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About willowwaters

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  1. willowwaters

    6 months post op and pain levels

    We've been talking for quite some time I just want someone else's opinion on their Journey if they've experienced the same. The reason it hasn't got any further is my house at yishun due to recently having a bypass procedure oh I've also had a tumor removed in less than a year. My doctor is pushing I'm hesitant Sent from my SM-T560NU using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. First and foremost let me make it clear in my state this will be legal. My doctor wants to put me on marijuana. I have been on narcotics for the past 10 years and my pain levels are increasing. Due to a new state guidelines they want to take away the meds. My doctor feel to be a good candidate for medical marijuana. My question is how do I intake it if I can't smoke it correctly would it lose part of its potency or its effect if I ingest it instead. I need some thoughts please and thank you Sent from my SM-T560NU using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. yeah i am trying to refocus now.... hopefully I can figure this out... it' just life never slows down at all. Haha... you would think as mich as i run around i would of hit my goal by now
  4. What you're feeling is probably gas pain. I had such a horrible time in the hospital when I try to lay back down I couldn't because it hurts so much more. So I got up and started walking and walking and walking. For the first few days it was so hard to get water down.. I would talk to your doctor and see if you can take something to help you sleep... and possibly something to calm your stomach.... Sent from my SM-T560NU using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. I have just hit 3 months post-op. Yes I'm still losing weight but I feel like it's still a very slow process. I don't understand why sometimes I eat one or two bites and I'm so full and other times I feel like I don't get full even after eating almost a cup of food. Lots of new changes just happened to start at the time of my operation. My son started acting out at school, I had my oldest move back in with her significant other and the baby. They've been in the doctor's office so many times. I lost my father-in-law to cancer. I also started a full-time job sitting all day in a field like I've never done before so my stress of those little higher from that as well. Holy s*** this whole process is truly life changing for me. The only thing that is the same as before as my shoe size. Right now I don't know if I have buyer's remorse or I should have waited a bit longer to get this done. I know this is supposed to be life-changing. But it seems like my life is turning so many different Corners right now I don't know which way to go. I am currently lost looking for my way the new me.... apparently what I had in mind was not what the universe had in mind. So now I'm completely lost I'm where the hell I should be. I've only lost 34 pounds since my surgery I thought that number would be a little bit higher. I was expecting one to two pound still a week right now. Yes overall I am halfway to my goal.... I am just not so sure on what I'm doing wrong. Is it normal to feel like the whole world is overwhelming and your going batshit crazy.... I don't feel like I'm depressed right now I just feel very tired... My soul is in need of some good mojo..... I still feel like I'm missing a piece to this puzzle. .... Sent from my SM-T560NU using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. willowwaters

    Am i failing ALREADY!!!???

    I am trying.... I am a counting down the minutes... my HAAARRRDDD part right now is I need to drink about 1.6 ounces of water every 15 minutes to get enough in for hydration (up about 630 bed about 1030..... 3 meals a day = 2 hoursish around meal time I cant drink)... my pouch cant handle that yet.... and food was I am oka... I still don't want food a lot I am around 400 to 600 calories a day, with out protein shakes, with protein shakes its about 160 calories more.
  7. Today marks day 31 after my operation..... Starting weight was 265, day of operation 240, go home weight was 246.... today I am 222.... is that normal???? I do understand everyone is different.... but the first few weeks I was dropping over a pound a day..... now I am looking at only 2 pounds a week..... which "normal people" loose when dieting and exercising the right way.... getting frustrated and discouraged quick.... I was sooooo hoping to be at a 30 pound loss by my first post op appointment. putting me at 210.... I am not even close!
  8. willowwaters

    19 days out

    yeah, I have not felt full yet with food, I know when I burp I need to slow down drinking by that is about it. I don't want to burst!
  9. willowwaters

    19 days out

    portion control is not the problem.... I don't eat more then a few tablespoons at a meal.... starting tomorrow, I can work my way up to a 1/4 cup... I bought small containers to keep on top of my food portions!!!!
  10. willowwaters

    19 days out

    I have not been on here since before my operation. Today is day 19, I think I am doing oka, the weight loss has slowed down a lot. my heaviest was 265 (my first weigh in), the day of my operation I was 240, today I am 227. I have not dumped, taking everything slowly... getting excited I get to eat food I can chew tomorrow!!! It is kinda strange, some of my friends that have had the operation said they would be there for me and I have not heard a word from them.... yet my best friend, who was against my operation from the start, spent 15 hours with me the day of my operation, and has called me every day, and text me to. so now my goal is to wake up my digestive track, I feel like I am backed up still..... I know I am only "eating" about 3/4 of a cup of food a day but I think by now I should be able to go, with out "help"
  11. willowwaters

    Hot dang less then 20 hours!

    I did take a picture in the work bathroom Mirror today... the down side is I am quitting this job Today!!!! So I guess I need to re-do the picture. Thanks you for the advice on clothing..... I will have to rethink my shirt choices! I will try and also to my measurements... My goal is one-derland for my son's 9th birthday. Adoring to the charts I should make it perfectly! Today as my finial prep day I am looking at food on pintreast...... BUT.... I think I got this!! Thank you for the tips!!
  12. With a blink of the eye, my day is here in 20 hours.... not that I am counting...... I pack my bathroom stuff, clothes for 2 days, a book, my phone charger and phone. Is there anything else I need??? What are things you wish people would have told you before you operation? I know sip, walk, burp, toot.... I did pack several types of chap stick, because a lot of people are debating over what you can and cant have. (Also there was an end of the world crisis when I was I labor and delivery and did not have any...... gosh the torcher was horrible!!! Can not repeat that!!! haha). I am not stressed yet, almost to calm..... I think I am full ready, I think programs like this one have been my study guide to get me down the right path! (thank you Bariatric Pal) IS there anything I am missing... I have waited 5 years for this.... I am waiting for that last curve ball to be thrown at me....This is my 3rd try and damn it I am ready!! (right?)
  13. I am lactose, dairy, and soy free. I am looking for something besides baby food, for my stage 2 foods (yogurt, cottage cheese not an option). is it possible to make oatmeal, loose enough??? I can't live on mashed potatoes for every meal either!
  14. Yes, I am in a way. I am telling them I have another Fibroma removed. Less questions, and believable. I juat don't need their judgmental ways!
  15. willowwaters

    30 days!

    it is now down to 30 days!! I hope 3rd time is a charm, I started this journey 5 years ago... Its almost "to true".... a bit of anxiety is setting in now. I am down to my upper GI, blood work, Nutritional class and finial clearance from my primary. My phyc exam went better then I expected. I was soooo worried they were going to yell stuff like "why did you eat that pizza?" "did you really need that candy bar?' It was pretty laid back. They wanted to see where I was mentally in this change. I do not know exactly what I said "right" but they told me I got an A+.... I was very on the fence with a few of their questions. Like how am I going to do with food after my operation. my answer was honest "I don't know" .... I told them I was going to take it slow, that my body is by far NOT normal. I would take everything a moment at a time. Apparently me being uncertain was the "correct answer" cause they gave me the green button!

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