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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. @LadySin. I even said to myself, you're allowing this man to walk on you and treat you like crap. I knew in my head, that just going back and forth with him in an argument wouldn't get me anywhere. I needed to get documented proof of his negligence. Now that I have that, I'm just trying to see which way I want to go. I prayed and said if I can get my surgery done over the right way, I would let it go, but my gut is telling me not to let him get away with this. I don't think it would hurt to speak with a lawyer and see what he or she says on the matter. I have to go through this surgery again. I work for myself, so if I don't work, I don't get paid and I know I will have to take at least a week off.
  2. Hey guys, a few months back I posted a message talking about how rude my gastric sleeve surgeon was to me. He told me I was a failure, there was nothing else he could do for me, maybe I could get on Medifast, he didn't have to see me again, among other things. I tried to explain to him, I never had the restriction I should have had with my sleeve. He preceded to tell me, people, who don't do what they are supposed to do always find excuses. Well, well, well, guess what! He's the one who didn't do what he was supposed to do. I was able to get in with one of the best bariatric surgeons in the state and he immediately set me up for an endoscopy and barium test. Both tests came back and showed what I knew all along, he left too much stomach in. I was a little nervous because I found out that my new doctor recently got in with the group of doctors with my old surgeon. I expressed my concerns with him. I asked him could he be fair and truthful, being that this other doctor was his partner now, in a sense. He preceded to tell me his patients come first and the test doesn't lie. My other concern was how would I handle this. I knew my insurance plan didn't pay for revision surgery and I knew I couldn't pay out of pocket, but why should I when the proof was right there in black and white, that he didn't do what he was supposed to do. After I calmed down and allowed a cooler head to prevail, I spoke with my doctor about what could be done. He told me to let his office handle the insurance company, once he shows them my test results and he let them know why I need revision surgery, he believes that would get me approved for the revision surgery. The first letter came back and it was denied, but a few days later I got my approval letter! My revision surgery is January 21, 2019. I'm now in talks with the hospital, I told them I shouldn't have to pay again for something their doctor didn't do correctly. To me, this is an open and shut case of malpractice, but all I want is my surgery done correctly and to let his group know what he did. I put in a formal complaint with BC/BS and with the hospital on him. What would you guys do? Would you be happy with getting your surgery over or would you pursue a malpractice case?
  3. @Cynisca, thank you for your honest opinion. I have always been a person that dots all my i's and cross my t's. I obtained one of the best bariatric surgeons in the state. He did an endoscopy and a barium test on me. The test came back and showed what I knew in my heart all along, there was way too much stomach left. So this doctor was not only rude, he failed to do my surgery correctly. Even though I feel this is an open and shut case of malpractice, all I want is my surgery done over and for my insurance company and the big group of doctors he works with to know what he did. My insurance plan did not cover revision surgery, but through God's grace, they approved me for revision. Now I'm in talks with the hospital. I told them I shouldn't have to pay another penny out of pocket for something one of their doctors didn't do right. The doctor I'm with now recently became apart of this group of doctors with my old surgeon. I prayed about it and asked him could he be fair with me and truthful about what his colleague did or didn't do. So far I have been very pleased with him. My revision surgery is January 21, 2019.
  4. @mindwingI am so glad you are doing good now and I'm so glad you are ok from the cancer. Thank you for sharing your story. I am making some changes to my life. I know I have to take responsibility as well, but my sleeve does not appear to be working. I decided to take the weekend and clear my mind, then I will hit the floor running Monday and hopefully find another weight loss doctor that will help me. I wish you all the best. Thank you again for giving me inspiration.
  5. I have never been made to feel so inadequate in my life. I am so disappointed in the way Brian Gary treated me. I received the gastric sleeve surgery from him on 09/12/2017. From the beginning, my very first visit with him was not very pleasant. I should have taken that as the red flag it was and taken my business elsewhere, but against my better judgement I preceded with him as my weight loss doctor. He didn't feel I needed the surgery. I would have rather him tell me he will not perform my surgery and for me to get another doctor. My visit with him on 10/17/18 proved to be the most disrespectful way I have ever been treated by anyone, especially my doctor. I have not lost but about 34 pounds in the year since my surgery and saw on this day I gained 11 of those pounds back. Already feeling bad enough, he made me feel much worse with the remarks he made to me. He told me I failed, there was nothing else he could do for me, maybe I could get on the Medifast diet with Dr. Jernigan and he didn't have to see me anymore. Really! The Medifast diet, after I have put myself through weight loss surgery. Instead of him asking what the problem might be and let's see how we can fix this, he humiliated me. I told him my sleeve has never restricted my food intake the way it should, not even from the very beginning. The hunger was still there and if it were not for the scars on my stomach, I wouldn't think I had weight loss surgery. I asked him if he removed the 75% of my stomach the way he was suppose to, he didn't give a yes or no answer, instead he said your sleeve is the same size as the lady I just saw and she's already lost 80 pounds. Talk about adding insult to injury. He told me people who don't do what they are suppose to do always find excuses. He never once offered to run an endoscopy, barium or any other test to see what might be causing the lack of weight loss I'm experiencing. Sure there are things I could have done better. I am new to this and needed my doctor's help, but instead I got turned away and told I was a failure and he didn't have to see be again. Your weight loss doctor is suppose to be a life time relationship to keep you on track and to make sure you are having no problems, like leaks, nutrient or vitamin deficiencies along with other problems that can come with weight loss surgery. I m having hair loss, bruising and pitching in my stomach, but did not feel comfortable telling him these things, because to me he just didn't care one way or the other. The bariatric group I am a member of could not believe this. These people had their surgery before me, some during the same time as me and others after me and have lost anywhere from 70 to over a 100 pounds. Most of them still can't eat more than a few mouthfuls. When I told him I can take in more food than I should be able to, he said the stomach is a muscle and it stretches. This is not supposed to happen this fast, maybe some years down the road, but not right after you have surgery. My group asked me about my labs with him, I asked what labs? I have never done lab work in his office. I spoke with my insurance company and they have given me the green light to seek another weight loss doctor. I pray all was done right and it is a simple fix. I am not a failure, I feel my sleeve and doctor failed me. I pray he does not make anyone else feel this way.
  6. Honestly, there are things I could have done better. But I did not over indulge in any bad habits except the wine drinking. No sweets, no sodas, very little carbs. My thing is my sleeve never stopped me from eating, I stopped myself, but could have easily kept eating a whole plate of food from the beginning. I am going to remain calm until I see what's going on.
  7. Wow! I really feel like I have been done so wrong. I felt in my heart I shouldn't have used this man. I am so angry. Now I have these scares that look awful on my stomach and still didn't lose weight. Now he tells me, there is nothing he can do for me, he don't have to see me anymore. :{
  8. @elcee yes, very helpful. No, I don't have a dependency, I can stop at any time and have now chose to stop. I, like you would use the wine to help me relax and sleep. But since the deaths of my mom and two sisters, I was also using it to dull the pain of their loss. I know that's not the way, so to stop drinking the wine isn't the problem. The problem is my sleeve never restricted me from eating large portions, well larger than I should be able to eat. I just wish I knew why. Hopefully I will find that out once I get another weight loss doctor.
  9. Spoke with my insurance company. They will allow me to go to another weight loss doctor to address my problem and see how I can get back on track, but will not pay for a revision surgery. Well I'm gonna pray he did my sleeve right and it's as simple as putting the wine bottle down, getting in more exercise and counting my calories better. If my sleeve wasn't done right, of course I will go after the a*****e doctor I used. Wish me luck.

    Gastric sleeve friends a year out or more

    I go to my regular doctor for blood and everything else as well. It just gets to me how horrible this man has been to me. I'm about to call the insurance company now. I pray they give me some good news.
  11. Thank you everyone. To answer the questions about my diet. I try to make healthy food choices, I might slip every now and then. I know my main problem is the amount of wine I drink every night. Since my mom and two sisters passed, wine has been my coping mechanism. I drink plenty of water. Wine and water are the only things I drink. I have two glasses of wine per night. I have vowed to stop. Didn't have any last night and the bottles I had I gave them to my sister and cousin yesterday. My sleeve have never stopped me from eating a full meal, never! I would stop myself, because I know I should. My doctor has never checked my blood, never checked for leaks or suggested I have any type of test to see if there's a problem. I pray my insurance will pay for a revision and allow me to see another doctor. I admit I didn't do all I could have done, but my sleeve seem nonexistent. I'm about to make some calls now.
  12. @Ed_NW, I love the way you worded your response. It makes so much sense. I'm gonna call my insurance company and see if I'm allowed to go to another weight loss surgeon, even if he or she didn't do my surgery. I don't have to see my surgeon again, it's obvious he doesn't want to see me again. I know something is wrong, felt this way almost immediately.
  13. @johnsons13, @CyndieRI, thank you so much for responding. johnsons13, I pray it gets better for you with everything. This is not easy. People that say surgery is the easy way out, have not had surgery. CyndieRI, I pray all goes well for you.

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