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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Dar

  1. I need to pull myself out of the dolldrums and find a 'good' day to cook many small meals. I've just been so good at making excuses lately.

    Thank you for the little clap. I need to remind myself of the success I have achieved thus far, no matter how small. Trying to lift 20 pounds of potatoes would hurt. Shedding 20 pounds IS an achievement.

    As far as Fibromyalgia goes, my Rheumatologist does nothing for me. I get the most help from my primary and my pain management specialist. My SED rate is always elevated indicating inflammation somewhere. I get steroid injections when it's REAL bad. Other than that I use Cymbalta (an antidepressant that also has the ability to block pain receptors), Klonopin for the muscle jerks, and Soma (muscle relaxer) for muscle rigidity. Narcotics are often prescribed but I find them useless. They just make me high and provide no relief.

    I appreciate you responding. I am sorry you are battling auto immune problems as well. It's tough. If you need additional support, join me on fibromyalgiasupport.com. My screen name is 30feeling80.

    Thanks again,


  2. <p>I have completely fallen off the wagon and am only down a total of 20 pounds since I was banded 1-25-06!</p> <p> </p> <p>I have no fill at all. And sometimes even have difficulty eating with just an empty band. I have fibromyalgia along with other autoimmune problems. Once in a while I will have a whole body system swell; once it was joints, then respiratory, and even digestive. I got discouraged and would only eat what went down without a problem.</p> <p> </p> <p>I am unmotivated and fat. I need help and encouragement. Most of all, I need a starting point. I don't know what to do first.</p> <p> </p> <p>Thanks for all of your input in advance. All comments are welcome.</p> <p> </p> <p>Darl<img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/cry.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Think" smilieid="15" class="inlineimg" /></p>

  3. The physician I didn't like just quit. (Thank goodness, grumpy old fart!) I've never heard of Dr. Bhesiania. It would be a good idea to have a consult with him first and see how you feel about him.

    Good luck and let us know what you decide.

  4. 4 holes and a 2 inch cut, I did it! I'm banded! Everything went exceptionally well. I'm happy to be home and comfy in my own bed. The facility (Barix Clinics) was an excellent experience. I don't have one bad thing to say. I'm just glad it's behind me and I can move on.

  5. I had my pre-op testing yesterday. It went continuously from 9:45 until 1:15. They worked me over like never before. But I got an "all clear" and I feel wonderful about having such a thorough check-up.

    They took 5 vials of blood, they did a gall-bladder ultrasound (wee hee, I'm ticklish also), a chest x-ray, an EKG, and a lung capacity test. I met my sergeon, an intern, a respiratory therapist, and a nutritionist. I did NOT have an upper GI.

    I guess every hospital is different. Good luck with your procedure (and your testing!)

  6. It's not your fault that you haven't felt restriction until now. He needs to back off. Everyone is soooo different. The emotional eating is understandable. It took us a lifetime to create these habbits. They won't disappear in 5 months.

    Go back to your nutritionist and find out what your daily Protein and fat goals are. Start from there. Work diligently at meeting those goals and steering away from empty calories.

    Best of luck. Chin up!

  7. I was scared as hell when I first got a surgery date. My surgery was initially for the Roux en Y procedure. But with all the looming thoughts of doom and plenty of nudging from my family, I explored other options. I found out about the Lap-Band. I'll be banded in 2 weeks.

    I chose the band for several reasons. I already have an absorption problem as far as Vitamins and minerals go. With the RNY, the additional malabsorption could kill me. I was so drawn to the band because it is so adjustable, even reversable. It doesn't cause absorption problems. The RNY completely re-routs your guts. It's not the way God made me. The complications of the band I've read about are surmountable, things I think I could conquer.

    But it's such a personal choice. Make sure you are well informed and you have a good support system in place. If you are religous or even just spiritual, seek support from a church, say a prayer, or meditate on the subject. Get your most trusted friend to help you make the decision. Above all, don't go into anything blindly.

    And remember, we're here for you.

  8. It's good to hear that most everyone is flexible with their goals and go by what they remember feeling their best at. I am not yet banded and don't even have a number in mind as far as pounds. However, I am in a size 20 (sometimes even a 22) and would love to be a size 12. (I'm 5'6") I realize that may be unrealistic, since I haven't been that size in 10 years (and 2 kids ago). I will be pleased with a 14. By the way, a 14 is the national average for women (USA). :)

  9. I will be banded in just 2 more weeks. I am so encouraged by everybody's stories and progress.

    I originally had an appointment with a different sergeon for Roux en Y. But I just couldn't go thru with it. The risks are so high. It's so permanent. And it's re-routing the way God made me to work. Besides, I just didn't get a good 'vibe' from the sergeon. He couldn't look me in the eye. He was abrupt. When I asked a question, he would interject and spout, "Just wait...I'm getting to that." Plus, he was incredibly overweight himself.

    I called the clinic about a week or so ago and told them about my misgivings. I told them I was scared and needed a different alternative. I already knew about the lap band but didn't know if it would work for me. They assigned me to a different sergeon, Dr. Kam, and kept the original sergury date for Wednesday, January 25th 2006.

    Dr. Kam called me at home and we talked about the band. He told me of a few websites to check out including www.inamed.com . I told him I found LBT and he was pleased to hear that.

    I feel so good about my choice to have the band versus the RNY. I am pleased as punch about Dr. Kam. I am ready to burst with excitement when I couldn't hardly get out of bed before, thinking I would have my guts re-routed. This site is also God-sent. I totally believe in fate.

    This post is just an outlet for me. I had to get the excitement off of my chest. Thanks, all, for listening!

  10. This website is a sign from God for me. I am greatful for the openness everyone here shares.

    I will be banded on January 25th. I had an appointment for gastric bypass (roux en Y) but chickened out because of all the risks and internal disfigurement. I need to be a mom to my kids. How long will I be "out of commission" after having the lap band procedure?

    Thanks for all input.


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