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LAP-BAND Patients
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About skbishop78

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    Finally found me again!!!
  • Birthday 03/07/1978

About Me

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    Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend
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  1. Happy 35th Birthday skbishop78!

  2. Happy 34th Birthday skbishop78!

  3. I can't find very much on here about port problems. I am having a lot of pain around my port. It has stuck out for a while, but now my fiance says he can see it himself. I have lost all my weight and weigh around 123 now. My port is right under my breast and has some bruising around it now. I had my surgery 3 years ago come Feb, and have never had problems til now. It is so sore to touch or even graze over even with my clothes on. I have an appointment with a Dr on wed. b/c I have since moved from Nashville where I got banded. Just wondered if anyone has had similar problems or has any idea of what could be wrong? I am really worried.
  4. Just got back on here..and thought that I would share! I got banded in Feb 2006 and have lost 87lbs and have kept it off. I weighed 215 lbs when I got the band and now weigh 128. I have kept my fill in for the past 1.5 or so without seeing my Dr. and have been just fine. I would be glad to answer any questions if there is anyone out there who needs help! Just write me..I have before and after pic on my profile! Wish everyone good luck!!! :wink:
  5. skbishop78

    Picture Page

    Below are pictures of: 1) Me, my hubby, and my daughter 2) Me, my mom, and my sister 3) My step-son and daughter I love this page....you never get to see people for who they are other than their weight usually....it's nice to see some other things for a change! Great thinking!
  6. skbishop78

    Feb 2006 Bandsters: 1 Year Check-up!!

    The before picture is blurry but ya get the idea. Finally got a before pic!
  7. My before is in Feb of 2006 and my after is January of 2007!!!! I am having a hard time....my pic won't go right...anyway you get the gist!
  8. skbishop78

    MY 1 Year Anniversary Today!!!

    Kat817- Thanks for your kind words...it means a lot!! Tracy-Good luck with your surgery...but I know you will do great!!! mykdsdad-I don't have many pictures of me before b/c I hid from the camera all the time....pictures were not allowed...but I emailed my DR and asked them to email me my before shot so that i could post it on here. I will attach some after shots below though.... Julie-Thanks girl----WOW...83 lbs down that is awesome for you!!!! COngratulations!!!!! I am sure you look great and feel even better!!! bettyjerrygrace- I was so nervous before I got my band. I didn't sleep for like 3 weeks before getting banded. Let me tell you it has completely changed my life!!! My whole family says that it is so great to see me smile again and be the happy go lucky person I use to be. I became so miserable when I was overweight and it effected eveything and everyone around me. I have more energy to play with my daughter...I like to wear sexy clothes when I go out with my husband (which he loves) and I am just alot happier...and healthier!!!! good luck, and I know you will do great. The eating part is hard to get use to...I will be honest. I got my band in Feb of 06 as you know, and in June on my anniversary I remember crying saying "what the hell have I done...I have ruined my life" because i couldn't eat a biscuit. NOW....I dont even crave that biscuit..and don't want it!!!! It is such a head game...but you can win the game if you just stay with it and be patient with yourself!!!! Don't beat yourself up when you mess up or get upset, remember you are changing not only your whole lifestyle, but your mindset as well!!!! If you need anything or have questions..please let me know!!! I think I have just about been down every road with the band...so please don't hesitate!! Love you guys!!!
  9. skbishop78

    MY 1 Year Anniversary Today!!!

    I really let the band help me...but ofcoarse I had to watch what I was eating...cause anyone knows that with the band Cookies go down just fine...milkshakes go down just fine...and ice cream too!!! I really have let the band guide me, but I had to just decide that I was going to do it. I really haven't exercised that much to be honest....I need to....but being honest I haven't!! I am going back on Monday to get the fill put back in that was taken out last week....cause I have no restriction. BUT....even with no restriction I have been able to maintain smaller portions...I think once you get your head convinced that you want to do this...everything gets easier!!!!! Thanks everyone for the congrats.....and the nice comments.....I love this site...but I found myself not on here much b/c of my work keeping me so occupied.....I think the people here are great...and no I didn't take the comment above serious...LOL....and anyone that did does need to get a grip...I agree! Lov'n ya!
  10. skbishop78

    MY 1 Year Anniversary Today!!!

    Thanks for the Congrats....looks like you are doing awesome!!!! Keep it up!:whoo: :whoo: :gluck:
  11. skbishop78

    Virus or What?

    I got the flu last week and threw up violently....I called my Dr and he called me in Phenagren (spelt wrong I am sure). I took it for several days and it helped but then I threw up so much that My band swelled and I couldn't even get water down. He met me at his office and took out 1.4 cc at 8:30 at night. He said it was very important to not let yourself get that way. It hurt sooooo bad and my port area was very tender. It was an awful feeling. I recommend if you get sick to call the doc right away b/c I was severely dehydrated by the time I got to his office. Good luck in not getting it....it sucked!
  12. Hey all...it's my 1 year anniversary today!!!!! I am down 79 lbs. I am about 6 lbs from my goal weight... but am extremely happy with where I am!!!!!!!!! Wow...my world has changed in a year!!!!! Well thanks for all the support and love on here.....and I continue to check in now and then!!! I love you guys!!!! Stacey
  13. skbishop78

    Feb 2006 Bandsters: 1 Year Check-up!!

    Hey, thanks Janet for the compliment I asked my Docs office to email me my before pic so that I can post it. I hope that they send it to me. I will post it right away!! Congrats to everyone...we should all be soooooo proud!
  14. Ok....so I got the flu on Friday and have felt like crap all weekend. I have not been able to eat alot due to that I felt kinda queezy. So when I went to take my tamiflu yesterday everything came back up...and from that moment on I violently threw up even Water. I couldn't keep anything down. I started hurting really bad around my port area and then I became hysterical!!! I just knew I slipped my band....but I didn't! I called my doc at 7:00 last night and he met me at his office at 8:15pm and took out 1.4 cc's. He said I did the right thing in calling him. He said that if I would have kept it up something really bad could have happened....plus I was extrememly dehydrated!!! So the reason why I post is for awareness...that if you get the flu or something like that you might want to get some of your fill out just until you better....b/c it was awful what I went through. He said he actually recommended getting some of the fill removed when you are that sick so you can get tons of fluids in to keep healthy. Just wanted to share!!!!
  15. skbishop78

    Feb 2006 Bandsters: 1 Year Check-up!!

    Hey guys... I don't have any before pictures to really show b/c I wouldn't let anyone take pics of me...but here are some afters....I was at 215 on my scales the day of surgery and now I am 131 on my scales at home. I went from a size 20 to a size 6! I am so glad to read of eveyone's success!!!

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