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Everything posted by pugmum

  1. pugmum

    3 months gone

    Good for you!!! Congratulations on doing everything you need to do! Kelli
  2. pugmum

    The Gone for Good Club

    Hi all, I kind of let my membership here lapse (er...similar to the many gym memberships I've had). I feel as if I'm just coming out of this funk postop (I'm 6 weeks out on Thursday). Anyhow, just wanted to say hi. I'm still trying to cut out my nighttime eating. It's a habit. Usually, I'm not even hungry! Everyone here is quite an inspiration!! Kelli (240 today).
  3. pugmum

    Ban Food Ads?

    Well, we do have personal responsibility/accountability, but Susan makes a really good point with the smoking example. It is not socially acceptable to smoke anymore and this does have to do with advertising/cultural attitudes. Again, interesting. I think I am not influenced by advertising, but I am. I noticed it particularly when I did stop drinking 5 years ago...and I'm not saying that an ad could "make" me drink, but it certainly opens up certain pathways in my brain. Then again, once a decision is made, one must be open to all kinds of temptations and still resist. I think I would opt for more controlled advertising in regard to children's food, but probably not for adults. Kelli
  4. pugmum

    Ban Food Ads?

    Interesting topic! At first I was like, no, that's a freedom of speech issue, but when I got to thinking about it, it seems (and I do not have human children myself so I'm not speaking from experience), but isn't it our role to protect children? I would only guess that protecting children from obesity--and all the problems with it--would be to ban advertising that sends the message that eating at McDonald's is a healthy thing to do. It really could be rated against smoking ads...if it's all about choice. Children, though, do not have the ability to make these decisions on their own so maybe it should be regulated. I haven't seen any fast food commercials where they kids are wolfing down salads...maybe they could even offer a more balanced message...no answers here, but finding it interesting! Kelli
  5. pugmum

    Insomnia and Lunesta

    Penni, I totally understand your frustration! I have had problems falling asleep since I was a child. Even when I was physically fit and physically exhausted! I think, sometimes, I am afraid to fall asleep, as odd as that sounds. I take Ambien on a prn basis and I agree, it is awesome. None of the awful effects like Tylenol PM used to give me. Thanks for your post; I'll know if I develop immunity to Ambien that there is other hope. Kelli
  6. pugmum

    I Need Some Help

    Jack, Not meaning to hijack here, but I wanted to thank you (and many others!) for your thorough explanations of things. I am newly banded, no fills yet, but I read your posts totally absorbing the valuable information you share. I know everyone's time is important and I just wanted to say thank you! Kelli
  7. pugmum

    Post op...Food question

    I did not have much of an appetite in the first week after surgery. When I began getting hungry, though, I started with pea soup (no bacon or anything in it) and I still will have that for dinner. My surgeon had pretty strict guidelines so at 4 days, I wasn't supposed to be eating creamed anything. Maybe you're just not hungry. Nothing wrong with that! :biggrin1: Oh, Protein shakes!! That's what I meant to say. That is about all I could do in the first week. Best wishes to you! Kelli
  8. Because that is what my surgeon told me yesterday at my 3-week postop visit. I did tell him that I'm a bit hungry (I'm on thin liquids for the first 3 weeks) and have occasionally indulged in fat free, but sugar loaded yogurt, he said that was not good. Then, when he told me that if I didn't lose weight I would perpetutate my fatty liver disease and need a liver transplant (!) he looked at me and said: "But you really need a brain transplant." Listen, I almost fell off the chair laughing...he is so right! But, did he really have to say it? I have lose 8 pounds (banded 2/2), but he said I should have lost much more than that. :omg: Live and learn and I guess. I so appreciate this forum, though, I mean, he's thin after all. And, er...it's approaching that time of month. Can't a girl keep SOME excuses?? :biggrin1: Kelli
  9. Aw Susan, Relax a little. Are you a teacher by chance? You remind me of when we used to play school as children and someone is always trying to keep the order by explaining to everyone else why someone is doing something. I learned this great saying once (which I'm still trying to do) and it's called "staying in your own hoola hoop." It's amazing how well it works. By the way, I thought of you tonight with thanks because you had posted that you eat Fiber One Cereal. I bought some and appreciated your sharing that with us. :biggrin1: Kelli
  10. pugmum

    Sleep apnea?

    I just completed 2 sleep studies and now I go back for my very own CPAP machine. Supposedly, once you begin using the mask, you can really tell the next day because your not as drowsy and willing to eat bad food (Like I do when I'm tired). Does anyone have any experience with sleep apnea? Thanks, kelli
  11. Susan, I'm curious as to what would possibly move you to think that we, a supposedly large group of adults, are going to follow your directions when you consistently really just want to control the situation? Normally I would not do this, but I have seen this for months and am baffled. You have really good information, but it consistently comes across with a lecture-type tone, like you're better than and you're relatively new at this, too! I hope this does not trip you up in normal life. I mean that. Sometimes people really resent this type of attitude and they miss the valuable "message" because of the "messenger." Kelli
  12. pugmum


    What is a clinical diagnosis? I'm not sure what that means. Kelli
  13. Er...with all due respect, if this discussion were directed--and concerned--about the current lap band preop curriculum or "situation" and not "people," why is the title directed toward those (people) who are "lazy or dumb?" It doesn't exactly set the thread off on a positive note. Paul has it correct, I believe, if it's a question for someone, it's not a dumb question. I'm sure the original poster may have asked some not-so- worthy questions in the beginning. :biggrin1: Kelli
  14. I just remembered that when I first began lurking here (that sounds so seedy), some signatures have their surgeon's name with other stats without their own name. Well, I have to admit that at first I was thinking, "Geez, there sure are a lot of doctors on that site who have been banded!" LOL
  15. pugmum


    Vines, How was your diagnosis detected? Did they do blood work or run thyroid tests?? Kelli
  16. Tricia, Do you know why I'm not losing weight when I drink 6 sprites, eat 8 chocolate bars, and watch TV all day? LOL I COULDN'T RESIST!! I get what you're saying!!! You're probably putting into words what a lot of people think!! Kelli
  17. Tricia, If you're not asking people to be like you, what, exactly, are you asking? :confused: I fear that new people will perceive your question as arrogant and condescending. I hope it does not deter anyone from asking something they really could benefit from. I'm not being rhetorical, either, I found lots of answer here and hope others do, too. In your post you refer to the necessity of asking your question, but I am missing this necessity somewhere along the line. Kelli
  18. Once the fire is burning, it really doesn't matter who started it. So whether you believe this is your fault or you have "issues" is going to be there postop. Just so you know! What is also there, though, is hope! I have much more hope and am much less obsessed with why/how/what/where/who than before. That is a lot of extra energy!! :confused: Kelli
  19. pugmum

    How do you love yourself?

    ...and here I thought overeating was taking care of myself! :confused: It seems, rather, that some self-denial would have actually served me well. Kelli
  20. LOL This is so funny!! I love the Twinkies part! Do they still make Twinkies? I read that they have a 12-year shelf life!!! Wrah wroh. Kelli
  21. Well, we all have different perspectives and so it would warrant that our experiences are unique. With that said, one does not know what one does not know. I am inclined to question whether you have ever had an experience and wondered why you hadn't thought of THAT beforehand?! That is what is so cool about learning and growing, one experience leads to another and another...and so forth. Believe me, if I went to the cardiologist today and he said that I DESPERATELY NEEDED bypass surgery, I would not rush home to get all of my questions answered. Perhaps, that is how some go into WLS. Maybe not in actuality, but mentally. Just my thoughts. Kelli
  22. Please tell how bad this is!!! I have this awful habit of eating pretzels and cheese and something sweet (like a little meal) before bed!! I just started this behavior a few months ago and took a break after surgery, but now I'm beginning to do it again! I know this will mess with my weight loss and so I want to know that I'm not the only one and that I really need to stop! LOL. Thanks, Kelli
  23. pugmum

    Snoring - help!

    My CPAP is pretty quiet actually. BUT, the other day I was in the bathroom and looked up and...there was my hose being dragged down the hallway...by Bobbi, my youngest pug. The mask was attached and everything! That would have been a couple dollars to replace! LOL I guess she has sleep apnea too...or doesn't like the machine! Kelli
  24. pugmum

    I Got A Date!!!!!!

    When I read the title of the post I was also thinking.....I wonder how they met...maybe here!!! LOL Congrats on your SURGERY DATE! kelli
  25. pugmum


    Leah, Welcome! I am a novice so I have no clue what you're doing wrong, just wanted to say this is a great place for good solid support and information. Kelli

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