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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Stephanie12579

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/25/1979

About Me

  • Biography
    Wife, mother all around great gal, just kidding! For the most part I'm pretty great but like the rest of the world I have my flaws! Dark humor and bad jokes are my favorite, cuss more than I should but working on that!
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  • Occupation
    Acute Dialysis Technician
  • City
    Fort Worth
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  1. Stephanie12579

    near granbury texas here!

    Fort Worth here
  2. Stephanie12579

    August Sleevers-How are you doing??

    Hi, I'm an August sleever!!! Surgery date 8/31.... I've been feeling great until today, it's been a tough one. Definitely not getting my protein in today otherwise it hasn't been an issue. Feel nauseous as soon as I sip.... Will try again tomorrow[emoji22]
  3. I am 2 weeks post op today.... This morning I decided to push for the third mile with my morning walk.... Aside from my feet hurting I felt fine, then I came home and my right side has been hurting since. Has anyone else experienced this? I haven't had any pain in over a week! I want to assume its normal but I also worry because it's right where I believe my sleeve is location wise. I hate to call my Drs Office unnecessarily. What are your thoughts?
  4. Stephanie12579

    Where is everyone from City & State

    Saginaw, TX (Fort Worth) here
  5. Stephanie12579

    My Texas Sleevers

    How are you doing with everything? Personally I feel great only being 13 days out. I'm honestly surprised at how well I feel.... Still exhausting quickly but working on building that up. Completed a 2 mile walk around my neighborhood this morning[emoji4][emoji1377][emoji4]
  6. Stephanie12579

    My Texas Sleevers

    Saginaw, TX here sleeved 8/30[emoji4] hello everyone!
  7. Stephanie12579

    Surgery yesterday

    I just tried tomato soup today 10 days out and it was the hardest thing I've tried to digest so far. My surgeon had me on clear liquids only for the first week before progressing to full liquids though. I personally waited an extra day because I was scared. I know every surgeon is different but you may try something a little lighter on the stomach. I used children's Tylenol for the pain but definitely check in with your surgeon! Good luck!
  8. I was sleeved on 8/30 and stayed overnight.... In the hospital they gave me liquid Norco for pain.... You can absolutely stay overnight if you are not ready, for me it took too long for the anesthetics to wear off and I could barely stay awake long enough the same day to walk my 30 required laps around the unit. I went in with every intention of leaving the same day trust me! As for at home I was given tramadol and I think I used it once before switching to regular Tylenol. Walking is your best friend when it comes to pain!
  9. Stephanie12579


    Hang in there and keep making good choices, I know words don't take away the frustration but try to stay focused on how far you've come! You've had a rough year, cut yourself a little slack and the weight will begin dropping again when your body is ready!
  10. Stephanie12579

    I need help/support!!!

    Thanks for the motivation!!! That's amazing how far you've come!!!! I'm brand new, week and a half post sleeve and I too am here if anyone needs the support!!!
  11. Stephanie12579

    What is considered a fever?

    The slight fever is your bodies natural defense mechanism to the surgery.... Anything over 100.5 call your Dr otherwise fairly normal and should return to your normal baseline within a few more days
  12. Stephanie12579

    Alone After Surgery

    I had people available if necessary but thankfully it was not necessary, I was able to get up and do for myself. I am married but he's a driver and was gone the day I came home from the hospital. I grocery shopped prior to and my Dr had given me all of my prescriptions 2 days prior to surgery so I was able to have them filled and ready to go. I found myself forcing myself to get up and move though I didn't want to, it helped! Keep your phone close for an emergency, be sure to be up and moving at least once an hour during waking hours and you should do great!!! You do have to be your own motivator here as to doing what the surgeon tells you even though you may not want to!
  13. Stephanie12579

    Pain after surgery

    They did a block for me so when I discharged from the hospital 24 hours later I literally was ok with just Tylenol. Gas was the hardest part of it and walking truly did help with that! Some others in my class were getting dissolvable gas X from Amazon prior to surgery otherwise for myself it was just some discomfort and I moved that gas out whichever end would relieve it lol..... Everyone handles it differently, hopefully you will be on the lighter side of pain though! Good luck!
  14. Stephanie12579


    Try for no more slip ups and you should be fine, I too caved at 3 weeks prior and by the time they tested I was clear. Make sure you're getting your water in as well
  15. Stephanie12579

    Pray pray pray for Florida

    Praying for Florida! These are very scary times!!!!

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