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About IdontWant2beAfatty

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 11/06/1984

About Me

  • Biography
    "Take care of your body, Its the only place you have to live"--- Unkown
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Reading, beading, playing with my kids outdoors and traveling
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  1. Currently 12 days post-op.... Someday's are better then others some days my emotions are crazy other days Im overly happy... I miss food mostly tacos weird but I thats my current craving that Im considering throwing in my blender... LOL however I am learning to eat again, I am still on mushy food yesterday I enjoyed tomato soup... my body handled it fairly well I however can not tolerate Jello since the day of surgery my body has not wanted it every time I try it I get ill... So I just don't attempt it any longer.... I went and seen my Doctor on Wednesday and that went well I am down 15lbs since my operation so thats over a pound a day... I think this journey isnt going to be easy however i believe it will be worth it... She gave me a long talk about a stall I will hit from week 3-5 explaining this is normal to not freak out to much it will not last but may last the full 2 weeks I have vowed to not weigh myself but when I am at the doctors office and to only take measurments once a month so that I dont become overly obsessed with the changes in my body I just want to focus on feeling better and that alone will make me happy :) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IdontWant2beAfatty


      Thank you One day at a time :)

    3. Doo Lally
    4. Apple203


      Tacos in the blender, lololol I love tacos, too.

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