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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KarenIn

  1. KarenIn

    Second Thoughts

    Doddie Way to go! I know it is not easy to stay on track when eating out all the time. I have not been out to eat for over a month, because I was just banned Aug. 4th. I am hoping to take a driving trip myself soon, and would appreciate any suggestions from you on the foods you selected. Also, I am meeting friends for the first time for dinner next week.
  2. KarenIn

    Second Thoughts

    damienne Glad to hear that you made your decision and that you are doing fine. Keep in touch.
  3. KarenIn

    Second Thoughts

    Shamrockgirl60 I had my surgery three weeks ago. Looks like we are on the same track. I am eating soft foods now, and hope that when I see the surgeon on Tuesday I will move to regural food.
  4. KarenIn

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    I was banded Aug. 4, 2008 and have lost 60 lbs (45 pe-op). I have a total of 160 to lose, and everytime I see that one of you lost 100 pounds or more it helps to keep me motivated. I know that I can do this!! I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your success. You all deserve praise for your accomplisment, and for helping all of us that are just starting out.
  5. I was tempted a few times, by of all things some cheese in the frig thatI left for my grandson. Then I told myself. if I ate that cheese I was only cheating myself. So, I made in though the two weeks with no cheating. I also had to do liquids on for one week after surgery, and to be honest I was afraid not to stick to that. I have not had any nasuea! I am now nearly done with one week of pureed food, which is not to bad. I can honestly say I am not hungry. On Aug. 20th I start soft food! Then, I go back to the doctor on the 26th for my second follow-up visit. I lost about 50 pounds on low carb before the pre-op diet, because they told me the surgery would be easier if I lost some weight before hand.
  6. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Welcome Margiemm2 I am also 61 years old, and just had the lapband surgery August 4th. If you put your mind to it, you can do it!!! I started low carb about 4 months prior to my surgery date and the weight really starting coming off. That just gave me more hope of being able to do this. Good luck to you, and keep in touch. All the 60+ people have been so supportive of each other, and that is a GREAT help.
  7. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    I lost 14 pounds in the last three weeks since I last seen the doctor, and am healing well (even with a large incision from hernia repair). The doctor was very pleased, and so am I. I started pureed foods tonight per the doctors instructions. I had 1/2 cup of pureed roast beef, and had no problems. I ate very slowly!! It's so had to believe I am feeling very full. I am so excited, and ready to continue the journey to a new me, so I had to share my good news with all my 60+ lapband friends.
  8. KarenIn

    Banded August 4th

    Raine63 I think I would be lying if I said it was a "piece of cake" All in all, it really was not bad. Like everyone says, the gas pain is the biggest promblem. Take Gas-X, drink peppermint tea and walk, walk, walk. At first it hurts to move and walk, but the more you move the more the gas is released, and you feel better. The other thing is to drink all your fluids so you don't get dehydrated. I had to stay in the hospital overnight because of the hernia repairs (2) and they put me on morphine. But, I only needed that for that one day. I only took two doses of pain meds since I came home. I started to feel real good on Thursday morning, and my surgery was Monday morning. So even with the extra surgery, I don't think that 3 days to feel good again was to hard. Good luck with your surgery. I will be thinking of you on Monday. Let us know how you do.
  9. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Mary D A early Happy Birthday!!!! Wow, my birhtday was last Thursday. We both got banded right around our birthdays.
  10. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Mary D I go for my post op check-up on Tuesday, August 12th, and then back to work. I think I am ready, I feel pretty much like my old self as of yesterday. When is your check-up?
  11. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Charlene Sorry to hear so many things are happening now. I will keep you, and your family, in my prayers
  12. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    MaryD Glad to hear your surgery went so well. We had our bands two days apart. Mine was August 4th. I am doing great today! I think it took me a little bit longer because of the two hernia repairs the doc did when he placed the band. What a surprise that was to me. Keep in touch.. we can encourge each other
  13. KarenIn

    Gas, Gas and more Gas

    I had an overnight stay in the hospital, because my doc found two hernias and repaired them. The gas in gone today (5 day post op), and I really feel great today. I found walking to help the most. All in all, it was not a bad procedure. I have a little more pain at the one site, because that is were the port is and where a large hernia was repaired. It is so important to drink 64 oz. of fluids!!!
  14. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    I had my surgery Monday, August 4th. Actually, I also had two hernias repaired, so I had to stay in the hospital overnight. I quess one of the hernia's was pretty big. I'm pretty sore (mostly for the hernia repair, I think), but doing o.k.
  15. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    I really appreciate the support!! Thursday is my birthday (61 years old), so I am looking at this is a gift to myself for the rest of my life. I will be a healthier grandma. My 4 year old grandson is here with my daughter and he is keeping be for worrying. I will let you know how it went.
  16. KarenIn

    Good luck for aug 4 peeps!!

    I will let you know how it goes tomorrow. My birthday is this Thursday, so I am looking at this as a great birthday present for the rest of my life! I'll be chatting with you all again soon. Thanks again for you good wishes!
  17. Sarah Thanks for sharing your information. By banding is tommorrow, so I was very please to hear you had such a good experience. Good lunck to you!!
  18. KarenIn

    Is this group still active.

    Hi and welcome!!! Please check the thread just below yours and you will find that we are all here supporting each other. Are you banded yet, or deciding?
  19. I can't believe my surgery date is finally nearly here!!!! It's been a long process. Only one more day, and I survived the 2 week liquid diet!!! Truly, ithe liquid diet wasn't bad at all. I am more excited than nervous. I will let you all know how everything goes.
  20. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Doddie Great news about getting off the meds. Keep up the good work.
  21. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi Everyone The liquid diet is going well. I tought I would be climbing the walls, but it's not so bad. Only five more days till by banding date! Meet with the nurse yesterday for a pre-op interview,and she was very pleased with my progress. I will keep on track, becuase I must keep on track.
  22. KarenIn

    Banding next week

    I getting banded the following Monday, August 4th. Good luck and keep in touch.
  23. KarenIn

    Newbie to the 60+ group

    Hi plevy, and all the 60+ bandster My surgery is Monday, August 4th, in Merrillville, IN at Methodist Hospital. I really feel that I am ready for this even though I had some second thoughts a while ago. :thumbup:
  24. KarenIn

    Newbie to the 60+ group

    Glad to hear your surgery went well, and you are feeling good. I started by 2 week pre-op liquid diet and it's been going well. I thought it would be much worst, but I am really not that hungry. I was off line for a while with computer problems. Keep it touch, and keep up the good job.
  25. KarenIn

    August Schedule

    I am August 4th. Please add me to the list.

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