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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by marivan

  1. marivan

    thought I would have lost more ..

    I was on a really long plateau and I found a site for bariatric patients called the 5 day pouch test. I went on it for 5 days and it really kick started my weight loss again. It also reminded me to have more protein. It was at, www.5daypouchtest.com and it is for people who have had gastric bypass, but it is good for us as well. I lost four pounds during that five days, which is amazing for me, and I've lost half a pound a week since. So I'm really pleased. Mary
  2. marivan

    Last supper syndrome

    I looked into the band in late September 07, went to the clinic and talked to them about the band and then made my appointment for my operation in November. I had two friends who were moving away the middle of October and I knew that there would be lots of goodbye parties for them. I didn't want to feel left out (as usual) by having to be on some new strange diet. So I ate what i wanted, and had junk food I never have ( I ate at McDonalds, and I never eat at McDonalds). By the time I was to do my pre-op diet, two weeks before my op, I was never so relieved to be going on a diet. And I was a last supper champion! I would go on a diet and stick to it for a couple of months and then be discouraged by the small amount I was losing and fall off the wagon. Then I'd binge on all the foods I hadn't eaten for ages. After a while I'd resolve to go back to dieting and have a "last supper" before doing so. This helped me gain at least 70 of the 130 pounds that I was overweight. Now, I've been banded over a year. I've lost 54 pounds and I've gone through months where I haven't lost a thing. But the difference with the band is that I can't binge, I can't eat more than those small portions and I also have this little voice inside me now saying "what, you want to ruin this great opportunity?" But to be honest, I've changed my habits so well, that I'm quite happy not to eat, and as Doddie said, I'm happy with so much less now. If you had told me before the band that a small salad with tuna and a spoonful of Beans would be my favourite lunch and I'd be satisfied, I'd have laughed. But it's true! And I'm letting my body lose the weight in it's own time. And I'm happy with that. Good luck with your decision. Mary
  3. I'm just catching up with these posts and boy, if I owned a company like tlbc, I'd be reading these complaints and doing something about it. This is terrible PR for them if they are telling people something and then people are finding out it isn't true! Why waste money on ads if this is killing that good will? I don't have any huge issues with them, but I had an appointment with Jill a few weeks before she left and they waited until 5:30 the day before my appointment to tell me that it was cancelled. I was annoyed, but luckily I work for myself and it just inconvenienced me. And they are terrible at returning calls generally. I hope someone there is listening, as more people may just go to their competitors! Mary
  4. Thank you Lisa for saying what I wanted to convey as well. None of us are owed any explanation, but their attitude about it has said more about them than anything bad about Jill. I for one will miss her as she was, as you say, a friendly, supportive face to the clinic. And those programs were very helpful. Mary
  5. marivan

    What to tell work/coworkers

    Inuit, You are so right! And if you ever see a comment board after the subject of lap band or bariatric surgery comes up, look out! The venom is really bad. I was researching the band a few months before I did it too, and I saw a forum in Australia where I man asked the question if anyone could tell him how safe it was, as his wife wanted to have this surgery and he was a bit worried, as he didn't want to lose her. OMG! There was not one person that was kind. It was "tell her to push fat a** away from the dinner table" and other equally horrible comments. Like you, NFaith, that helped me decide that I was telling no one. Tinakins, let us know how you get on! Mary
  6. marivan

    What to tell work/coworkers

    OMG, I can't believe that your sister didn't speak to you for a year, Doddie! And I thought I had strange family. I was pretty lucky in that the few close friends I did confide in have been very supportive and don't treat me any differently. They are pleased for me now that they can see the weight loss. You are right, there are people who have very strong opinions/feelings about things, and I like the hiatus hernia excuse. It makes sense for the lifting of stuff, and your general tenderness (if it is still there when you go back). Let us know how you get around it. Mary
  7. marivan

    What to tell work/coworkers

    I work for myself so I just made sure not to make any outside appointments for about a week, but was able to do work at my own desk. Do you have enough time to take it as a holiday? If not and you are allowed "sick time" then I'd say you were having some surgery (nothing serious) but you would need a week off. I don't think you need to go into any details and if it's a man, they may be afraid to ask. I was luck and I had no gas pains at all, so I had my surgery on Thursday and took it easy over the weekend (I felt like I was getting over the flu, with a tender stomach, but really not too bad pain) and on Monday I helped a client put together an art show (no lifting). I was a bit out of breath, and tired afterwards, but still fine. By that Friday I felt back to where I was before surgery. But everyone is different and if you get the gas, I think that is more uncomfortable and lasts a while. As Macpherk says, it does depend on how physical your job is. Everyone has totally different opinions on the "to tell or not to tell" issue. I told only a few close friends and just my husband. Not my family because of judgements. When people have commented on the loss now, or asked me how I've done it, I just say "oh the usual, eat less, exercise more", which is the truth, just not the entire truth. I don't want the behind the back comments on how I "cheated" to lose weight. Believe me, I've worked hard to get this far. Good luck on your surgery. I don't regret it for a moment. Mary
  8. marivan

    thought I would have lost more ..

    I felt the same as you, and I actually gained a couple of pounds in the week after the surgery. Part of that was, I'm sure, my body's reaction to the drugs and anaesthesia etc. But it came off eventually again. That combined with the severe limitation of food in the pre-op diet put me into starvation mode. The thing that I am starting to learn with the lapband is that this is the last time we will see those numbers that we are currently seeing on the scale. We shouldn't gain it back again and we should lose it little by little. I'm not a fast loser, but I feel much happier with my 50-odd loss and know that I'll never be near 300 pounds again! In time I will be able to say the same about the 200's. Focus on eating really healthy food, eating Protein every three hours (even if it just a little), drink your Water, and when you can start, do some exercise. I thought this was a miracle cure too, but we still have to do some of the work, and eventually our bodies will reward us with a loss. And something that I've really had to learn is, the scale doesn't tell the whole story. Welcome to band land, you'll do great. Mary
  9. I've been very happy with the surgery I had at TLBC (I think Dr Yau is first rate) and the follow up. If it is convenient to you, that may be a big consideration. It's helpful if you need an emergency de-fill or want to join in their boot camps etc. I checked our Dr Yau as well, and he is a very experienced bariatric surgeon, not just in lap band. Don't expect a relationship with him though, I met him for five minutes before going to the operating room as he explained a few things and haven't seen him since.(nor did I expect to) But he is available should you have an emergency. I just want to say to Jane, that I don't recall Doddie ever saying she felt she needed an explanation from TLBC why Jill had gone. We are lamenting that she has left, and TLBC does themselves no favours by not having some sort of cheerful thing to say if you happen to ask for a member of staff that is no longer there. It isn't exactly like your bank teller, in that our relationship with our fill nurse or nutritionist (especially if they've been a big help) is quite personal. So if, in my case, you are in the middle of her arranging something and she's gone and no one knows what you were arranging, then it is entirely different. It was just weird that I didn't know she was gone, I called and the pause on the other end of the line was quite uncomfortable. I didn't ask why she left, nor do I expect an explanation, but they have to know that some people will miss her and hope that she is well. Mary
  10. I've now been banded a year (Nov 7th) and I've finally lost 50 pounds. It's been very slow going, but I'm pleased that it is still coming off and its the longest I've ever stuck to a diet that wasn't achieving results quickly. However, I was discussing a trip that my DH and I are going to take next year (about October) to Scotland for a family visit and likely a wedding. And I don't know why, but I started to think of what I'd wear, and it occurred to me that I was thinking about it in a positive way! And what a difference that is. I don't know about any of you, but I have avoided "events" because I know that no matter how I dress up, I'll be the fattest person and nothing will look quite right on me. But here I was actually thinking about this event without panic! That has to be a milestone. I will be able to meet clients and concentrate on the work and not how I'll look, go to parties and look forward rather than be afraid that I'll look terrible or just be uncomfortable. This is what I dreamed of when I had this operation, and it is slowly becoming true! I've still got a long way to go, but people are starting to really notice the weight I've lost now and making kind comments (some people aren't saying anything, but then they didn't comment when I was getting fatter, so I'll let them off) and it surprises me, as I'm not really feeling any different yet. But I wanted to share my milestone in thinking more like a normal weight person already, by thinking about a future event without dread! And let me tell you, I wouldn't be contemplating this trip at all unless I felt that in a year I will be hopefully close to one hundred pounds lighter. And I feel that positive! Mary
  11. They are going to find that they are losing patients if they don't smarten up, that's for sure. It's the strange way that once someone is gone, their names are never mentioned again that is bizarre. I hope you get a fill person in Sudbury soon. I find it a hassle and I'm only in Lindsay (near Peterborough), so it would be a really full day or two day's trip for you. Let's hope that they take note of people's concerns and make some positive changes. Mary
  12. marivan

    New way of thinking

    Hi Doddie, People can be so unkind. If I could wish for anything, it would be that people could understand what it is like for others in any situation. I know so many people that are thin and healthy "looking" who eat junk food and huge portions but think a fat person has no control. (I've never been one to eat at McDonalds etc, or sit eating bonbons) But we'll keep our compassion when we look more acceptable. I've lived in fear of comments that people make too. Likely why I am always happy to be invisible. We'll both get there! (you are doing great, by the way!) Mary
  13. marivan


    That is exactly how I've had to view this operation. I call myself a serial dieter. I would go on all sorts of wild and wacky diets, fasts and alternative regimes and stick religiously to them for months only to have a weight loss of only 5 or 6 pounds, nothing like the losses I should have had. And I would inevitably fail because I would see all the effort and willpower I'd shown and not been rewarded by weight loss. So I'd say "screw this, I want to eat like a normal person" and within a week or so, that loss would be gone. I explained it to many people as a hike up Mount Everest. You get your supplies and Sherpas ready and say goodbye to everyone at base camp. You hike all day and feel you've done well and set up camp for the night. Next morning you wake up and there you are back at base camp again! Morning after morning you wake up after a successful climb and still find yourself maybe at the foot of the mountain, but still not getting anywhere. After a while, you give up as your Sherpas are getting tired (and secretly think that in the middle of the night you are moving them back!) and you feel like an idiot. With the band I feel that I haven't been allowed to ever give up. And although I still seem to be only making slow progress up that mountain where people who started after me are further up to the top, I can finally see that I am inching forward. I've never stuck to a regime before where it is so slow. But I feel that I don't have a choice and this is my last hope. I'm not letting go of it. Doddie and I are what Doddie calls Turtles. Slow and steady wins the race and we'll get there but won't compare ourselves to anyone else and will be happy in our own victories. Good luck tomorrow! Mary
  14. I'm now self-employed because the day of a company treating their employees fairly is pretty rare. That's why those companies get their names on those lists of the 10 best companies to work for! They still know how to treat their employees. I don't know what their position is for future replacements for the newer patients, but it was said to us that we had follow-up for life and I'm counting on them being there for me. Mary
  15. marivan

    New way of thinking

    Sorry, it was part of this thread so I just assumed. I still wouldn't be happy if I had to fly tomorrow, but I know my proposed flight is a year away, so I have some time to fit better! Mary
  16. I called TLBC (or slimband as they are calling themselves now) and I asked to speak to Jill. The girl on the phone went quiet and then said "she doesn't work here any longer". I said "I hope she is okay", again the total quiet and no comment! It's like she died and they don't want to say anything. I really liked Jill and I hope that she left for her own reasons and not because she was in any way pushed. I spoke to the new nutritionist Jody Hill and she also wouldn't say anything about whether Jill was all right or not (I know, none of my business, but you would think they'd have agreed on something to say about a well-loved member of their staff). I explained that Jill was in the process of referring me to the hospital at Yonge and Elginton for a metabolic rate and Jody had no clue who that would be and suggested first that I'd have to pay for this (Jill had said that it is covered by OHIP) and then suggested that I see a naturapath! I told her that one of the ways a friend convinced me to spend $16,000 on this op was that I had likely spent more than that over the years on various alternative doctors that hadn't helped anything but to make my wallet thinner! So I am not going that route ever again. She asked that I give her some time and she'll get back to me. I also asked her about the rumour about the 3 year limit and she assured me that patients that had their operations when TLBC promised "Life time" care, would be still covered. I understand that they don't want people in and out after three years and I also want to have this weight off in under two, but if in four years I have to have a de-fill for a medical reason etc, I was promised it was covered. Apparently it still is. So I am very sad to hear about Jill and once again, their bizarre way of dealing with things. I'll let you know if I get any help from Jody. I have to agree with you dodie, I think Dr Yau is first rate but his clinic is a bit funny. Mary
  17. marivan

    My slimband website

    You aren't alone. I create websites for a living and it was ages before I even found the place where you could post things! Not well laid out at all. Mary
  18. marivan


    Doddie is right, we've had many discussions about this. You may finally figure out what your own weight loss pattern is, and then not get too uptight about it. I tend to compare myself to those who lose 100 pounds in a year, but the truth is I'm not them and I've worked really hard this year, and have lost 50 pounds (well, 51 now) and I'm still so happy with what I've accomplished. I weigh myself once a week and now if I've not lost or only lost half a pound, I don't get upset about it. If you had to go on that preop diet for more than two weeks, inevitably your body will stop losing the huge amounts as it gets used to that level of food. I lost 14 pounds in two weeks, but then didn't lose anything for about three weeks after my surgery even though I was on liquids only! Good luck on Wednesday, you'll do great and ask as many questions as you like! Mary
  19. marivan

    New way of thinking

    Yes, I did read about that! However, I don't know about you but I would be really embarrassed to try to get two seats. Plus, in the article I read, it seems that there are all sorts of hurdles you still have to get over before you'd get that seat. You'd have to book a year ahead to get past them! Mary
  20. What a blow! Jill was the only one at TLBC that I have dealt with that I could talk to! And I have been waiting over a week to hear back from her. I guess now I know why I haven't. That is a real shame as she was a really great representative for them, as they are growing so quickly that they don't seem to be coping as well with after care. I guess I'll be calling the clinic tomorrow to find out where I stand now that Jill has left. Mary
  21. marivan


    I've never heard of a particular weight loss goal before surgery, just that you stick to the pre-op diet in order that your liver shrink enough not to get in the way! I'm sure that you will be okay to get your surgery and I hope that your stomach settles by then. I find that BeneFibre helps me now with the constipation. I had that really bad with my pre-op diet and the pain from that was worse than the operation (I'm sadly not kidding). It is a natural fibre and you can mix it in Water and it totally tasteless. It's worth a try and may not upset your stomach. I can't imagine that your diet has made you sick, it is likely a bug you've picked up. Take care and I wish you healthy for your surgery on Wednesday. I understand your fear as it is such an ordeal doing that diet, and you must be really excited as well. Let us know how you get on! Mary
  22. marivan

    New way of thinking

    Isn't it great to have a focus rather than just worry about our weight? very liberating. I wouldn't even be considering this trip next year if it weren't for the fact that I know that I'll be that much thinner by then. I've had some very embarrassing and uncomfortable plane rides, so I suggested the trip even before we knew there would be a wedding. I'll do better than tell you about my outfit, I'll actually do a photo! Mary
  23. My own doctor at first told me that she was excited for me to get my band and then afterwards told me she only said that as I had already booked myself to go ahead, what else was she to say? She also had asked me to get her an information pack from my clinic so she could refer people! Later she denied it. (why then did I get it?) She had a bypass a few years ago and is now gradually putting the weight back on, but claims that she feels that the only way to lose the weight is bypass surgery. I'm going to prove her wrong by not only losing all this weight, but keeping it off (something she's not managing). I'm not wishing her badly, but I feel that she either lied to me before I had the surgery or has changed her story now. I'd hate to ask for her advice if I ever get something serious wrong. I still think that the band is safer and less invasive to our bodies. Heather is right, we have to work with whatever we get but I'd always go with something that doesn't permanently alter the way your body works. My two cents! Mary
  24. marivan

    My Day has come !

    I'm so glad, it really helped me. I seemed stuck for three months and it broke the plateau and I have finally lost 50 pounds now. I lose really slowly and the 7th November was my first year anniversary, but I feel optimistic again. My next goad is to get into the 30's. I haven't seen those for at least 15 years. How did your week go? Mary
  25. marivan

    port area sore

    I've had my band for almost a year now. Just in the past few days it has gotten sore. My port is just below my belly button, and I wonder if it is possible that I've just bruised the area while working out? It's not a great pain, but it hurts slightly when I bend over and I feel it while I'm sitting down. Has anyone else experienced their port hurting so long after their operation? Thanks, Mary

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