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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About MsRiseAndGrind

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  • Birthday 08/08/1986

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  1. I tried to search for a similar topic with no avail. I had my VGS on the 8/29 so I am only a few days post op. I had a really rough first 48 hours post op. I was throwing up only blood to the point that they halted any fluid intake other than IV. It was very painful and it took them a couple days to find the right pain/anti-nausea combination. Now that I am home, I'm having severe back pain (worse than the incisions) and my fever has peaked over 101.0. My release information states to call Dr if a fever increases above 100.5. I know my body is trying to recover from a lot of trauma and that could be the reason for the fever. Has anyone else experienced this?? Fever, back pain, and chills? What helped/didn't help??
  2. MsRiseAndGrind

    August Sleevers-How are you doing??

    I got sleeved on the 29th. My hospital stay was a little rough. For roughly 48 hours after my surgery, I did nothing besides throwing up blood. I couldn't drink anything and they stopped all fluid intake besides IVs. I was so scared that I may have ruptured my staple line due to all the forceful vomits. The staff took numerous blood samples and kept a closer eye on me while working on an effective anti-nausea concoction. As the hours passed, eventually the blood coming up was starting to clot which was a good sign. After a couple different med switches, I felt 1000x better. Now that I'm home, the only thing plaguing me is severe back pain. I'm hoping that it's from being so sick early on and using already tender muscles. Overall, a few extra rough days have turned into a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm excited to see the changes that have still yet to come. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N915A using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. MsRiseAndGrind

    Need advice

    Yup, I did multiple sleep studies as well. I didn't think I'd like my Cpap but the technology has caught up and the sleep quality is well worth it. If you don't like things on your face like me, opt for the nasal pillows. It may be the beginning of your journey but at least you're taking the right steps to a healthier and longer life. My Sleeve is scheduled for Aug 29th and idk how other insurances are but I didn't have to complete the 6mo diet plan prior to getting approved due to my severe sleep apnea. Wishing you the best on your sleep study! xx Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N915A using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. My Dr doesn't require a pre-op liquid diet. I know that the purpose of the liquid diet is to shrink your liver prior to surgery to reduce complications. For this reason, I want to do a liquid diet on my own just to eliminate any extra chance of something going wrong and for that little peace of mind. What's the best way to tackle this sucker? I can't imagine it being very fun LOL Any tips or tricks to enduring the hunger would be more than appreciated. Thanks in advance! - xx
  5. MsRiseAndGrind

    Recovery Time

    Hey guys! My surgery is scheduled for Aug 29... so excited I know I need to give my body proper rest for recovery but I am enrolled in a class that starts Sept 11th. Roughly 2 weeks after my surgery. The class is only once or twice a week for a few hours each day, for about 3 months. It's mandatory to progress at my work and is only offered once a year. I believe that you can only miss one class due to the excelled pace of the course. Realistically... am I going to be able to sit through a 3hr course with enough energy and brain capacity to retain information, two weeks post-op? Any tips? Thanks in advance! - xx
  6. MsRiseAndGrind

    Need advice

    I went through a similar experience. A lot of people don't understand the toll excess weight takes on you, both mentally and physically. I didn't have a good support system because nobody agreed with my decision to have surgery. The best approach is to try and explain why you decided on this journey. I found out that doing your research and educating those around you who don't understand, helps a lot. Not only does it give them the facts about bariatric surgery, but it shows them your commitment to a better and healthier lifestyle. This type of surgery isn't for other people, it is for you. It's so you can become healthier and feel better about yourself. I have learned that not everyone will agree with your choice, but those who love you will support you. Hope this helps. Good luck! xx

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