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About mokeyx2ak

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/27/1971

About Me

  • Biography
    Married mom of 2
  • Interests
    camping , shopping
  • Occupation
    Legal Assistant
  • City
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  1. Happy 42nd Birthday mokeyx2ak!

  2. Happy 41st Birthday mokeyx2ak!

  3. mokeyx2ak

    Just starting

    :thumbup:Thanks! And welcome to you to! I go in for orientation on Wed. and then set up my first appt. with the Dr. I think it takes 30-60 days to actually have the procedure, but alot of it will depend on me, because I have to quit smoking,:thumbup: and be smoke free for a certain amount of time before the Dr. will do the procedure. but I am VERY motivated , and know I can do it! Good luck to you!
  4. Hi Betsy, I am just starting the process, and smoke, and have to stop before I have the surgery.(2 months smoke free) The nurse said they do a blood test to make sure...I did not think there was/is a test, but I guess there is! maybe the carbon level is risidual smoke substance still in your system? good luck!
  5. Hi everyone, my name is Michelle , I just got my approval from Tri-West , and am just beginning the process, I go for orientation next Wed. I am very excited to get this life changing process started.:teeth_smile:
  6. Hello mokeyx2ak,


    Welcome to Lap Band Talk Forum - The largest forum for Lap Band Surgery Discussion and Lap Band Surgery Support! :D


    Please read the rules, introduce yourself and enjoy your stay!

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