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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lakis

  1. HELLO!<o></o> NAME:THEODORE AGE:35<o></o> COYNTRY:<st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1>GREECE</st1></st1:country-region> BANDED:07,02,06<o></o> HEIGHT:172 CM<o></o> WEIGHT:130,20 KG/ <st1:metricconverter productid="73 KG" w:st="on">73 KG</st1:metricconverter>.<o></o> BMI: 44.01/24.68 SEE YOU LATER!!:notagree <o></o>
  2. lakis

    Hellow From Greece!

    Yia sou MARY!:clap2::clap2: thanks!!
  3. lakis

    Hellow From Greece!

    Iam from Athens

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
