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LAP-BAND Patients
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About lakis

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/08/1971
  1. It’s a special day here at BariatricPal, according to your profile..it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday, lakis!

  2. Happy 42nd Birthday lakis!

  3. Happy 41st Birthday lakis!

  4. lakis

    Hellow From Greece!

    Yia sou MARY!:clap2::clap2: thanks!!
  5. lakis

    Hellow From Greece!

    Iam from Athens
  6. HELLO!<o></o> NAME:THEODORE AGE:35<o></o> COYNTRY:<st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1>GREECE</st1></st1:country-region> BANDED:07,02,06<o></o> HEIGHT:172 CM<o></o> WEIGHT:130,20 KG/ <st1:metricconverter productid="73 KG" w:st="on">73 KG</st1:metricconverter>.<o></o> BMI: 44.01/24.68 SEE YOU LATER!!:notagree <o></o>

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
