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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    I need all of your thoughts on this...

    LOL we talked about that. maybe a private island resort getaway. some nude sunbathing? LOL
  2. FunnyDuddies

    I don't know what to do.. .

    you need to get yourself into some grief counselling fast!! I am sorry for you loss, and I think you need some professional helf you walk through the process so that you can properly heal. Ihope you find yourstrength again.
  3. FunnyDuddies

    What am I missing? Why are ppl leaving?

    I think others of us are still discussing issues and chiming in. closing the thread seems a bit drastic.
  4. FunnyDuddies

    My doctor can't believe it.............

    where the band is perfectly filled and positioned so that the weight just flies off. Josephine, your weight loss is awesome!! I would also love to see pics! You must look amazing!! Congratz and keep up the good work! You will be at goal in no time!
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    LOL Even DH saw and was trying to check out the scars. he looked at me and said "OMG it just hit me you might be that small." LOL Tonight's gonna be fun. WOOHOO Thanks Jenna! hahahaha
  6. FunnyDuddies

    I need all of your thoughts on this...

    After lots of talking with DH, lots and lots of thought, and then more talking (with everyone's comments here added in to my thinking) I am going to do this. Start going to my doctor now and start a doctor supervised diet. On july 1st go into the doc's office for the lapband preop visit and start the insurance process. Do what I need to do, and try to get approved. If I get approved...great. I will go with surgery here. If I get denied after all the attempts then I will take the money we have saved up and go to MX. It will be meant to be. Either way I am in good shape. It will mean waiting longer...But it could mean saving $11k, plus any other fill fees I would have to pay. Thank you all. I still think Dr. Sanchez is a great way to go!! If the money wasn't an issue I would be going with him, but we are buying a house, and need another car, and to replace the one we have now, and that 11k could go a long way to making those things easier!! hugs to all who offered advice. I will keep y'all updated, obviously. Hell, I still don't know yet if my particular ins covers any bariatric surgery. LOL but it is good to think ahead.
  7. FunnyDuddies

    Scar Stages Share yours!

    jenna!! you look like you almost have a six pack there!!
  8. FunnyDuddies

    What am I missing? Why are ppl leaving?

    Well said Diane. I concur. I also wonder why this has all been done on the board, and not in PM. It would have been easy to take of it that way, and it would have prolly solved it all. I know when I have had conflicts with people in the past, sitting down and alking in private was the best way to handle it, rather than trying to bait them or sabotage them in public.
  9. FunnyDuddies

    why is YOUR nose bent out of shape?

    Something that gets me are customer service people that were hired to help you do something, yet the moment you walk into the store they start griping about their problems. I'm sorry. Did I walk in and ask you "How may I help you?"
  10. FunnyDuddies

    I'm terrified and crying

    hope all went well Sunta!!! You, and all the others in for surgery today are in my mind, and I am full of jealousy. :scared: It will be nice to have the new bandsters here soon, with stories of gas pains and liquid diets. :welldone2:
  11. FunnyDuddies

    I need all of your thoughts on this...

    Thank you alex. I appreciate the info. That is good to know. Any of you out there who got approved with aetna, what hoops did they make you jump through? What can I start working on now?
  12. FunnyDuddies

    Big mouths at work

    If anyone comesto you, just smile and say "I'd like to keep that private. No offense, but I just like to keep my medical stuff personal." If it gets bad, go to your manager. It really is no body's business.
  13. FunnyDuddies

    I need all of your thoughts on this...

    Thanks guys. All of those points are well taken. Donali, I agree that insurance is a GREAT thing. I really do love the idea of being covered. it is just so hard to walk away from the expertise and care that people have received from Dr. Sanchez. This is a hard decision. Any more thoughts will be very appreciated. I value the opinions of everyone here on this.
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Poll for Women Only *ADULT*

    Yes. The mons is the said FUPA. And it cracks my butt up that thinjen's dh responded to her that way LOL See, guys have secrets. I beat mine to tell me what tey talk about during their meetings. He is my mole. My man mole. HEE HEE
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Show us those tummies!!

    Thanks you two!!! that is great! you both look amazing!!! how much skin was taken off? Did the docs tell you? I am amazed. You both look awesome!!!
  16. FunnyDuddies

    What am I missing? Why are ppl leaving?

    in another board I belong to I have someone on ignore. When they post their name shows but underneath there is a little line that says "this person is on ignore" or something like that.
  17. FunnyDuddies

    I need all of your thoughts on this...

    Alex...can you clarify for me your issues with aetna? Did you have to appeal because your company did not cover it? I am just curious. Is aetna just that hard to deaal with? Or is it that you had to jump some hurdles your company put up to try to keep people from getting the surgery, like dh's company.
  18. FunnyDuddies

    I need all of your thoughts on this...

    i have the money. at least most of it. I am $500 short, but that is no biggie. I'll have that in the next check. My mx date is for April 28 due to my schedule. If I do not go with that and go with insurance I am going to be saving a total of 11k due to other things I have to pay for and etc.
  19. FunnyDuddies

    What am I missing? Why are ppl leaving?

    i think there is a real ignore feature. you can ignore aa particular person's posts. at least i have seen other boards with this feature. its a great feature!
  20. FunnyDuddies

    What am I missing? Why are ppl leaving?

    Oh BigPaul, I wouldn't ever ignore you. I am not wholey disagreeing with you, I am just trying to figure out who it is. LOL I think you have very valid points. And yes, you do not have to sit quietly and "like" thee state of the board. But unfortunately it is somethingthat happens on every board all over the internet. I belong to a salt Water fish tank board. Same issues. Have been that way for the last 6 years. I belong to a fashion board. Same issues for the last 4 years. I belong to a florida pier fishing board. Same issues for the laast 6 months. I belong to a private friend board (group of us have a board just to stay in touch) and funny enough...same thing there too for the last 5 years. Peopleleave. They have many reasons. Sometimes it is little uproars that become the straw and camel thing. But they were ready to go anyway. I will miss seeing the wise people who are leaving too.
  21. FunnyDuddies

    What am I missing? Why are ppl leaving?

    mary you forgot al the dirty ones... lol but i won't postthem...cause this thread doesn't have a XXX in the title LOL
  22. FunnyDuddies

    Happy Thread, Happy Thoughts!!!

    here's my happy thought for the day... I am really sick and so is dh (no...this isn't the happy part.) and I had enough energy to take thekids to the preschool this morning. Here comes the happy part.... The house is silent. I can relax and get over this cold in peace LOL
  23. FunnyDuddies

    What am I missing? Why are ppl leaving?

    BigPaul, I hear your post, and respect some of the points, but my problem is I have seen a lot of posters like that. Not just one. And some of them have been around for a long while. I am not sure that this is just one person's problem. But I think Alex hit the nail on the head. I have gone through the posts in the past. and I have also been very active on many boards over the years. This is normal. "old posters" are always leaving boards. It is the natural progression of a board, and those that enjoy those posters miss them. Personally I think all the blame can be laid on the dirty bananas. They have corrupted our pure little minds LOL
  24. FunnyDuddies

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    I make kids clothes...or I used too. And the label was FunnyDuds. My niece Kendall kept calling her dresses I made for her FunnyDuddies. Then started calling me that. It kinda stuck. I actually don't like the name LOL But not going to change it till I lose the weight. Then I will pick out a sexy name lol
  25. FunnyDuddies

    *Sweet Story*

    super cool!!! good for him. And great for him for not letting those kids bully him into changing the name. this will help him boost his esteem later in life. what a fantastic lesson!!!! yay. i am smiling now. :mad:

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