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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KarenIn

  1. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Roxie It's possible to gain weight, but I don' t think there is need to panic. Sometimes it's just water weight, or maybe to much sugar at the holiday. Talk to your doctor about an ajustment so that you are less hungry and review your food journal to be certain that you are eating the right foods in the right amounts. I know of people who have gained weight and went on to loss again. Keep in touch and let us know how things turn out. Good luck and take care, Karen
  2. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi Everyone and Happy New Year I had my surgery on Tuesday, December 29th and everything went very well. I have lost more weight, but mostly because of my reaction to an antibiotic that caused a lot of intestinal distress. I am doing better now after calling the doc and stopping the antibiotic. I had my daughter keep reminding all the hospital staff about my limitation with pills. Can’t do my exercises yet, which I truly miss doing. There was a time when you would have never heard me say I wanted to exercise. At least three medical professionals told me how healthy I was during my hospital stay. Wow! That was amazing to hear! I don’t go to many movies, but the last one I seen was Amelia which was just O.K. I rented The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and enjoyed it. Anyone have any good suggestions for rental DVDs? Karen
  3. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    I am in Illinois visiting my daughter and my five year old grandson. Yes, there are way too many goodies here to tempt. As a matter of fact, I just had a brownie. That's why I decided to check on whats going on here, and get away for the sweets. I am a bit worried about gaining weight this month what with Christmas and I am schedule to have surgery for a fallen bladder on December 29th. Because of the surgery I will not be able to exercise much for several weeks. I guess I will just have to do my best. You guys may be hearing a lot more from me for support and because I will not be able to work for a few weeks. Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and a Happy and healthy New Year. Karen
  4. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Nancy and Becky It's great to have you join our group. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I wish you both the very best on your journey to better health. KarenIN
  5. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Way to go! Keep up the good work! I know how hard it is around the holidays.
  6. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    CONGRATS! Looks like your more than 1/2 way to your goal. Keep up the great work.
  7. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Happy Birthday, Phyl. Hope it's a great day, and the beginning of a great and healthly year.
  8. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi Everyone I haven't seen any post in a long time, and wonder what is happening with everyone. I hope you are all doing well. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Remember: Eat to live - not Live to Eat.
  9. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Phyl Thanks for sharing this excellent thought-provoking piece. Yes, let’s all hope we are coffee.
  10. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Phyl I meant to tell you that I love your ticker showing the credit card along the line of clothes. I wish I had a total of how much money I spent on new clothes since my surgery. Do you think it would be deductible as a medical expense (ha, ha!). But, I am not complaining at all! I was glad to spend every penny as the sizes got smaller and smaller. Also, many people benefited from the donation of my old things. Did you get rid of your old larger clothes? I didn't keep any of mine, because they is no way I am going back. Karen
  11. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Isn't it strange when someone does not recognize you? I have had that happen to me, when it's been a while since someone has seen me.
  12. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Shar Glad to hear you are doing well. I ride a bike for exercise because of a bad knee. I started out a year ago for only about 5 mins and now can do two 30-45 min stints a day. Just keep it up, you will get there also. It sure has helped my knee to lose the weight and get the exercise.
  13. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Thanks everyone for the support! It so great having all of you who are also on the Lap Band program to turn to from time to time. I can be pretty hard on myself at times. In the end I do know that I should be pleased that I still lost weight and did not gain. I would have definately gained weight if all this happen before I had the Lap Band. And, I would have had a really tough time doing all this at my starting weight. I woke up with a cold and laringitis this morning. I know that's because I've been running on empty trying to get my Mom settled and working my full-time job. Thank heavens for my brother and his wife. They came up from Georgia to help and I don't think I could have got all this done without them. Thanks, again!
  14. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi Everyone Went to the doc yesterday for my monthly check-up and only lost 1.5 pounds. I was a bit disappointed with myself, as I am getting so close to my goal and was previously losing more each month. They were still happy that I was losing and not gaining. It was a tough month to stick to my regiment with all the stuff isnvoled with moving my Mother to the Senior Living Center, and I know I let thing slip more than a few times. I guess I just have to re-group and try to do better now that things will be getting back to normal (hopefully). I hope everyone else in doing well.
  15. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi Shar Glad you found us! Just let us know if you have any questions. Good luck on your weight loss journey. I think the Lap Band is the best thing I ever did for my self. I can't believe how much better I feel.
  16. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Doddie I brought mine at www.qvc.com the item number is V19649 Duro-Med Portable Heavy Duty Pedal Exerciser QVC Price: $33.42 (67 reviews ) Karen
  17. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Doddie I have one of those pedal things you buy at the durable medical supply stores or Walgreens drug store. It is just the pedals and sits on the floor in front of any chair you like. The tension adjusts to make it easier of harder to pedal. It's worked wonders for me. I was getting injections in my knee every six months before my LAP-BAND®. Now with the weight loss and daily "biking" my knee feels remarkly better and I have much more flexibilty in my knees. The best thing is that I place it in front of my living room chair and pedal away while I watch TV.
  18. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Phyl Glad to hear that you are doing well with your recovery! Sounds like you are really working at your therapy. I sure know what you mean about not being able to walk 1/2 mile before my LAP-BAND® sugery. It's amazing when I think back to all the things I had gotten used to not being able to do, and what a blessing it is to be able to get things back like walking, bending, crossing my legs, fitting in a booth, no seat belt extenders on a plane, having energy, etc.
  19. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Where is everyone? I haven't seen a post here for more than a week. The weather is beautiful here in Northwest Indiana. Just came in from a walk, and couldn't help thinking about how nice it is to be able to go for a walk on such a nice day since I lost the weight. I have been busy trying to find a Independent Living place for my Mother who is 85 years old and fell in the tub. She could not get out until I checked on her four hours later. It's been a stressful time, but I can't let the stress get me off track. I know we are doing the right thing, but it sure takes alot of doing. That's why I went fo the walk. Walking helps me to get my thoughts together. Hope everyone is well.
  20. KarenIn

    Hi from Oregon

    Welcome! We are glad to have you with us. Feel free to ask any questions you want. This is a great group, and you will find lots of support along the way here.
  21. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Looks like you have a great start. Down 27 pounds is terrific !! I wish you all the best on your journey to a healthier, new you.
  22. KarenIn

    Hello all!

    Dee Congratulations on being banded and losing almost 40 pounds so far. Check with your doc about some exercise suggestions. The doc that treats my bad knee and hip told me that biking was good and Water exercise. However, everyone is different, so it's best to check first. Best of luck to you. I know you can do it!
  23. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi Sharon It's good to hear from you, again. Enjoy those grandkids during your visit. Who knows maybe chasing the grandkids around will make it easier to lose a few more pounds. Don't give up!
  24. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Way to go! Keep up the good work. Doesn't it feel wonderful?
  25. KarenIn

    Set Back

    Diana I'm sorry to hear about your set back. Please remember how important it is to get all your Water in each day. If you don't drink enough water you will have fatigue. Also, keep in touch with your doctor about these issues. We are here for support, but we aren't a subsitute for a doctor. Hope to hear that you are feeling much better soon.

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