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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by froufrou

  1. froufrou

    Food Before and After Photos

    Not the greatest proteinwise but it was delicious! Cooked by my 10yr old :)
  2. I hardly drink so I'm good - this was a one off. I have therapy for my 10yr old and have done since before 3yrs old... she has professional advocates and a whole team working around her. It's still just hard some days. But thank you for your words of encouragement - much appreciated xxx
  3. froufrou

    Anyone from U.K. here?

    My family are all in Barnstaple now, but my sister used to live in Little Torrington years ago I'm originally from London. No, the sleeve was a disaster for me from the start. I was one of those rare creatures who get a leak... Had to stay in hospital for 3 months and had multiple surgeries to fix it. Then because of the surgeries my sleeve stretched out. I put on 25 pounds, which I've now lost (plus another 10) and bob's yer uncle, all is well. How was it having surgery in the UK? Was it on the NHS?
  4. froufrou

    Anyone from U.K. here?

    I had the Sleeve sept '17 and then the RNY beginning of Feb this year. Yes, I've had issues with food sticking - I think it's because I'm either not chewing enough or rushing eating... or both. So hard to change a habit of a lifetime! What part of Devon are you - north or south? My family (mum, dad, sister, nieces, nephews, etc) are north.
  5. Dear BariatricPal, forgive me for I have sinned... I had a bailey's martini today because I just felt I needed it as I have been so stressed lately with calls from my daughter's school about her behaivour (she has autism). It tasted good and it helped. So there. Not sorry.
  6. froufrou

    Anyone from U.K. here?

    I'm from the UK, but live in the USA now. All my family are still in the UK... in fact snezanafoyer, they live in Devon too
  7. froufrou

    Bypass v’s Sleeve..... help!

    I had the sleeve Sept '17 and woke up from the surgery starving - I was just hungry the whole time with it. Had Bypass surgery Feb '19 and I have not felt hungry. I opted for the sleeve initially because I was scared of the finality of the RNY, but to be honest there was no need to be scared. I don't feel that different except that my hunger has lessened and I have a bit more restriction.
  8. froufrou

    Anyone had full bypass surgery??

    Yes, I have had it.
  9. froufrou

    Surgery is complete! Onto road to recover

    Well done Jon - you're on the other side now
  10. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Sheribear you look amazing! You can definitely see it! I'm down another pound after my monthly stall and bounce around. I guess this is just the way my body is going to lose weight! Jeans are getting loose now - I had a NSV today and tried on the next size down and they fit.
  11. froufrou

    Bypass or Sleeve

    Bypass. I've had both and bypass is working much better for me. Much more restriction, no hunger.
  12. froufrou

    Pounds lost

    Had gastric sleeve in Sept of 2017, got a leak, multiple surgeries to fix it (which ended up stretching out my sleeve). Lost 80 lbs. Gained back about 25 lbs. Had RNY Feb 5th 2019, lost the 25 I gained plus I lost another 15. Lost a total of 95 lbs.
  13. froufrou

    Gastric Bypass - Help?!

    I don't know the different between the mini bypass and the regular one... but I'd say go for the bypass over the sleeve if that's even on the table. I had the sleeve done and I was just hungry all the time. I know some people aren't, but I see a lot of people are. I'd just go for the best. I had the bypass done in February and I am not hungry. I still struggle with my brain wanting food, but that's going to be a lifelong struggle for me. I have an addiction and like all addictions, you have to work at it. It sounds like you are going into this with your eyes wide open, ready to deal with the psychological part of it, which is a great way to approach it.
  14. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    That's such a great explanation and visual! What also happens to me is it helps to give me the slimies. ugh. I'm really really trying to be mindful of not drinking when I eat!
  15. froufrou


    I think if someone asks for an opinion, then it's an invitation to be honest. Obviously not to the point of destroying someone's esteem, but I feel that if someone asks... I will answer with honesty. Not sure about the support being enabling... interested to hear about that.
  16. froufrou

    Stomach, Endless Pit

    Do you feel fullness with dense protein?
  17. I use a CPAP too and had an upper endoscopy before my bypass. Absolutely zero problems - it's super simple and you wake up feeling fine. It's a very light anesthetic. You'll be fine!
  18. Why are you opposed to going on insulin for your pregnancy?
  19. I steamed the heck out of cauliflower, mashed it and added a couple of table spoons of alfredo sauce. Refried beans are great with a bit of cheese on top.
  20. B12 deficiency in particular can cause weakness, fatigue, anxiety, depression and nerve damage (tingling tongue, tingling feet, etc) and that's just the B12 - it's likely you are deficient in everything. If you haven't kept up with vitamins then you are going to be feeling really dreadful. I hope that you can get started on some soon and start to feel better
  21. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    I have to say that I do feel much better when I throw up... not fun to do, but at least it relieves the pain. I also did it with my cauliflower cheese later on in the evening.
  22. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    It's possible that I ate too much. I'm just wondering why I'm having such a hard time with it! haha. I ate 3/4 of the pattie and then threw up.
  23. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    I'm vegetarian, so it's the veggie proteins - yesterday it was a quorn pattie with some cheese on top. I chewed it to a pulp but still threw up. Cheese is ok, but eggs or veggie protein is hard.
  24. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    I am having such a hard time with protein. When I eat it I am getting the slimes and throw up. I chew and take my time, but it still happens and I am finding that I'm going for more carby foods just because I seem to be able to tolerate them better and need the fuel. I'm not sure what to do.
  25. froufrou

    Extremely rude nurse

    There should be a patient liaison person at that hospital - give them a call. Her views on religion should not come in to her job. I'm really sorry that you were treated badly - she should not be doing that job if she can't keep her personal feelings out of it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
