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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by froufrou

  1. froufrou

    Blood sugars high after surgery

    What do your health professionals say about it?
  2. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    I am just reading your posts and it struck me... what if I hadn't gone over to my friends house and she hadn't told me about her WLS. I know I would still be gaining weight and at 360 I was terribly ill. I didn't realise how ill I was till after. It seriously makes me shudder. I'd be on my way to death. I am SO thankful that the stars aligned... even though I ended up with the leak in my sleeve. I'd do it all over again.
  3. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Thanks for the info. I guess I should hold off until I've lost the rest of my weight. God knows when that will be! Stall is going on 5 weeks now.
  4. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    @Everythinganna - how much does Botox cost you for what you have done? Can it help with sagging? I'm thinking probably not... that's my main concern right now. I've been using my Nuface thingy, but I think I probably need a more drastic lift 😱
  5. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    That’s crazy Sheri - yes thank goodness for the running! I hope all is well now? So very scary. You are a trooper!!
  6. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Oh wow! Was the tumour cancerous? Thank goodness you got it looked at. I have the same issue with some chest pain, but I have benign fibroadenomas... lots of them. Makes checking for lumps really annoying and kind of scary. I know I should check more often, but it freaks me out a bit. Getting old is not for the faint hearted! But it really is an honour, I must say.
  7. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Oh, welcome to Denver! Have you been here before?
  8. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    This is my last month... up a few pounds, down a couple, etc etc. such a pain in the arse
  9. froufrou

    At home sleep study

    I had a sleep study done at the clinic and it was the best night sleep I've had in ages! haha. The room was so dark and quiet... didn't have my snoring husband next to me, twitching away all night.
  10. The worst is when you have constipation and then gas trapped in between. Sounds like maybe that's what you have been having? It can definitely make you feel fluey. Gas can push on organs, so can poop. It can give you headaches and just make you feel dreadful. My mum used to be a nurse and would tell me about how old people would lose their minds when they were constipated - it affected them that much. I'm so glad you haven't got anything super serious though!
  11. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    I just read in an article about elevated cholesterol and rapid weight loss that exercise can help, and I do seem to remember that from many years ago on some other weight loss journey (there's been too many to count). It kind of mops it up. I haven't been too concerned about exercise, but I think I might start now just for that reason alone.
  12. froufrou

    What a Difference a Poop Makes!

    I was an every-dayer... now I'm an every few-dayer and it sucks. Except for when I go up to the mountains. There's something about the pressure up there that makes you have massive poops. The best kind are the ones where you get up, look down expecting to see a small poop, and there is a giant foot long. It's shocking! 😳 Sorry - I'm a Brit. We love talking about this kind of thing 😬
  13. froufrou

    Food Before and After Photos

    A little unwrapped taco bowl
  14. froufrou

    Vitamin Struggle!!

    It doesn't sound like your doctor is worried, so I wouldn't worry. I found this article for you https://www.livestrong.com/article/500114-can-losing-weight-raise-your-cholesterol-temporarily/
  15. froufrou

    Vitamin Struggle!!

    Have you been doing Keto or anything like that? Apparently that can temporarily push up your cholesterol too, but like your doctor said, I bet it's just from the rapid weight loss.
  16. froufrou

    Vitamin Struggle!!

    Did your doctor not give you an idea why it might be high? I was just talking to someone else on another thread about gallbladder issues - it can happen when cholesterol is chucked out into your system, which happens during rapid weight loss. I wonder if there is a link to elevated cholesterol in your case? Just speculation on my part... I have no clue.
  17. froufrou

    Vitamin Struggle!!

    I ordered the Bariatric Pal calcium chews in the caramel flavour and they are so good. I am going to see what other ones they do, because this is really helping me to get my vitamins in where before I really struggled.
  18. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    It is due to weight loss. When you lose weight very quickly, your body chucks out cholesterol into your system, and that's what can mess up your gallbladder. I had mine out in '95 - I was only 25 years old. But, I had gone on a really strict diet and lost 70 lbs pretty quick.
  19. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Did you have weight issues too growing up Anna?
  20. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    To me, the danger of this situation and her weight is the hiding of foods. When I was growing up, my step-father forbade us to have any sweets in the house. This, along with a lot of childhood trauma, set up a pattern of craving and hiding sweets. The high that the sweets would give me was amazing. My sister, who I shared a room with, actually started to hide sweets in a shoe box under her bed. She ended up with the opposite problem to me... very underweight. (She's definitely different genetically to me though... totally different build etc). I am very aware of this with my daughter - who has autism and is 10 - and so I am really trying to not freak out about her eating sweets. I am not forbidding it, I let her choose when she has some (within reason). I am teaching her to stop eating when she is full. So far so good... she is on the bigger side of her weight, but I put that down to puberty, autism and genetics. I don't know the solution for you, but I would caution you about making things off limits. It led to a lot of bingeing for me.
  21. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Please tell us what your doctor says. I'm shocked at how much I can eat now. I mean, I'm trying not to obviously, but restriction used to hit and now it doesn't.
  22. I don't have experience of this, but as a mother of a child with autism, I really really wish you the best of luck and hope that you get the clearance you need! ❤️
  23. froufrou


    @Mikeyy - do they have the ranges on your results? Can you post them so we can see how far out they are of range?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
