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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KarenIn

  1. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Way to go Will! It's it amazing how much better you begin to feel as the weight comes off? Yesterday I went on a Garden tour that I was unable to do the last few years, becuase it was to difficult to walk. It is hard to explain how much I enjoyed the day to someone who hasn't been though the same type of experience. Keep it up, it just gets better and better.
  2. KarenIn

    FINALLY....I did it...whoo!!!

    Marion Sorry to hear about your computer. Mine was out for two days over the weekend after a storm we had here, and I was starting to go though withdrawl. Yes, I admit I am addicted to my computer. I hope you get up and running soon. Karen
  3. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    That's wonderful Karen. Isn't great getting compliments from your doctors! Congratulations!!!!
  4. KarenIn


    Carol Glad to hear your surgery went fine, and that you are feeling good enough to get out. I am some computer problems over the weekend due to a bad storm here and was not able to login. I thought about you and hoped everything went fine. I hope that you will keep posting and let us know how things are going as you get smaller and smaller. Karen
  5. KarenIn


    Tracy Congratulations! I am looking forward to hearing from you as you get closer and closer to your goal weight.
  6. KarenIn

    FINALLY....I did it...whoo!!!

    :thumbup: Way to Go, Marion!!!! Keep up the good work. Karen
  7. KarenIn


    CarolD771 GOOD LUCK TOMORROW! I will be thinking about you. You will be on your way to a whole new beginning. Karen
  8. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi Everyone It's great to hear from you all again. :waytogo: :thumbup: Oldoneyoungagain, How much weight have you lost, and how far are you from your goal? Karen, Sounds like you have been very busy traveling. I have been to the Grand Canyon twice. It is hard to explain how breathtakingly beautiful it is to see. Doddie, Are you hungry and need more than one cup of food when you eat meat and vegtables? If so, then you probaly need a fill. At least you should talk to your doctor about having a fill. Also, think about increasing your exercise routine. Good luck! Phyl, So sorry to hear about your "speed bump". I hope that they get everything adjusted for your soon. I still don't do the gym. With working, I find it hard to get to a gym, but I walk and ride by stationary bike alot. When the weather is bad I also have exercise DVDs to workout with. Have a great summer, and keep it touch.
  9. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Hey everyone,where are you? I know it's Summer and the weather is good, but I was just wondering how everyone is doing? This thread has not been active for a while. in NW Indiana, but I managed to take two walks between rain storms. I really love walking now that I am lighter. I even joined a walking club that the town park dept. sponsors. I never thought I would do that two years ago. I hope everyone is well and having a good summer.
  10. KarenIn


    Carol I was lucky that I did not have a lot of health issues for my size. Mostly my problems were with my joints. My GP had told me I would need a motorized wheel chair someday to get around, and I was having treatments for pain in my knees every six months. I also was taking meds for swelling in my ankles, and pain killers for my back problems. I never thought I would be able to go a day without Clebrex. Now I don't take any prescription medication. I seem to always be in Physical Therapy for something to do with my joints. I truly feel many years younger and have so much more energy. I think getting banded was the best thing I ever did for myself. Finally, all the pieces came together and I was able to lose the weight. My doctor was great with educating us on proper eating habits, foods and execise. Good luck on the 16th. I waiting to hear your sucess story in the near future.
  11. KarenIn


    I will be thinking about you on the 16th, and wishing you all the best. You are well on your way to a healthier life. Congratulations!!! If I can help with any questions, let me know.
  12. KarenIn


    Well done Carol. :tongue2: Sounds like you are on your way. What is your surgery date?
  13. KarenIn

    New PreOp

    Welcome Angela! When is the date of your surgery? I didn't think it hurt too much, and I also had two hernia repairs at the same time. I was feeling pretty much like my old self in four days. I spent one night in the hospital because of the hernia repairs. Honestly, the first day I came home, I thought "What did I do to myself?". Then the next day I was much better. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Karen
  14. KarenIn

    When is the right time for a fill?

    There isn't a formula for when to get a fill. The doctor's are looking to get you to a "sweet spot". That means you are at the place where you don't feel hungry after eating 1 cup of food. One cup of food means meat and vegtables. If you eat soft foods that go through the band too easy, you don't getting the full feeling as soon. Eat slowly and chew well, to give yourself time to feel full. Try not to make the band do all the work, and eat meat and vegtables that provide good Fiber that is filling. Also, I found getting my 80 grams of Protein a day helped to keep me feeling full. I had my surgery nearly two years ago, and had 5 fills to date. Some people get a fill every month. If you are eating the right things, eating slowly , getting in your protein, and exercising you should lose weight without too many fills. I hope this helps. Good luck!!!
  15. KarenIn

    New Surgery Date!

    Great! I am so glad for you! It won't be much longer now. Karen
  16. KarenIn

    Off The Topic...

    Thanks for sharing the adorable pictures of the kittens. The video clip sure made me smile,and I needed a smile. I have been off work for the last three days with the flu and feeling weak and tired. This video really brighten my morining!
  17. KarenIn

    Cropped AD

    From the album: Before and After

  18. KarenIn

    Before and After

  19. KarenIn

    New PreOp

    Welcome Carol !!!! I think you will like this group, they are all very supportive. If you have any questions please let us know. I remember how difficult it was to wait for the surgery date. Hang in there!!! It won't be long long now until you are on your way to better health. Is you doctor asking you to lose weight prior to the surgery? My name is Karen and I live in NW Indiana. I am 62 years old and still working; however, I am truly looking forward to retirement in the next few years. I am a widow, and have two kids and three grandsons. My daughter, and her family live two and half hours away, with my six year old grandson. My son and his family live in Maryland with my 5 year old and two year old grandson. As you can see from my ticker, I was banded nearly two years ago. It is truly the best thing I did for myself. It is amazing how much better I feel. My joints don't hurt all the time and I have the energy of someone at least 10 years younger. I wish you much success on your journey. :redface: Karen
  20. KarenIn

    Whoo !!!!!

    Marion Congratulations! Keep up the good work! You are well on your way to looking and feeling better.
  21. Hi Sounds like you had a get Mother's Day and you are looking very good. I had a rather busy Mother's Day. My mother, who is 86, lives in a retirement home and they called me at 1:30 a.m that she fell and she was going to the ER at the hospital. So, I got up and went to the hosiptal and spent the day there wiht her. She was admitted and they are trying to find out why she is dizzy and her neck in hurting. However, all was not lost for the day. I did get to talk to my son, who lives near Washington DC, and my daughter, who lives in Southern Illinois who sent me beautiful roses. Hope you, and everyone has a good week. Karen
  22. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Phyl Good to hear from you again, but very sorry to hear that you are having back problems (Ouch!) I hope that you have been able to get some relief. Thanks for sharing the X-ray. That's very interesting to know that it shows up.
  23. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Congratulations!!!! Way to go!!! Over 100# gone forever, isn't it a wonderful feeling? Have a great time on your vacation, you deserve it for all your hard work getting to this point. :thumbup:
  24. KarenIn

    ANZAC Day downunder..

    Marion Thanks for sharing the recipe. I wondered what Anzac Biscuits were. I am having a good weekend, even though it is rainy here this week. I finally cleaned up a mess of paperwork yesterday and managed to get in a nice walk between the rain showers. I got myself an I Pod, and it is helping me to want to walk more, because I love listening to the music. I also joined a waking club that starts in a few weeks. I hope to meet some people in my area that like to walk for exercise. A health club in the area is sponsoring the walking club and we will walk around various parks in the area. I did a 50 min cardio workout DVD this morning. Oh my, two years ago I certainly would not have been able to do that! I am going to pick-up my Mother from the retirement center and have her for lunch today. So I made a big fruit salad, crab cakes and wild rice. I don't eat rice often, but this is whole grain and should be pretty healthy. Have a good week. And keep up the good work! Having only one cookie once in a while is O.K. We can't give up everything - all the time. Karen
  25. KarenIn

    How far have you come?

    After being banded and losing 140 pounds I can climb stairs, take long walks, play with my grandkids, travel and have far more energy than I can remember having in a long time. I don't have to take medication for joint pain, have been able to avoid having a knee replacement and don't have to have physical therapy every time I try to exercise. It certainly has had the most postive impact on my life. Now, I look forward to getting out and doing all types of activities that I avoided in the past. As an example, recently I went to visit my 5 year old and 2 year old grandkids who live out of town. A few years ago I would not have taken the plane trip because it was to hard to get around in the airport. I spent a whole day walking around the zoo in 90 degree heat with them and had the best time. I certainly would have avoided that in the past. I can play basketball with my six year old grandson, which I would have never done before. Now I look for way to get out and be active. Losing the weight just makes life better!!!

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