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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About DawgGurlForLife

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  1. Hi, My sleeve was on Aug 22,2017, so I'm a few months into this.  I have a question for you guys:  do you still have problems eating meat, like chicken or turkey, beef?  I can still only tolerate basically tuna, and on occasions ground turkey - taco meat, just the meat and cheese!  Just curious, every time I try chicken or any other type of hearty meats, they get stuck...


  2. DawgGurlForLife

    Healthy cracker?

    I have found some hummus chips that aren't too bad, with the amount that you are able to eat...Of course you shouldn't go overboard!
  3. DawgGurlForLife

    Same weight for 7 days

    I am pretty much in the same boat as you. I lost like 19 lbs in the first week, and since then not much at all. I am trying to step up this week and start my exercise. I too, see my surgeon next week for my 4 week follow up. I hope the exercise will start up the weight loss again.
  4. DawgGurlForLife

    right after surgery

    My doctor recommends two weeks, saying you can return after one week. I returned after one week, I was not in pain at all, but I think I could have used the other week to rest and recoup a little more. Staying hydrated is the first issue that you have to deal with. It is tough to get all the liquids in at first. I did fine, just tired, really tired. This surgery is a major shock to your body so it takes a little time to adjust. I am 4 weeks post op and doing much better every day!
  5. DawgGurlForLife

    What I want to believe

    You chose your own journey! You can do this and will all be worth it!
  6. DawgGurlForLife


    I had pains in my throat and stomach up until this past weekend, I am 4 weeks post op today! It hurt to sip water or anything. It does get better, I'm still having a hard time with eggs though, unless they're fried. I used to love scrambeled eggs and now I cannot tolerate them. Not sure why but it is all trial and error at this point, I guess. My weight loss has come to a hault too, not sure how normal this is.
  7. Hi, This is my first post. I wasn't sleeved in September, but in Aug, the 22nd. So, my 4 week mark is tomorrow. I did this surgery to help with my diabetes, weight loss is an added extra. My blood sugar is lower, not able to come off of all of my insulin yet, anyone else have this procedure for this reason? If so, how long before you can come off of insulin. The first week after surgery, I lost almost 2o lbs, haven't lost much more than that now. I'm feeling a little discouraged but I'm happy to be able to eat more things, now even though it's a spoon ful here and there!

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