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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Irisbramble

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member

About Me

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Reading, traveling (we do this a lot) spending time with my husband, son and our dog.
  • Occupation
    Stay at Home Mom/ Substitute Teacher
  • City
    Cherry Hill
  • State
    New Jersey
  • Zip Code
  1. Irisbramble

    What Post-Sleeve Rules Do You Break?

    My Diet plan for life is 700-800 cal a day and getting 60-90 grams protein a day 3 small meals and 2 high protein snacks/supplements no more then 9-10 grams of fat per meal and less then 3 grams per snack Should low/no sugar 64 oz of fluid a day Says nothing about carbs I make sure i get my protein every day by eating 3 yogurts at 12 grams a piece (dannon lite and fit greek yogurt) and 2 20 gram think thin protein bars thats 76 grams Rules i break are a follows I drink Coffee I do not drink 64 oz's of water a day I do not chew my food 20 times before swallowing I do not wait to eat after drinking/i drink with my meals sometimes I still have issues at 4 months out eating solid foods so my meals consist of yogurts, mushy sides and snack foods (i still cannot eat red meat and chicken is only a few bites) and sometimes those mushy sides and snacks are not the best choices but they go down easy. Still trying here!!!
  2. Irisbramble


    I make sure to follow what my nutritionist told me to do Low to no fat, low to no sugar, low carbs and 1000-1200 calories but im only going to be 6 weeks post op on the 20th so im only getting 500-800 calories which is fine with me i had to increase my carbs a bit because i was getting dizzy, im down 22lbs so far.
  3. Irisbramble

    August Sleevers-How are you doing??

    Sleeved on 8/9 and i was 4 weeks post op yesterday and tomorrow is my 2nd post op appt and i have several questions for her one being i think one of incisions is infected, 2nd being im feeling dizzy a lot 3rd being i know she will move me onto more solid type foods and im having issues tolerating those kinds of foods that they had me try already like eggs it just hurts sometimes to get it down. To make matters worse i slipped and fell down my 3rd floor stairs and re-injured my coccyx bone i injured it in the early 90's and again in 2006 (i have a old house and the 3rd floor is used for storage and its still under repair and has no banister yet and the rug on the stairs is old and its lifting up from the stairs and its slippery and i slid down 4 stairs on my butt) so im in severe pain and have a doc appt with my primary tomorrow as well and i know she will want to do testing but im hoping that she will give me some pain relief while we wait for answers. so i haven't been able to exercise
  4. I was given Dilaudid by IV along with anti-nausea meds every 4 hours the pain relief lasted about 3-3.5 hours and i usually rocked myself with a pillow though the rest of the time until it was time for the next round and when the relief would kick in after i my next dose i walked to help the gas. when i was released i was then given a rx script for oral Dilaudid (i had my other meds already picked up before surgery like my blood clot prevention injections, anti nausea meds, and nexium) that i used i had more pain then usual as i have 4 herniated discs and something happened with the way i laid the time i was in the hospital and i had severe back pain so i was on Dilaudid for 2 weeks. I stayed over night and was released by late afternoon the next day i could have stayed another night but i wanted to be in my own home and in my own bed.
  5. Since sat when i get up from a sitting/laying position i get a dizzy spell not every time but most times I was sleeved 8/9 and i have my 4 week follow up this friday. i get 60-80 g of protein a day and as much water as i can manage im not eating much food per say i get my protein from unjury chicken broth, yogurt, low fat cheese sticks, think thin low/no sugar low calorie protein bars and eggs Now to make matters worse on Friday i slipped and slid down 4 stairs on my butt and re-injured my coccyx bone (i injured it in the earlys 90's and in 2006) and my stomach muscles hurt too i guess from clenching them when i slid. I'm in a lot of pain and i cannot do much of anything but rest which is hard too since certain positions to lay hurt i havent sought out medical attention for it because i know there isn't much they can do but give me pain meds and im not sure i want back on them. Not sure if i should call my doc or just wait the few days till i see her? i was also a type 2 diabetic but im not on meds anymore and my sugars have been ok
  6. Irisbramble

    Anyone from the New Jersey area?

    Hi Im from south jersey and i had my surgery 8/9 at Lourdes in Camden the entire weight loss team at Lourdes is fantastic i started in feb this year with them and lost a total of 45lbs and was 235 the day of surgery and today im weighing in at 218 and im holding that for almost 2 weeks so im a little frustrated im hoping to be under 200 by oct. i have cravings but cant eat much so i eat very little and drink most of my protein i have this insane fear of gaining weight im trying to work though that. hope to talk to you all soon.
  7. Irisbramble

    Any August 2017 Sleevers?

    How are the sleevers doing that have been ok'd to move onto soft/puree foods? i having a hard time with it as most of the foods that my doctor gave me i dont eat, like fish im allergic too and some of the other stuff like chicken salad is just blah im still just eating my high protein low sugar yogurts, egg beaters, sugar free jello, sugar free pops and water ice and low fat string cheese and getting my protein i drink my unjury chicken protein broth. i have cravings and my stomach does tell me when im full which is pretty quick and some soft foods i cannot eat because it hurts me. the protein shakes i cannot stomach still so i dont even bother. I'm also still stuck at 218 and have been for almost 2 weeks, still having good and bad days. tips? recipes?
  8. Irisbramble


    I have the same problems i am 2 weeks out as of tomorrow and my doc suggested i take stool softeners and i have been 2-3 every day and since i have been home from my surgery i have had 3 days where i had a BM and its getting annoying ever since i lost my Gallbladder 11 years ago after the birth of my son i have been struggling with this pattern of constipation/normal then diarrhea i dont know if this just impacted it? I have my 1st follow up this Thursday and i will be addressing this with him.
  9. Centrum Chewables orange flavor really isn't that bad a little acidic but i like it.
  10. I have ON protein water i got off Amazon and they are so super sweet is kinda nasty i got the tropical fruit punch and ice blue raspberry i have to water them down to drink them i try to drink 2 watered downs ones a day
  11. Irisbramble

    Last Day of Purées!!

    I get to start purees this Thursday 8/24 at my 2 week post-op if my surgeon says so which i dont see why not What are some of the things you guys where eating? im so tried of the liquids im doing now like broths, jello, yogurt i need something different. Thanks
  12. Irisbramble

    Any August 2017 Sleevers?

    I feel it right away it's like a full/gas feeling and it hurts that's how I know I've drank to much or too fast and i still get gas off and on so i use the pain meds still day and night not every 4 hours but when I need them. I don't feel hungry either after almost 2 weeks but i eat to get protein and I try my hardest to get to 60 g of protein between food/liquid. I don't go to the support groups since it's hard for me to find child care.
  13. Irisbramble

    Any August 2017 Sleevers?

    Hi everyone names Iris im almost 38 Married 18 years, we have 11 year old son and a 18 month old golden retriever puppy named Rosie i had my surgery 8-9 I never struggled with my weight till i was 17 when my father got sick then passed away the following year my weight went from 140 up to 180 and then just sky rocketed i was 180 when i met my husband at 18 (at my highest i was almost 300 when i was pg with my son and in Jan of this year i was almost 280) my weight over the years has went up and down between 220 and 280 I have numerous chronic issues 3 of which i have had since i was 12 severe Asthma, High BP and Migraines i also over the years devolved Diabetes, with that came Neuropathy, i was in a bad car accident 4 years ago that lead to 4 herniated disc's in my back so i have chronic pain every day, and i also have stage 1 CLL which was found due to the accident when they saw enlarged lymph nodes on a Cat-scan. So the way it works here is my network is Lourdes and my primary referred me to the weight loss team i called them in Feb they told me i come to a info session and at that session i signed up for my 1st appt with the doc. So i was at the doc by the end of Feb and started the next month with the 1st of 3 nutrition classes which over the course of 6 months helped me lose 35lbs so between Feb and July i saw the weight loss team every month (weather it be the doc or a nutrition class) then July 26th i went on my liquid diet lost additional 10 pound and on 8-9 had my surgery. I stayed over 1 night (i had the option to stay 2 but i wanted to go home and be in my bed and its just my husband to take care of me my sister lives over an hour away my mom doesn't drive so even though she lives close i cant count on her a lot and my in laws are worthless besides my son is special needs and i felt better being there with him even though i know my husband is completely capable of taking care of him my hubby was able to get off work 8-9 though that following Monday) So today im 220 Hope to connect with you all help each other though this journey
  14. Good luck!! When i got referred i was close to 280 with several chronic medial issues (diabetic, high cholesterol, high bp just to name a few) their program was set according to my ins I needed to see them for 6 straight months in order to to be approved that meant 1 group session to learn about the process with my team and that was just to get my 1st appt. 3 nutrition classes And numerous appts with my doc and his nurse practitioner. Plus testing Every doc is different i was just encouraged to follow the diet the nutritionist laid out for us the 1st session in our booklets, and get used to eating this way for the rest of my life and that's what I did and lost 35lbs doing it. Again good luck!!

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