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Everything posted by tai68
damn, i haven't been on the board for awhile and missed your message!! How are you feeling? I went in last week for the first fill - so far, so good!!!
Boy oh boy...do I wish I had read this post earlier!! I went over to my inlaws house for a little birthday celebration...and had a decent meal of one sausage link and a little potato salad w/ bbq beans...then my brother in law brought out the bbq pork ribs that had just been pulled off the grill. I had one very small rib and the next thing I knew...my first sliming (and more than just sliming heavy phlem) experience. I was banded on 6/30 and had my first fill on 8/12. The pain was intense and unpleasant - and I'd honestly love to NEVER EVER go through it again. It is trial and error I suppose...but I can say for sure that bbq pork is not going to be on my birthday menu next year!!
Is it just me...? Share your new happy!
tai68 replied to greythope's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
We could go to Vegas and hit up the Stratosphere - they have a crazy rollercoaster for those who are thrill seekers!!! I'm all for Vegas - not so much the thrill rides, but I'd be more than happy to cheer y'all on!!! -
Grey - I hope you are feeling better today!!! Thanks for the suggestions about Amsterdam...I know there is much to see other than the red light district - although I'm sure my husband will want to check it out (what can I say, I married a perv). I do enjoy the visions of "4 weddings and a funeral"...might just have to purchase a lovely hat for the occasion!! Oooh and I know what you mean about no carbonated drinks!! I lived on diet rock stars and monsters for so long that I was sure I would die w/out them but lo and behold, after 3 long weeks, I am still alive!!! I have finally been able to sleep on my stomach again but when I wake up in that position I get a little freaked out thinking that it can't possibly be good to have any pressure on my port and incisions. I have been taking a soma most nights because of the pain in my back...but this is not band related. I just have a really tricky back and prior to surgery my sciatica flared up - good times!! Today I go in for my one week check up. God willing, the doctor takes the few staples that are still left OUT cuz they are starting to create a rashy area around the incisions. I need to make a list of questions to ask because every time I get around the doc, I seem to forget them. Oh, and speaking of forgetting....has anyone else found that during these first few weeks (pre op and post op), that their thoughts don't always complete themselves or get lost?? Yesterday I was back for my first day of work, in the middle of a meeting and went to make a comment and them completely blanked out over what I wanted to say. I felt so exposed and idiotic. Fortunately, I work with very cool people, but still. Thats it for me this morning...gotta jet off to work. Hope everyone is doing fantastic and that the weather is fabulous where ever you are!!
Whoo hoo yeah for getting your stitches removed!! My husband and I are going to London for a few days, and then to Devon/Tiverton for a few days (attending a wedding blessing) and then traveling to the Netherlands for 3 days in Amsterdam :tt1:!!! I am so excited...but overwhelmed at the same time!! I am attending an all day orientation for grad school on 8/23 and then flying off to London on 8/25...yikes!!! August is a month full of things going on...adding turning 40 to the mix on 8/17!!!
Going back to work tomorrow after having last week off for recovery from my 6/30 surgery. Really looking forward to getting back into a routine!! Will meet w/ my surgeon on Tue. for my week follow up and hopefully find that everything is healing according to schedule. Kinda worried a little bit because they took a liver biopsy during my surgery but I haven't a clue why. Guess I won't find out any news until Tuesday...but it does have me a little worried. Obviously something didn't look right for them to bother with it. I knew I had one gall stone but he told me my gall bladder looked fine and that unless I experienced any symptoms that I didn't have to have it removed. But what's up with the liver?? I'm beginning to notice my hunger pangs a little more clearly but nothing earth shattering. Trying to keep up w/ the liquids but find that if I drink too fast I get a slight pain in my left shoulder. Hoping to get clearance to go back to the gym - that will help make me feel a bit more human. Other than that, life is good!! As I've said before, I'm really looking forward to being a few more weeks out and able to get a real feel for what I've gotten myself in to :thumbup: Hope all is well with everyone...Take care ~ Tai
Oh boy...did my hunger kick in on 4th of July. Well, it wasn't terrible, but for the first time I could actually feel and hear my stomach growl at me. I'm keeping up w/ the Protein shakes...and for a treat, taking myself to Jamba juice and adding 2 shots of protein to my smoothie. It's a nice change from the choc/vanilla I make at home. I find that if I drink too fast, I feel it in my left shoulder. So I'm trying to do the slow sips deal but it's challenging. I go in on Tuesday for my 1 week follow up appt. Hopefully the doctor will find that everything is healing according to schedule. One thing that does give me a bit of concern. The doctor mentioned that he took a biopsy of my liver while he was rummaging around my insides. Not entirely sure why or what for...guess I'll find out on Tuesday. Other than that, all is well. My sciatic nerve shot up and put me out for most of the week which was a conflict w/ how tender my stomach is. Difficult to turn on the core muscles to help w/ the back when the stomach is all beat up. But it's getting better. Tomorrow is my first day back to work...looking forward to getting back into the swing of things!! Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! ~Tai
Hey There O.C. peeps...happy to say I was FINALLY banded on 6/30 by Dr. Braverman from the N.E.W. Program and all went well. Would love to know if and when a group is getting together for chit chat and support. I'm really looking forward to being a few more weeks down the line to have a better idea of just what I've gotten myself into but I feel confident that everything will work out just fine!! Thanks and I hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th of July!! ~ Tai
Coworker said weird thing to me... hmm??
tai68 replied to littlefroggy's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
You know EVERYONE is going to have one opinion or another....some will be passive agressive and others will be outright upfront. Looks like this coworker is taking the passive agressive route. I understand how it might unnerve you...but take it with a grain of salt. As long as YOU know you have done the research and feel confident in your decision - try not to let others interjections cause you worry. Heck, sometimes reading various posts on this board has caused me concern...but I had my surgery less than a week ago and I feel great!! If you feel the need to respond back to this coworker just thank him/her for their concern and reiterate that this is a decision you have made and are hoping that everyone can be supportive and understanding. Best of luck to you in your journey to good health!! Take care ~ Tai -
Not much to update on here...day #4 of recovery (5 if you count surgery day). It's 4th of July and I am going over to a friends house for a gathering and BBQ...looking forward to it and dreading i all the same. I'm not hungry but I'd love to chew on something delicious!! Suck on a cracker...anything!! I'm growing weary of Protein shakes and cream of wheat...too hot for soup!! But I know it's temporary and that after next week, the joy will be moving on to the mushy stage and oh how I am looking forward to eggs and tuna (not together of course!!). Am hoping that the mushy stage will allow me to test out sushi as well and that makes me happy...I miss my sushi!!!! Back to work on Monday...a week off to recovery seems sufficient. By the time I hit my 6 weeks for a fill, it will be time for my hubby and I to fly off to Europe - am thinking of foregoing the first fill until I return in early Sept. just to avoid any issues while being so far away. All in all, life is good. Really looking forward to being a few more weeks down the line when I can really assess just what I've gotten myself in to!!!????!!! Happy 4th of July to all!! ~ Tai
Wow, that sounds like a very long day!!! Or should I say a long 2 days really!! I know what you mean about the "what have I done"....my first thought when they brought me out of the anesthesia was "WTF!!!!" And while in the recovery room I still couldn't believe that I was the one behind making the decision to have this done...what was I thinking?!? But beyond the discomfort and the pain...how exciting is this??!! A few weeks down the road the way we feel today will be a thing of the past and our future will be so much brighter and healthier!! You made it!! Congratulations!! Big Hugz ~ Tai
It's odd...today is day #4 of recovery (if you count surgery day) and I have to say the discomfort is probably higher than it was yesterday or the day before....but I'm guessing that by this point in time, ALL the anesthesia is out of my body and I am truly feeling what has been done to me. It feels like I've done a gazillion sit ups and then been sucker punched in the stomach a few hundred times. The gas pains in the shoulders comes and goes. I am having a hard time getting used to the bloated feeling that comes after I've finished a protein shake or glass of crystal light. I'm really hoping that goes away soon!! The other thing I seem to feel is a bit short of breath...that it is a challenge to get in a full deep breath w/out feeling it in the pit of my stomach and a bit of tightness in my chest. The doctor told me that the anesthesia may cause fluid in the lungs and to do breathing exercises. I'll be glad when this part has passed!! Weigh loss wise....well, not an ounce. But I know that realistically the chances of having a loss the first few weeks is limited. Can't say I'm not disappointed but this is where patience will come in handy. Hope all you other lovely Jazzy Junes are doing spectacular!! Happy Fourth of July to all!!
I lost something very important today
tai68 replied to MusicMan2008's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
The loss of any beloved pet breaks my heart. I hope that soon the pain you feel will be replaced with memories that bring you joy and smiles. Sincerely ~ Tai in CA -
Hey Erin - sounds like you and I are both at the same stage! I checked in at 5:30 and was in surgery by 7:30...out about an hour and half later and home by 5pm the same day!!! Today has been rough. I feel pretty beat up but good all the same. Managed to go for 2 short walks and that helped a bit w/ the gas. sleeping hasn't been too bad- been able to lay down w/out too much pain. Really looking forward to being a few weeks down the road and knowing a bit more about what I'm in store for. I have my week follow up next Tuesday and need to find out when I get my first fill...my husband and I are leaving for Europe at the end of August and I'm wondering if I should wait to have the fill when I get back just to avoid complications...would suck to be in London and discover that my band is too tight!! So glad that we all made it through safe and sound!! ~ Tai
Greetings everyone - not much news from me to share as I'm one of the final Jazzy Junesters...just got banded yesterday!! I've managed to get up and go for two short walks today - that felt pretty good. With all the anesthesia worn off, I feel like I've done a gazillion sit ups and punched in the stomach a couple hundred times. My throat feels like I've got a bad case of strep - from the tube deal during surgery. Fortunately, they warned me so I wasn't totally suprised by the pain - but it is annoying. I've been keeping up with the Protein shakes and liquid intake. Cream of What has become my new friend. Looking forward to my check up next week and really looking forward to getting to the mushy stage!! I enjoy reading all the posts and getting lots of good ideas on how to get through the first few weeks of recovery!! So glad to finally be on the other side of the band!! ~ Tai
While losing 5 lbs seems easy enough, you've got 2 weeks in which to do it...is there a way from past experiences that worked well for you to drop a few lbs? The liquid diet isn't easy - in fact as far as I'm concerned it sucked...but I survived and dropped 10 lbs in 2 wks. You probably don't need to do all liquid...but cutting back on carbs and upping the protein is usually an effective way to go. Good luck to you...
Yeah, I can finally add myself to the POST OP crew!! Got into surgery around 7:30 this morning and got home around 5pm. Everyone was so sweet and made me feel at ease. Coming out of surgery was a little scary but the morphine got me through!! I stopped by 7-11 on the way home and picked up a crystal light slurpee and it's been a God send!!! I need to make a protein shake sometime tonight to see how that works. Really looking forward to getting to the mushy stage!! The gas pains in the shoulder are not fun but tolerable. I can totally understand how someone could mistake gas buildup in the shoulder as a heart attack. Getting up and walking around or just standing helps get rid of it pretty well. So glad to be home and banded!! ~Tai
Ok it's 4:53am here in CA...am up and about ready to head out the door. Still have no clue if I'll be home today or staying the night but either way it's no concern. See all of you on the other side of the band...whoo hoo!!!
Surgery June 30! I'm Nervous!
tai68 replied to fluffbgone's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Hey Fluff - I'm right there with you! I check in tomorrow morning at 5:30am and set to have surgery at 7:30!!! I understand your anxiety and nervousness...I'm all balled up and ready to explode!! And for the first time in 2 weeks since being on the pre op diet, I find myself starving but that is probably because I CAN'T eat. Yikes!! Tomorrow is going to be here before we know it!! whoo hoo!! -
Cathy - thanks for the post!!! I always enjoy reading your posts!!! I'm finding myself a bit more freaked out -but so glad that its the weekend so I don't have to pretend to focus on work. On the crap side of things, my TOM started today so that is going to make for a challenging recovery...but what can I do?!? Just go with the flow - no pun intended. Tomorrow is going to be tough - no Protein shakes or bars. Only Jello, diet 7-Up, etc. I think I'll stay home and lay low and mentally prepare for Monday morning. I have to check in at 5:30 and surgery is scheduled for 7:30. Still have NO clue if I get to come home the same day or if I am staying overnight. Guess I'll find out Monday - and need to make sure I pack for overnight just in case. It's all a bit surreal...almost there!!!!
Hey All!! I am so completely ready to get through tomorrow and the weekend!!! I'm tired of being in the pre op zone and ready to be post op!!! Lilly - very cool that you have two people in your life that you can see the results live and up close!!! I bet they are a great resource for all your questions and such. Are you going to the same surgeon as your cousins? I've been trying really hard to stay on track w/ the pre op but it's been rough!! I want to chew my fingers off!!! I broke down last Sunday and had a spinich salad and a roll...you'd think I'd have died and gone to heaven - never knew spinch could taste so damn good!! Hope all you other 6/30 folks are doing fantastic!!! Big hugz to all of you ~ Tai
My husband doesn't believe in the surgery however, he is being quite supportive and has been by my side thick and thin!!! He wants me to be happy and while he may not get the surgery, he never makes me feel poorly about my decision. It's rough enough dealing w/ our own issues - you'd think it'd be easier for those who love us to not add to anxiety levels already running high. I'm very thankful for this board- it's been a wealth of information and a safe place to express the rollercoaster of emotions and thoughts!!!
I am going to CSU Fullerton to get my masters in Instructional Design and Technology. It's an online program which gives me some freedom, but still a lot of work involved!!! I'm really excited about it. Lots going on this year - surgery, grad school, turning 40 and going to Europe w/ my husband for 10 days at the end of summer!!! Whoo hooo!!!
For those who have access to costco www.costco.com - they have a Weider Quick2sip whey Protein (10 fruit punch and 10 mango) - each has 15 grams of protein - cost is $21.69 plus s/h. I am scheduled for 6/30 and figure I need to get on the ball and go invest in items such as these to get through the first few weeks!! I really appreciated reading the post op threads for loads of great suggestions!!! Can't wait to be able to share little tid bits that help me along the way as well. ~Tai
Oh BFL - Yup, been there before. Protein Shakes are old school for me as well...amazing how creative we can get when trying to make something palatable!!! For me, I was successful with Weight Watchers - lost 120 lbs over the course of 2 years and maintained my goal weight for about a week. For the past 2-3 years, I have been yo-yo'ing more than ever - just last year, gained and lost the same 30 lbs THREE times. That can't be good for the heart!! Let alone the soul!!! I'm down with the vacation!!! I start grad school this August and right now I am focusing on the 2 week vacation in Mexico that will happen in June 2010 - after I graduate!!!! Keep our eye on the prize!!