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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KarenIn

  1. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi Everyone Haven't posted for a while because I did not get any emails. Now I see that the site was down for a while. Phyl - Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a good day. I agree, I don't like the way things are working on the new site. No big news to report. I am holding my own, and just trying to get though the holidays without a gain. Karen in Indiana
  2. Happy Halloween!!! I hope you enjoy the apple. Try it without the skin first, if you are concerned. And, remember to chew well. Good luck with the appointment on the 11th. I hope you do well. Karen
  3. Hi Yes, I eat the whole fruit including apples, plums, and pears. Berries are really very good for you. I add them to plain greek yogurt, cottage cheese and top my steel cut oats with them in the morning. I have not eaten oranges. I don't know if they would be a problem. But, I am not a big fan of them. I would be interested to heard if anyone else on the board eats them. I always cut up my apples and eat them in small bites. I have not had a problem with them getting stuck. Of course, like always, you must chew, chew, chew. I try very hard to remember to chew well and eat slowly. I haven't had too many occasions of food sticking. I have to admit that eating slowly is something I really have to work at each day. Also, I need to keep in mind that I shoul not be eating in front of the computer or TV. Wishing you the best, KarenIN
  4. Sounds like you are doing very well. Losing 20 pounds since September 1s is AWESOME. That's about 3 pounds a week. It's great that you are working out at the gym. It's a good idea to east mostly lean Protein (chicken, fish, lean pork) and vegtables. This type of food makes you feel full. Also, be sure you are getting Fiber with whole fruits. I love eating apples to feel full. I think then you wil feel restricted. Keep up the good work.
  5. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Cherie Glad everything went so well. You are on your way now.... Karen (Indiana)
  6. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Welcome to the group!!! You will find lots of information and encourgment on this site. Best wishes for a very successful surgery. Keep in touch.
  7. Hi Glad to meet you. Maybe I will run into to you at Dr. Stanish's office some day. There is a picture of me in the waiting room at his office. I am on the poster for this year. I think it's the top middle person. I have on a black jacket and lost 141 pounds. Dr. Stanish is great and I love the staff. Sounds like you are doing great already. How much of the 70 pounds did you lose before the surgery? Let me know if you have any questions, or just need a bit of encourgement.
  8. Hi I understand how you feel. I was over 300 pounds when I had my surgery and was having a very difficult time getting around. I was avoiding outings because it was difficult to get around. It was embarrassing to try to fly in a plane, and difficult to ride in a car for long periods of time. I had to get saet belt extenders on the plane, and always worried the belt would not fix in a car. Stairs were a nightmare. I always asked for a table at restaruants, so I didn't have too worry about fitting into a booth. Standing for too long was miserable. I had a difficult time deciding to have the surgery, but finally decide I couldn’t lose so much weight alone. I really needed help. It’s been just over two years, and I have lost 141 pounds and gained back the lifestyle I want. I have more energy and feel wonderful. You can do this!!!!! Life doesn’t give guarantees. However, research the doctors in your area, and then make a commitment to make this your priority. It is so worth the effort. I would be glad to help you through the process. Karen
  9. Hi I would be glad to help you in your journey. I had the surgery just over two years ago and have lost 141 pounds and now I am working on maintaining. I was well over three hundred pounds to start. Having the surgery has improved my life in countless ways, and I would be glad to help others. It's hard to explain how much better I feel and how much more energy I have now that I am smaller. I live in Northwest Indiana, so we are too far apart. I had my surgery at Methodist Hospital in Merrillville, IN with Dr. Paul Stanish. I thought I would never be able to stay on the liquid diet, but it wasn't so bad. Actually, it was nice not having to think about what to eat each day, and the resulting weight loss really was an incentive to keep going. Tell me a little bit about yourself and what made you decide to do the surgery. Let me know if you have any questions? I will be thinking about you on the 11th. You CAN do this! :smile2:
  10. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    A warm welcome to PitPat and Jan. You found a great site here. Jan: I wish you the best tomorrow. I remember how nervous I was, but I am sooooo very glad that I had the LapBand. Hope to get to know you both better as you shrink. Karen (IN)
  11. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    WELCOME!!!! :thumbup: Sounds like you are doing very well to me. That's about 7 pounds a month. I know it's hard to be patient, but you are doing very well. How much do you want to lose in total? Let us know a little bit about yourself. We are always glad to have new members to our thread. Karen from Indiana
  12. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Please be sure to talk to your doctor about your problems. It does sound like you need more protein, but your doc is the very best resource for how to resolve your issues. It was good to hear from you, but sorry to hear that you are having problems. Congratulations of the weight loss!
  13. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Welcome We are very glad to have you join our group. Please, tell us a little bit about yourself when you have the chance. Like the others said, don't be too concerned about the rare things that happen to the band. Follow the doctor's advise and you will be fine. And, chew, chew, and chew!!! It's a great idea to start developing that habit now. I am two years out from my surgery and never had a problem. Everyone is different. Karen (Indiana)
  14. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    So sorry to hear that your band may have slipped. I sure hope that you don't have to have surgery, again. I wish I could take you up on a visit to Orlando; however, I don't have any plans to be in that area any time in the near future or near enough vacation time from work. Thanks for the invite. Hang in there, and keep a good thought. Let us know how it goes. Karen (Indiana)
  15. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Phyl Glad to see that you got to New York! Thanks for posting the pictures. If any one else on the board is coming near Indiana please let me know and we can get together. Safe travels, Karen
  16. KarenIn

    Anyone got new photo`s..??

    Marion So sorry to hear that your son has been ill. I will keep both you and him in my prayers. Looks like your weight loss is going well. You are beyond the 1/2 point. Congratulations!!!! I hope you are giving yourself non-food rewards along the way. Karen
  17. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Phyl I also enjoyed the visit. Your dog and cat are adorable! I just found you on facebook and sent a freind request. Karen from Indiana
  18. KarenIn

    Anyone got new photo`s..??

    Majj Haven't heard from you in some time. Is everything going O.K? KarenIN
  19. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Good to hear from you Phyl! I hope you have safe travels and are able to enjoy the trip. Hey, if you come through Northwest Indiana stop by and visit. I would love to meet you in person. Just post to this site and let me know when your are nearby and I will see if we can work out a time to get together. I am in Schererville, Indian which is about a hour South and East of Chicago, IL. I am not far off of the Tollroad (#80) or the freeway (#80/94). Have to go for now, I am heading out soon for my morning walk and then back to get ready to go to work. TTYL Karen (from Indiana)
  20. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Happy Birthday to another Leo! Hope you are having a great day. You are doing great, keep it up. Karen
  21. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    I am celebrating being banded for two years today, and a new healthy lifesytle. Saturday is my real birthday so it's a double celebration. I could have never imagined that I would feel better on my 63rd birthday then I did on my 53rd birthday. I think having the Lap Band was the best birthday gift I ever recieved.
  22. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Welcome tnpeg We are glad to have you join the group. Tell us a little bit about yourself. You will get lots of support here.
  23. Marion our grand daughters are so adorable!! What cute smiles! Isn't it great being a grandma? We are celebrating Independence Day this weekend in the States. Last night I watched the fireworks, tomorrow I will first visit my mother in the retirement village, and then go to my sister's for a BBQ. My neice will be there with her 4 year old triplets (Two boys - One girl). They are alway lots of fun. My grandkids all live away, but I will go to visit my 6 year old grandson next weekend that lives 2 1/2 hours away for a trip to the Children Museum. I really appreciate every chance I get to see the grandkids. Will not see the two from Maryland (11 hours away) until the end of the year for the holiday. Always good to hear from you.
  24. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    WELCOME! Cat Lady I had my Lap Band placed a few days before my 61st birthday. Sure wish I had done it sooner. It's the best birthday present I ever received. I look better, but best of all I feel so much better. It gave me a new lease on life. I can do so many of the things that I couldn't do before, and I feel at least 10 years younger. I work a desk job and was able to go back after one week, but had to be mindful not to lift anything heavy, but remember each person is different. Glad to have you join our group. Everyone here is very supportive, so let us know if you have any questions or if you just need a little reassurance.
  25. KarenIn

    New 60+ Thread

    Congratulations! Looks like you are doing great by the looks of your ticker. Sorry to hear about the tornado. I hope everyone was O.K. Good to hear from you again.

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