have the time to make her anything so I've got to do it. Usually I wouldn't mind, and I even told him I've got support group and he really needed me. I'm so sad because I was really psyched to meet a bunch of you in person. :( BUT that said...I *will* be walking at the park on Saturday, but can someone give me the exact location where we start? Like cross streets or something? I'm familiar with the area obviously but for the life of me I can't figure out where The Juicery is. I hope y'all don't walk too fast, remember I'm a bigger bandster than most! Linda---you sound GREAT!!! And lucky duck, no shoulder pain! Jealous! Again, I shall miss you guys. When are we starting our own groupy group?
  18. Awesome, Dee! Congrats! I haven't PBed or slimed yet...but I have gotten close. On Jello of all things! I wasn't paying attention while eating it and ate way too much. Freakiest thing ever. NBflo: see you there! Anyone else going? And now that I'm going, what time is the meeting? I thought I still had my flier on my fridge, evidently not...
  19. bloomerific

    shoudler pain

    Doesn't it SUCK??? :biggrin: The heating pad was the only thing that helped me other than walking. Pain meds didn't touch it! I dealt with it for about 9 days and on the 10th day I woke up and it was all gone. Thank God!
  20. Awesome, Liz! That's great!!! I think that BGH would be faster as well (it used to be) if they were staffed accordingly, and all the staff got the same info. I'm hoping that they replace Dr. Forbes so that the program picks up again. Anybody going to the support meeting tomorrow? I'm going, my real name is Sally. Not sure what I'm wearing yet, though, so just say hi. :thumbup:
  21. Liz--welcome, welcome! Even though this thread started with Dr. Hoffman lovin', it's really just about Buffalo peeps talking about stuff. Plus, I too want to hear about the Synergy program...all I've got is feedback from gastric bypass patients who had it when it was still open surgery. Judy--so glad to hear that Linda's doing well! I can't believe she went to a comedy show...I was SO down for the count with my cleansing, lol. I was afraid to go anywhere. :biggrin: Sometimes I miss my ice bag, lol. :thumbup: I loved it though, it made things so much easier to take!
  22. Sugar free pb cups are the WORST. Oh do they taste wonderful going down though. I always have major gas and major "other" issues after consuming those! Not everything with sugar alcohol does it to me but boy do those! Any kind of sf candy does that to me, though. LINDA!!! Tomorrow is your day---who knows if you'll see this, and hopefully you've made it your "cleansing" today...but GOOD LUCK!!! Yay!!!!
  23. It's gonna have to be next weekend; my sister conned me into closing our parents' cottage with her. Which sux!!! But I would never be able to make it from Lake Ontario (in Orleans County, not Youngstown) to Delaware Park by 8 a.m.!!! But I *will* be at the support meeting on Wednesday; it's on my calendar!!! For me it was clear liquids & protein shakes made with milk. Broth, sugar free jello, water, shakes. And I do think about food, but only in the capacity of "what the hell am I gonna make because I'm so inept!" Right now I'm eating meat spaghetti sauce and cheese. That said, that doesn't mean I've had a few peanut butter cups. Damn Halloween. The good thing is, I only can eat one---and it takes me like 5 minutes!
  24. Linda---you can get greek yogurt at Wegman's. And at the Lexington Co-op. It's good stuff. I'm all about recipe exchanges; I am the WORST cook ever. I'm eating so badly right now---meaning, I'm still on mushies pretty much because I got so used to that and I don't know what else to do. I definitely need to do a search or something. :smile2: I would definitely try to steal a few minutes of Dr. Hoffman's time at the seminar if you can get with him. That way he knows your face, etc.
  25. Dee!!! I'm so glad that you're doing well...the drinking of the 1 oz. cup got old with me super quickly. Linda, you're next for surgery, right? How exciting!!! Judy--you just got filled on Tuesday, right? How are you feeling and is there a major difference? 2BeThin--you've got a lot of good questions that have been answered, I think...but I wouldn't give up what I've done for a second! Recovery was super quick, I went back to work a week later (probably a bit too quickly), my gas/shoulder pain subsided in 10 days, and now I'm actually eating regular food! I'm very particular about what I eat because I don't have a lot of "mental" hunger anymore...I have to remind myself to eat which is SO WEIRD. Dr. Hoffman is DEFINITELY awesome but Judy's right, so is Dr. Posner. The only thing with Posner is if you're on the bigger side of big, he may encourage gastric bypass for you. Hoffman will band any size. How is everyone doing?

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