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About Tlily730

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  1. Tlily730

    Not telling anyone

    I told my mom this past week. I started out by telling her I was researching something and I wanted to share it with her. I told her I care about her and her opinion, but I wanted her to understand that I was going to do this regardless. We sat and discussed it, discussed my history with diets and weight gain, and she told me she understood where I was coming from. I showed her a lot of before and after on Instagram and Facebook about people around my age and my height/weight. She’s still going to research it, she says, but she’s been helping me plan a good day for surgery that works for both me and my job, as well as hers and her job.
  2. Update: I told my mom, since I want her to be my companion when I go to OCC. She reacted well, I was worried she’d be judgmental. I made it clear that this was something I was going to do and that while I do care what she thinks, it’s something I’m doing regardless. She’s worried for me because it’s surgery, but it’s been positive, and she thanked me for confiding in her.
  3. T Thank you! I noticed this as well but someone mentioned it to me. I’m not thrilled with the idea.
  4. I’m pretty set on VSG. Someone in another forum was advising lap band instead since I’m on the lower end of the BMI (37). what made you choose the surgery you chose?
  5. Is your job sedentary, active? How long did you stay out of work, and do you feel that that was enough time? Or was it too much/too little?
  6. I’ve read a number of posts raving about OCC and Dr Ortiz. I took the plunge and reached out and applied for financing. The only thing left is to set a date! anyone have any advice or stories or information they can share? Maybe something you wish you knew or prepared for before your surgery?
  7. Did you feel you needed help at home after surgery? I dont plan plan on bringing a companion with me to surgery, and I wasn’t planning on having anyone stay with me to “look after” me. Did anyone do this and feel they needed help?
  8. I know this topic has probably been talked to death, but I’m super concerned about how to tell my friends and family and coworkers. i currently rent a room from my parents. It works out well, and we act as roommates opposed to parent-child. My mom and are are really close, and honestly no topic has ever really been off limits for us. Part of me feels like I can tell her, but it’s her opinion I care most about, so I think that’s why it makes me nervous. My dad and I are hot and cold, plus he works in medical malpractice and his favorite thing to do is tell me horror stories of anything I’m interested in. So I don’t really want to tell him but I feel like if I tell my mom, she’ll want to tell him. i feel like I don’t need to tell many friends, as we all work different work schedules (full time 9-5 vs nigh shift nurse vs part time work vs full time mom), so I could use our schedules as an excuse as to why I can’t hang out during my recovery. I just started a new job a few months ago, it’s pretty sedentary, so I feel like if I said I need to take time off for medical reasons, no one would question it. I’m thinking of just saying I’m having my gall bladder removed or like a laparoscopic surgery (I have endometriosis so that isn’t too far fetched). Abyway, how did telling your people work out?
  9. Tlily730

    Took the 1st step.

    Did you decide which doctor you’re looking at? I’m looking at corvala, hopefully at the end of August. Let me know!

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