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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About SarahannElizabeth

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  1. SarahannElizabeth

    Gas Pain is horrible

    So sorry you are suffering, gas x and walking best thing for you. Just keep telling your self that your not sick and this is just part of the journey. Good luck!
  2. I'm 6 weeks Post RNY... I'm scared to death, that I'm going to fail. I have only lost 37 lbs. I am walking 5 to 10 miles a day on a treadmill I no longer have diabetes , high bood pressure or acid reflux. I am happy about that. I feel out of control when it comes to food! i comand your effort for not giving up. At the end of the day your just hitting the reset! Good luck!
  3. SarahannElizabeth


    I am a slow loser also. Dr say that 10 lb a month is rapped weight loss. I keep telling myself not to get discouraged. It's hard some days. Seems like everybody is losing it so much faster. I understand.
  4. SarahannElizabeth

    Surgery tomorrow, freaking out!

    It will get better. Cough with a pillow hold tight. I put on a pair of lycra stretch pants to hold my stomach fat in place. Once you can stabilize the stitches or Staples you will feel better. Make sure you drink the water that they tell you too. And then go for a nice walk! Remember you did this to move around more. Get your rest, and heal! Your journey is just beginning!
  5. SarahannElizabeth

    Surgery tomorrow, freaking out!

    I hope all went well! If I can be any help let me know! 5 weeks out and I'm walking 7 to 8 miles a day feel very good! Smarks7285@aol.com
  6. SarahannElizabeth

    Surgery tomorrow, freaking out!

    Try to Focus on the positive. On how much more energy you will have for your children, now and in the future. Follow your doctor's order and you will be fine. I am four weeks out of a roux en y I am back to work and walked over 101, 000 steps last week. Best thing I've ever done for my health. Down 30 pounds. Best tool to better health.
  7. SarahannElizabeth

    Tomorrow is my first meeting with my surgeon.

    Good luck! Write your questions down !
  8. SarahannElizabeth

    In so much pain

    Sorry your not feeling well. I put on a light weight panty girdle that keep my stomach weight from shifting helped tremendously with the staple pain. I'm 4 weeks out and feel great. Down 28 lbs... thought it should be more but I'll take it. Just remember one thing you are not sick! Get out of bed and move as much as you can! You will feel better! Best regards! Good luck!
  9. SarahannElizabeth

    Let's all vent!

    Can't stand hospital staff treatment... assembly line mentality! I am an individual!
  10. Congratulations! I also was a diabetic, I had the roux en y on 8/24. I am no longer a diabetic. I no longer have high blood pressure. Best thing I ever did for myself! So far I am down 30 lbs! Enjoy your Journey ! Sarah
  11. SarahannElizabeth

    Gastric bypass

    One thing I found that helped tremendously was a medium elasticity fit panty girdle that kept my stomach from moving around. Made so I could sleep so much easier. Make sure you check with your doctor.
  12. Hello, Congratulations! You are making a life changing plan. My surgery was on 8/24/17. I had the roux-en y. I had health issues which is why I didn't get the sleeve. I weighed 235 pounds before surgery I'm down to 208. This has been a total life changer, I am now eating about 750 cal a day, and walking about 12,000 steps. I quit smoking and a few of my health problems are already gone. It's a long road of tests, Dr. appointment . Which at the end you will be healthier and more informed . Enjoy the journey, and do it for yourself. Please feel free to toss any questions along your journey I'd be happy to help! Sarah
  13. SarahannElizabeth

    Stomach Virus

    Hello, I read this yesterday in the afternoon. And last night I had a touch of a stomach flu I think, I was throwing up every half hour mostly my own stomach juices/spit until I got back to my dinner( puréed chicken ) about four hours later. Not quite sure what that was. Or if I should call my doctor. Any thoughts?
  14. SarahannElizabeth

    False scale readings?

    I am 20 days post op, been on pureed food for 6 days have lost very little weight 235 start dropped 12lbs (223) on the pre op prep now 209 after 20 days. I thought I would loose more in the beginning was told today by my nutrientest i was driving myself crazy and stop weighing myself. Any body else start off slow.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
