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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    SpindleCity reacted to FluffyChix in HALF WAY TO GOAL!! (4 months post )   
    @dreamingsmall ((huge hugs))
    One word...selfie. I SWEAR I'll validate you, especially if you stick up a before too! j/k sweetie, you have to stick to your comfort zone!!!
  2. Like
    SpindleCity reacted to Diana_in_Philly in What Post-Sleeve Rules Do You Break?   
    I'm 13 months out and about 15 pounds from my goal.
    I drink flavored no calorie seltzer periodically.
    I drink wine/bourbon/vodka perdiodically
    I eat a bite of cake/sweets/chocolate/ice cream occasionally
    I Eat bread occasionally
    I live a normal life.
    I've been drinking caffeine (with the blessing of my team) from the first day after surgery. It ensures that no felonies are committed.
  3. Like
    SpindleCity reacted to Nancy MBGC in Recommendation for Protein Drink   
    Orgain Grass Fed Protein
    Low in sugars and fat
    20 grams protein
    Flavor I've tried is chocolate Fudge
    Very tasty next to other Protein Drinks and better for you (organic)
    I bought on Amazon.
  4. Like
    SpindleCity got a reaction from Booandfrida in August Post-Op   
    ** Time of operation has its effect: My surgery was Tuesday 11 am and I was able to be released Wednesday afternoon. My surgeon did three operations Tuesday, one before and one after me. I genuinely think having mine happen in the morning was an advantage. The woman done after me ended up being my hospital room roommate. Her situation was a little more complex on the surface (she was heavier and had some co-morbidities (CPAP machine at least)), but I also think there were ways the time of day slowed down her progression through the post surgical diet stages. I got all the way through stage 1 (water) and stage 2 (flavored water/broth) the first day and was able to start up shakes when I woke up. When I left, it looked like she would be staying through a second night. For me, I was anxious to get home so I could get proper rest without being poked for vitals every 2 hours, etc.
    ** I was not expecting to still be in sharp pain today, 3 days post op, but I can't really remember what it was like when I had my tubes out and my husband says it was similar. I have six laparoscopic incisions, 3 of which are barely noticeable, and two of which are significant with deep muscle stitches and wide bruising. I have no pain at all when lying down on my back, semi reclined sitting, or standing, other than the occasional gas bubble. Transitions, however, whether between positions or bending to reach something, make things jump from a dull 1 or 2 on the pain scale to a sharp 8 or 9, all about using the abdominal muscles with those deep incisions. So, I am still taking pain medication for today. I have a deep family history of substance problems (not my own, but still), so am anxious about taking it, even if it is as prescribed.
    -- I got 4 different Protein Drinks to try during my two week pre-op diet and definitely have my personal favorite at this point:
    4 -- Bariatric Advantage powder (given as a sample from my surgeon's office) -- Can't get it to mix all the way no matter what, which leaves for a "crumbly" and lumpy shake. Taste is ok, no aftertaste to speak of.
    3 -- Pur Protein premade, vanilla & chocolate --texture is a little "off," maybe a bit oily or not fully homogenized? And it has the worst aftertaste of the bunch, definitely chalky. Avail at super markets & GNC & web.
    2 -- Premier premade in the square containers, chocolate -- This one is good, room temp or cold. Taste a little too much like liquid pudding for my personal preference, but I could use it for a couple of weeks as needed. Avail at super markets & GNC & web.
    1 -- Orgain chocolate & vanilla 26g -- far and away my favorite. I don't see this brand mentioned much, but it meets or beats the nutritional profile of the others, without artificial flavoring or preservatives. Basically tastes like good chocolate milk or a melted not too sweet vanilla shake. Unlike the others, I could see having this as part of our kitchen staples forever without resentment. https://www.amazon.com/Orgain-Organic-Protein-Creamy-Chocolate/dp/B01MZE5Y50 Note they also have the square containers ones with lower protein amount, if you want 16g or 20g on your plan instead of this one with 26g.
    Sending lots of warm wishes for all of you starting this journey this month with me.

  5. Like
    SpindleCity reacted to dreamynow in Peanut butter   
    Is anyone else eating smooth Peanut Butter to get the hungry edge off? It's the only thing that cuts my hunger. But maybe it's too many calories. I'm eating 1-2tbs the most. Other than that I'm eating 2oz of cottage cheese, hummus, refried Beans, sugar free pudding and Jello, cream of wheat, homemade puréed veggie Soup, and yogurt. My calories are about 200-350 a day. I'm day 11 post op.
    HW 289
    SW 284
    CW. 266
  6. Like
    SpindleCity reacted to LittleLizzieLilliput in Surgeons who won't set a goal?   
    for me a goal weight is totally arbitrary and unrealistic. Ive been obese since I was 19, the idea anyone would know what is a good weight for me is unrealistic. I have pounds of extra skin, Ive never been at a healthy weight as an adult and we have no idea what i will look or feel like as I get closer. Now that I'm in striking distance of the mid to low 100's i'm setting a size goal of size 6. We have NO idea what that means in lbs and I feel it's healthier for me to not set a goal weight that I may not be capable of meeting.
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    SpindleCity reacted to sassy683 in Surgeons who won't set a goal?   
    My surgeon asked me what my goal weight was and I told him 165-170 and he then asked me would I be comfortable at 155-160. I told him yes and pretty much that was it
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    SpindleCity reacted to Sullie06 in Surgeons who won't set a goal?   
    My surgeon gave me a range he thought I could sit comfortably in which was 175-190 based on my height and build. I'm currently bouncing between 192-195 so I'm pretty close. He also stated he did not want me below 170 as he thinks it would be to drastic for my frame.
    My NUT based her goal on the percentage of excess fat that people typically lose with the sleeve and I've surpassed that already so according to her if I went into maintenance now I would be "successful".
  9. Like
    SpindleCity reacted to Sclark8756 in Extreme tearing pain in abdomen post op   
    Finally relief! After 5 weeks of not being patient and searching for relief, the pain has eased off. I feel so much better. Thank you all who responded to my rants and encouraged me. Wishing all of you success!!!
  10. Like
    SpindleCity reacted to Sclark8756 in Extreme tearing pain in abdomen post op   
    You sound exactly like me. I am 5 weeks out now and since I have not been doing much other than increasing my walking a little at a time I do feel better. I feel that there was some nerve damage along with pulling of scar tissue in my lower abdomen that contributed to this. I too was in pain sleeping on my sides but I can now with no problem.
    I can have solid foods now. Just no salads or raw fruits and vegetables. I experiment with new flavors since the portions are so small but I feel like I'm in a new world. Weight loss is slow but I'm good with that. I find when i drink more plain Water is when i see the most difference in weight loss. Good luck to You! 😊
  11. Like
    SpindleCity reacted to Jeaniered in Extreme tearing pain in abdomen post op   
    I'm still getting sharp pain in left side, it comes and goes, worse in morning or if I sit too long. It feels like I have a big gaping hole in the side of my stomach and I want to press my hand against to get some relief. Pain killers helping. But guess it's just one of thos things that will go with time. Otherwise I'm doing good. On soft foods now and have managed to increase fluids which I think was causing a stall. I've now managed to lose another 3 pounds. Down from 304 pre op to 271.
  12. Like
    SpindleCity got a reaction from Sclark8756 in Extreme tearing pain in abdomen post op   
    Hello ... I wanted to report back. I am personally doing a lot better than last Thursday/Friday. Since it has been going on so long for you, @Sclark8756, I am not presuming it is better for you, but I really hope it might have eased a little. On my end, Friday was the first day I got in significant walking after surgery (about 7500 steps, according to my fitbit). I also did hot compresses on and off for a couple of hours before bed. On Saturday, I felt stunningly better, to nerve shooting pain gone. Then, after rolling onto my side for a nap, it returned, but not as strongly. Sunday was also relatively good, with it only sparking when I tried to bend or twist.

    But, yesterday, Monday, was my first day back at work and it was much worse by the end of the day. I think, for me, it is just going to be part of my healing, whether caused by nerves impacted by the stitches or just how things are healing where they did the most manipulation. I put off the appointment with the bariatric nurse, because I was genuinely feeling much better Monday morning, but I did see the dietician today (cleared for Stage 4 foods!), and will see the surgeon toward the end of the week.

    Good luck finding relief of your own, and keep us posted if there are developments.

  13. Like
    SpindleCity got a reaction from beebee17 in Idk   
    In the waiting room at the doctor's office waiting to see the dietician for my first post-op appt with her today, for the first time the tv was not on "news/crisis tv" but rather on the food Network. I was like, seriously, Mario Batali, with Italian bread Salad/Panzanella?
  14. Like
    SpindleCity reacted to Togunrinde in I regret this surgery   
    First I want to say that your feelings are valid. I'm going through something similar in that I've been more so disappointed with the results so far and wish I did a different type of surgery. And it's ok to admit that. But don't let your disappointment derail all that you've accomplished so far. And know that it gets better. It's easier said than done, trying to stay positive but it's what has to happen. I'm rooting for you and know you're not alone [emoji177]

  15. Like
    SpindleCity reacted to QueenTiff in I regret this surgery   
    Dude nobody knows before hand the physiological things of something this intense until it happens. Yes I knew I wasn't going to stuff my face with a full cheeseburger and that's one reason I wanted this from the beginning because I was tired of eating this big ass burger. The journey that leads to where you are sir! If everyone can mentally pull of thoughts we would all be skinny huh? Just like you would be skinny and wouldn't have this surgery in the first place. I agree I need to take it day by day thank you and no thank you to your opinion

  16. Like
    SpindleCity reacted to Diana_in_Philly in Donating Blood Post-Op   
    I did at both 6 and 9 months post op, but I'm over the 3 gallon mark, lifetime, with Red Cross. I'm an O neg and get called every 6 weeks. I drank extra Water both before and after and brought my own "snack" that was Protein rather than the juice and Cookies that are usually offered. At 9 months I did packed red blood cells. Check with your team, but I think a lot of it has to do with how your body reacted to donating blood before surgery.

  17. Like
    SpindleCity reacted to beebee17 in Idk   
    Ok hi all I have been post op since the 23rd.! Still on liquids n sip sip n walking. BUT!!!!! Y am I binge watching food network my kids ask me mom is this good for u? Idk ahhhhhhh
  18. Like
    SpindleCity got a reaction from dvmp61 in Extreme tearing pain in abdomen post op   
    @Sclark8756, I am sorry you are going through this, but thank you for posting it. Your description and some of the comments in response have been a comfort to me over the last few days. I had my VSG surgery 8/15, so only 10 days out, but genuinely think I might be experiencing the same thing, and hoping it resolves for both of us soon.
    For me, I had a great post-op time in the hospital, walking laps around the unit a couple of different times the day of surgery, shifting from Water to Crystal Light easily, and to shakes the next morning. I was sleepy/groggy, but surprisingly ok. Once I was off the IV pain meds, I was more sore all around, with lots of wincing, but was committed to giving it time and rest. As the days have passed, the gas is gone, my drinking Protein and the authorized puree/soft foods has become routine, and my incisions have healed a lot. Basically everything has gotten much better except the incision to the left of my belly button, the one they said was the most manipulated as it was where they removed the cut away section of stomach from. The pain from that hurts when I move in almost any way and sometimes just when touched the wrong way by fabric, just as much and just as intensely as the first day. It isn't a dull ache like the others, but a sharp shooting pain that ranges from 6 out of 10 to "dizzying, I might faint." Wearing a binder helps while I am wearing it, but after it is off, it is much worse for a while, almost electric intense doing anything other than sitting reclined or lying down still. The narcotic pain medicine takes an edge off, but given my family history, I am uncomfortable taking it other than for sleep this far out until I see the nurse/doctor again.
    I hadn't thought of the potential of nerve pain/temporary nerve damage at the incision site until I read this thread. I was struggling with dealing with it exactly because it felt so much more intense than any muscle/cut healing pain I have had before. (My general pain tolerance is very high, getting me smoothly through two natural childbirths and freaking my dentist out altogether.) Reading your experience, and the tidbits related by @Sullie06,@cwhit, and @Jeaniered too, it helps me understand what it might be better, and therefore cope with it more.
    I also decided I can't wait until my scheduled post op appointment with the surgeon on Thursday to get more reassurance. I called and scheduled an interim appointment with one of the bariatric nurses on Monday. She will examine the healing of the incisions in person and be able to pull in the surgeon if there is any chance I need anything more beyond patience.
    Thank you again for your post. You are not alone and you helped me directly already. I hope we hear good news from you soon.
  19. Like
    SpindleCity reacted to txsrooster in Any August 2017 Sleevers?   
    I use caramel Premier Protein added to my coffee and use it as Breakfast. No issue so far 2 weeks out from surgery.

  20. Like
    SpindleCity reacted to Elode in 3 days till plastics tiiiime!   
    I got all my food prepping done for the week! Breakfast, lunch & dinners! There's just something about feeling good that makes me want to eat good!

  21. Like
    SpindleCity reacted to JRaye in You know you lost weight when   
    You ladies might appreciate this one - you guys not so much. I used to pee a little when I coughed, but after the doc took out my big-a$$ed stomach - no longer do I have that problem. I don't know what the deal is, but ever since surgery that has not been a problem. Oh the small things in life that bring us joy!
    On a side note - if any of you didn't get a pic from your doc of what your stomach looked like and would like to see a pic, let me know and I can post a pic of mine. I thought it was quite interesting.
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    SpindleCity reacted to Dknal2 in I hit my goal ( wit pics) yaaaassss!!!!!   
    I am pleased to say that I have reached my goal, yaaayyy. My goal weight was 150 lbs but I weighed myself this morning and I am 149.8 lbs. This has been a hard journey mentally but for me( many of you know I have gone thru a divorce as well ). My starting weight was 242lbs, day of surgery 12/5/16 I was 219 lbs, and 8 months later I am 149.8 lbs. 7 lbs away from almost losing 100 lbs. I feel so good right now about myself. Not just because of how I look but how I feel inside. I'm starting to love me flaws and all. I am working on the mental side of things with prayer and supplication. God is a healer and I'm trusting him to keep me. I thank all of you on this site for your support , it has been epic on this journey. I so truly appreciate you. The encouragement I received from total strangers has far outweighed what I received from family and friends. Thank you again. Hope u like the pics.

  23. Like
    SpindleCity reacted to JupiterinVirgo in Fat Acceptance Movement - how do you feel?   
    I love the fat acceptance movement! I remember that as I was psychologically and spiritually preparing for my sleeve surgery, going through a period of Feeling very angry that I had to have the surgery in order to learn to love my body, love myself. I became very keenly aware that I had been withholding love for myself because I didn't think I had a body that deserved love. This was not an intellectual thought, but a block inside of me.
    I didn't know how to love a fat body. I had been tortured and tormented my whole childhood for having a fat body. I was told by supposedly well-meaning family members horror stories about little girls who stomachs exploded, Lectured to eat more strawberries and less candy, and offered giant slices of cake when I felt sad.
    I can't help but wonder, how my life might've played out differently, if as a chubby little girl I was excepted as I had been, and not constantly told that it was not OK to be who and what I was. I wonder if I even really would've had a weight problem at all as I got older, if I had been allowed to be what I was without being made to feel that I was less than everybody else everywhere I went.
    By the time I was in third grade, it was very obvious to me that my fat body was not acceptable. By the time I was in fifth and sixth grade, I knew that my fat body made me unacceptable. And by the time I needed surgery, I knew it was because I had been stuck in this loop for 30 years, and I had internalized all the hatred other people had for my body. And I needed a whole lot more weight to separate my "self" from the hatred.
    The fat acceptance movement, is really about body positivity. It's about recognizing that there are many kinds of bodies, and none of them are innately bad wrong or ugly.
    As a public, we are extremely misinformed and poorly educated about fat, diet, body, and overall health. Our doctors in our surgeons are themselves severely miseducated, on the effect of lifestyle and diet not on just one kind of body but all bodies.
    The fat acceptance movement wants fat people to be comfortable in our culture. It wants fat bodies to be accommodated like other kinds of bodies are accommodated. It wants recognition that a fat body is not automatically an on healthy body despite the mythology of our culture. And at the end of the day, the fat acceptance movement is asking that fat bodies be allowed to exist without shame blame and ridicule.
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    SpindleCity reacted to BLERDgirl in Fat Acceptance Movement - how do you feel?   
    I'm not into fat acceptance. I am into body acceptance. I think there's a difference. Everyone has the right to feel comfortable in there own skin. That's the end point for me. I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on the internet. I am a fat gal who has experienced doctor's ignoring underlying health issues as a result of my weight. What I do know for certain is that loving myself as a fat gal helped me decide to change my eating habits, exercise and eventually seek WLS.
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    SpindleCity reacted to Cervidae in Fat Acceptance Movement - how do you feel?   
    @@baylyy the whole point is that whether you're a fat person who is working out and eating healthy and trying to lose weight or a fat person who likes pizza and eats it every daya nd is slowly killing yourself, you deserve to be treated like a human being.
    And as a general comment about medical professionals and the fat acceptance movement: the connection between the movement and medicine/doctors is that there's no denying that doctors often sort of just brush aside other possible health issues when someone is overweight. It's common for a doctor to take one look at the number on the scale and automatically chalk up all symptoms to obesity. The movement is trying to say "hey, yes, weight can and does cause health issues, but assuming a fat person is automatically unhealthy is utter idiocy, and it needs to change." The fact is even medical professionals can be discriminatory towards obese people. And that's a big, big problem.

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