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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Kmccor

  1. 18 minutes ago, txsrooster said:

    HW 280
    SW 270
    CW 203
    I've been in a 5 month stall gaining and losing the same 3 lbs. I joke and tell everyone I've lost 50 pounds since January...but it's been the same 3 lbs over and over and over.
    Surgery was 14 Aug 2017.

    I've started back on my walking weekday morning. I'm up to over 3 miles. Try to get it done before the sun comes up and makes it 500 degrees in South Texas.

    Collage 2018-05-31 17_24_22.jpg

    Congrats!!! You look like a whole new person!

  2. Had my annual physical with my primary this past week and for once the conversation didn't focus on being overweight! He was extremely happy with the progress I've made and we were able to talk about other issues that I needed to talk about (my ADD) which was a nice change of pace. The best moment was when the PA looked at my chart and said, "do you know what you weighed last year when you came in for your physical?" and it was 2lb more than what I've been counting my starting weight at.

    top photo taken September 2016 - size 22


    May 2018 - size 8IMG_6700_CR2.thumb.jpg.8f96f496b991afda81af41f2f2fcc934.jpg

  3. Today is my weekly weigh in and I finally broke my 3 week stall and lost 4.4lb! I'm now the lowest I've been in my entire adult life. I haven't been this weight since my husband and I were dating and I had anorexia. However, I still have some body issues with clothes. By habit (and because its snowing...still...here in Massachusetts...in April), I put on a sweater that was 1x and it looks like I'm wearing a trash bag.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Stace66 said:

    Greetings to my fellow August sleevers! I'm new here and have been following (stalking) you all for the past month. :D

    You all are doing fantastic! I'm losing pretty slow but am still happy to be losing. My heaviest weight was 232. My weight the day decision was made for sleeve was 222, and my weight the day of surgery (8/2/17) was 217.

    7 months post op, I'm at 174. 34# left to get to my goal.

    I look forward to learn from, find support, be supportive, and get to know all of you.

    Nice to meet you Stace66! We are almost the same! I was 247lb before the pre-op diet, 236lb the day of surgery and I'm down to 170 as of my personal weigh in day this past Tuesday. I have 30lb to reach my goal.

  5. Hey everyone!

    I've been stressed this week. At my full time job, we are in the middle of end of year and it is enough to make me pull what little hair I have left (yes, I lost hair but only enough to thin my pony tail. I had thick hair anyway). Well, prior to the surgery, I would have eaten anything that wasn't nailed down to help sooth the stress. Now, I can't/won't do that. I didn't put myself through this (and almost die - yes, I almost died. I had internal bleeding after surgery) just so I can fall into bad habits. But I gotta tell you what I want so I can get it out of my system. I want deep fried, salted, buttery, chocolate coated crappy goodness. I want bacon with buttermilk pancakes with oodles of maple Syrup with a side of home fries and eggs where the syrup just gets every where and when you are eating it you think that Buddy the Elf was really on to something. Please tell me I'm not the only one who has been there?

    What I'm going to actually do is drink my Water then get my yogurt and know that I currently feel better than I did in my 20's and this feeling of wanting to binge is going to pass and I will not have guilt for indulging the feeling.

    Thanks for listening!

  6. 22 hours ago, CdrIvanova said:

    Happy New Year, August Sleevers! I hope 2018 brings you much joy and happiness.

    Monday is my normal weigh-in day and today I actually weigh what's written on my driver's license, LOL! That's a first since college many, many years ago. The other day I went into a store that I would never have gone into before (a little specialty boutique in my neighborhood) and actually bought some fun dresses there. I was shocked they fit! Here are a before/after picture. I had already lost about 15-20 pounds in my before picture. I'm the one on the left. The after picture is trying on one of the dresses I bought at that boutique.

    Getting sleeved was the best thing I've ever done!



    WOW! You look AMAZING! Congrats!

    I noticed your stats and we weighted about the same starting and were sleeved around the same time. I've only lost about 60lb and the rest is being stubborn. Would you mind sharing some of the things you are doing to have such great success? Are you working out regularly? Are you calorie counting?

    I'm tracking my food and I have a new toy (Fitbit) but I haven't had much movement in 3 weeks and this is the second stall that I have had.

  7. This week I have a follow up appointment with the surgeon. I'm so excited to step on the scale!! I've been weighing myself at home every Tuesday and know what my scale has said.

    I just wanted to ask everyone in here, since having the surgery to now, have you seen a spike in your hunger or appetite? I ask this because this past week to weekend, I swear it felt like NOTHING was satisfying my "hunger". For example, in prior weeks, I was able to drink 1/2 of a Protein Shake and feel fine for a while. This past weekend, I was able to finish one off. Help or suggestions are greatly appreciated since I don't want to go off the rails because that is where binging starts.

  8. On 11/20/2017 at 10:10 AM, etc. etc. etc. said:

    I knew it would happen to me eventually, but here it is: I'm stalled now too. I've only lost 1 pound in the last week. I'm not upset about it or anything. And it may have more than a little to do with me having been sick this week, both in terms of it being a strain on my system and in terms of me not being up for walking every day like usual.

    I also sort of have a paranoid suspicion that because I'm now at my lowest weight in ten years, my body is fighting me to hold steady.

    Nothing to do but wait and be extra careful with what I eat, tracking, etc. I do have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I will see if they have any thoughts on how I might tweak my macros.

    hang in there! You got this!

  9. Oh, I'm having a moment where I need people who have been there to "talk me off the ledge". After my rough start right after surgery, (internal bleeding with an extended hospital stay), I've been one of the lucky ones who has lost pretty fast. I'm down 49lb from 247lb before the pre-op diet. My freak out moment is, I weigh myself every Tuesday morning and for the last 2 weeks, I've been only losing 1lb per week. I know it sounds crazy to obsess about it but I'm honestly scared of what is going to happen when I plateau. What if I start trying to binge eat again?

  10. I noticed something about myself and I was wondering if others out there were having the same issue. When I'm making myself a plate of food, I'll take a look at 3oz that is on the plate and think, "that is not nearly enough" and add more (yes, I use very small plates). I never can finish it of course but I don't want this to turn into a habit and then over eat. Can anyone offer me any help on how to overcome this?

  11. 50 minutes ago, CdrIvanova said:

    Hey fellow Aug Sleevers ... it sounds like you're all doing so good! Yeah, a few stalls. Yeah, a few unpleasant moments with eating real food, but overall ... we're losing weight!

    I was sleeved on Aug 22 and am pretty much eating anything these days (within reason). Has anyone eaten a green salad yet? I'm dying for something like a salad but was wondering if anyone had any big problems with it?

    Hugs to you all!

    I was sleeved on 8/21 and I had a green salad yesterday and it did not bother me. The foods that bother me are broccoli, apple sauce and sugar <didn't read a label and found out the hard way

  12. I ate something too fast this weekend and felt like I was going to die. I feel that I have lost more but my husband (who I made him do this) is not permitted to let me near the scale unless its Tuesday.

    Other that that, I feel great! I have some of my energy back and then a some.

    Question, how do you know you have overeaten? Is it kind of like when you are watching the TV and have a bag of chips and the next thing you know its gone? How long after you overate did the hurtful feeling come?

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