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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    This waiting is hard.

    I am going to go to Dr. Sanchez in monterrey. We are really excited about it. I can not put this on a credit card. I put away 2k to 3k a month into savings, so getting the money together is not an issue, it is just taking too long. LOL 2 months is agony when you want something so badly!! I was just having a hard day yesterday. I spent a lot of time looking at before and after pics, watched Dr. 90210 and saw a fat chick get a tummy tuck when she really needed to lose 50 pounds before hand, had a lot of work to do, which i then found out i did incorrectly, and needed to redo without pay (graphic design work from home). It was just a high stress day, and I really felt like i was losing it.
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Potty-Training Boys???

    LOL DH would have a heartattack if andy pooped outside. peeing is one thing, but DH is very "proper" when it comes to nudity outside, and outdoor peeing is only for extreme circumstances. He doesn't even like the kids running around the house for too long after their baths. they should be dried and dressed before even leaving the bathroom. LOL And all i get is the mental image of a little boy wiping his butt on the grass like my dog does after he poops. HAHAHAHAHA
  3. FunnyDuddies

    Kiss Splenda Good-Bye!!

    oh we have taken that lifestyle on completely!! we have a few vices when it comes to alcohol and my one miniature Peanut Butter cup i get every night, but for the most part we are completely natural and made from scratch. i go shopping twice a week and load up on fresh fruits and veggies and alike. we catch fish at the pier now (three fishing trips and two have provided more fish that we can eat in a month!! LOL) and we only eat what i can make. no more fast food. no more canned sodas. only Water to drink. Also, those of you who really like that activia...bad news there. When my daughter was in the hospital she started to have really bad stomach pains. the doctor explained that it was from the antibiotics killing the good bacteria in the stomach that helps to digest food. i suggested to DH at that moment that we stock up on Activia when we get home for her. The doctor practically ripped my head off. He said "No, do not use that stuff. First of all, it is no better than regular full cultured yogurt. As long as your yogurt has not been processed and killed all the bacterium it is fine. But the activia has WAY more sugar than it should have in it. And it has been causing people to want to eat 3 or 4 of them. It is a marketing ploy. They jack up the sugar in it, to make you more hungry, so you eat more of them, and buy them more often than needed." I was dumbfounded. I kow companies do this...but I had been eating this stuff, and done exactly that!! I went home and looked in the ingredients...sure enough, high fructose corn syrup. So watch out people. That stuff is a wolf in sheeps clothing!!
  4. FunnyDuddies

    Potty-Training Boys???

    well today has just been a disaster all around. twice he has peed in his shorts, and gone to change them without telling me. and then the poop incident this morning, so we are back to naked from the waist down. i am so frustrated. he is running around the hosue yelling and crying because he wants pants on. he has gone potty just fine since i took the pants off. but it seems once his butt is covered by anything he feels its ok to pee and poo without going into the bathroom.
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Kiss Splenda Good-Bye!!

    DH and I REFUSE to eat splenda. It has the most foul aftertaste. And I love that they were sued for claiming it is as natural as sugar in their early ads. My mom is one of those that has severe abdominal cramping with it. She had a mild ulcer in the 80's. It healed, but splenda came out, she used it in everything, and it came back 2 fold. Her doctor told her no more. If she was going to eat an artifical sweetner, use equal. I am an equal girl. Much better tasting in my opinion. and it doesn't leave that ultra sickly sweet plasticy taste in my mouth. Mom gave it up and her ulcer is on the mend. DH and I have sworn to eat as natural as possible. Aside from growing our own veggies and milking our own goats. We make all of our meals from scratch. and yes, that means using pure, unadulterated sugar. We do use natural rough sugar. We have friends in hawaii that send us bags of pure cane sugar in its raw form. I also substitute 100% apple juice in some of my recipes for sugar if it can handle the extra liquid. This is a great way of getting some sweetness without using sugar. we can blame different foods all day long. the problem is we do not do anything in moderation. if we learn to use sugar in moderation, then we would not have the problem we do. instead many have just substituted on evil for another, and are racking up the preservative and chemical points in the body. Whether the chlorine or flouride or whatever is not the same when bonded, the point is that it is still going into the body. I don't like that.
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Potty-Training Boys???

    we do the same with the pull up at night. that is the only time he is allowed to wear them. this morning he kept saying he didn't have to go potty when i told him to go into the bathroom. DH, DD and i were downstairs eating Breakfast while Andy was upstairs getting dressed. He came bounding down the stairs saying he went potty. he was dressed in clean shorts and a clean shirt...with poop all over the lower part of his legs. i got him cleaned up and went upstairs...poop all over the floor of the bathroom and toilet. lord please help with this. when i saw him standing there rob jumped up from the table, exclaimed he had a meeting, and went off to work. lol mean man.
  7. FunnyDuddies

    My Cat just died...

    oh you just break my heart. i am sitting here with my lard butt of a puss squeezing him tightly and praying for O and Mo. I hope she finds strength to deal with this, as well as you. Elwood (my kitty) and I have you in our thoughts.
  8. FunnyDuddies

    Potty-Training Boys???

    FABULOUS!!! So glad to hear all of you having success. We have been struggling a bit with the pooping too. He isn't afraid, and he goes quite often, but occasionally he has an accident. But he just doesn't seem to care. We had an accident in WalMart. We were standing there buying fishing gear, and he walked to the other side of the cart and just peed his pants. bad bad bad. Then he throws a hissy fit as we leave the store cause he didn't want to stop shopping. I explained that when you have an accident all the fun stops. He also had had a really busy day, and no nap, so the screaming was loud on his part. Then yesterday the a/c guy comes over at the same time the cable guy comes by. And I am at home working on a project that should take about 10 hours, but has to get done in 2. I leave the a/c guy and cable guy to do their things, and send the kids to their room to play out of the workmen's way. Then sit down to work. And comes down the stairs, walks over to me, and says "i need new pants." I look down and he has poop leaking from his pant leg. and he had walked from his room all the way down the stairs and over to me this way. Needless to say i was not a happy camper that morning. but we got it cleaned, and he has not had an accident since then. it is just weird how it can seem that it just doesn't phase him that htis has happened. he doesn't get upset. he just acts like it is no big just, just a minor inconvinience. oh well. we will keep pushing on and know that he will not be in diapers when he is 5 lol
  9. I am still in a loose 32/tight 30. i can actually fit into my 28's, but it is uncomfortable.
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Happy Birthday Dawg!

    dawg, i hope you had an extra cup of dirty Water just for the occasion. Happy Birthday chap. keep on keepin on.
  11. She had really bad pneumonia which also caused Fluid to build up on the outside of her left lung. no antibiotics were working till we tried some really strong "only to be used in the hospital" types. she is getting better now, but it was hard. she is 4, will be 5 in september. and it was so hard to deal with having her in there. just broke my heart. we took her to have a blood draw a few days ago and if you just mention the word blood she starts screaching and wailing because she was stuck so many times in the hospital. what town are you in? we actually moved to safety harbor just a few days before emily went into the hospital.
  12. 372 was my highest weight. that was three months after my daughter was born. i didn't weigh for a while after that because i got pregnant with my son. then i weighed 3 months after he was born and the pregnancy made me lose weight. i got jazzed from that and started working out and eating right. i got all the way down to 287. then i stopped losing. i got so frustrated. then my business failed. i went back to 320. then we moved, then moved again. we were trying to get into cheaper apts so we could save all we could to buy a house. the bankruptsy from the business got a declined loan. by this time i was back at 350. then we said "to hell with it all" and quit work, took our savings, and moved to florida. I got a job as a bartender (my old fall back and what i really enjoy doing) and lost all the way back to 325. Then DH finally got a job in tampa, we moved there, i quit working and gained back to 335-340. then emily got sick and i spent 2 weeks in the hospital. BAM! 350. i am not really doing great. yeah i am down from my highest. but i am up from the blessed 287 i used to be. my lowest...16 years old and i weighed 107. yes...107. and i thought i was fat at that point. i can't beat myself up enough for that.
  13. FunnyDuddies

    OT HELP How do you get pee smell out of carpet???

    yeah the DEP high traffic carpet cleaner I mentioned actually has the same enzyme in it that natures miracle does. It is what carpet cleaners like Chem-Dry use in their carpet cleaning. It is just stronger and cheaper. Nature's miracle is fabulous, but change the brand and you get a lot of it for less money. they have it in gallon jugs, or spray bottles, and the pray bottles are not concentrate, so you can just spray, let it sit, then dab up. i really hope you are able to get it out. i know i am sensitive to that smell. I can even tell if DS has a wet diaper ust by the smell in the room.
  14. FunnyDuddies

    OT HELP How do you get pee smell out of carpet???

    arm in hammer (the little yellow box) is great for getting it out!! We use it on pet stains and on kid stains. Also, if you go to lowes they carry a line of industrial strength cleaning supplies by the name if DEP. their high traffic carpet stain remover is a miracle worker!! It is much better than the basic stuff you get from the grocery store. Works on every stain.
  15. I want to lose 220, it better be freakin possible!! LOL
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Potty-Training Boys???

    brenda one of the reasons we put the potty in the bathroom with emily is because she did the same thing with running around. the bathroom gave her limited space and with the door closed there was just no choice. she had to sit there and go until she was finished, then she would get her reward. giving her the stickers is good, but when she starts rationing like that it is not good. you need to make the fact that she is "all done" the reward. this is exactly what emily did too. plus my dr. said that it could give her a UTI. ot sure how, but since she has had them and it is unpleasant we didn't take the chance. andy has gotten to the point where after he has peed and pooed on the potty he shouts out "there's nuthin left in me tummy!!", wipes, jumps down off the potty, and runs around like a nekkid superman. lol
  17. K@t, i know being in a foreign country can sometimes make the rules different. As you know what he did here is against the law. Too bad there isn't a union set up. they would have his ass creamed for that. I say write a formal letter to his boss, and the boss above that. Don't demand an apology, just write it as if you feel the need to bring it to their attention, andhow difficult this has made your position. And point out exactly what you have here. From the forewarning of the surgery, to the snide comments, to the cake thing. If you get no response, goto thenext boss. If you reach a ceiling and they are all patting each other on the back, then maybe it isn't a place you really want to work.
  18. wheetsin i think maybe you need a new scale girl!! i am with ya on wanting to see that thing read an actual number, not one that says ERR. I hate that. DH weighs himself everyday, and seems to be losing everyday. he makes me insane. LOL
  19. josette, i have had the same problem. ours only goes up to 335. i had to weigh myself when my daughter was in the hospital. My very first goal is to register on the scale again LOL Then it is to get to 300. oh my god it will be amazing to register on that scale, and not see ERR as my weight lol
  20. FunnyDuddies

    Potty-Training Boys???

    I am in the middle of potty training our son as well. We are taking the same appraoch as we did with our daughter. Since I stay at home, these next few days will be spent completely without wearing any underwear or pants. when he puts pants on, or even just underwear, he has accidents. my daughter was like that too. In my opinion, pull ups are a waste of money. They are just like a diaper, and they treat them just like that. Yesterday he started, and ran to the toilet every time he had to go. He doesn't stand, he sits on the toilet and leans forward so it doesn't spray anywhere. He also refuses to use the little potty we got him, he wants to sit on the adult potty. This is great cause he will go even when we are somewhere else, like a grocery store or the mall. My daughter was not like this. but we got through it all. :eek: the important thing to remember as you are wiping up an accident is that eventually, they get the hang of it and can go on their own. my daughter is 4 and doesn't even want me in the stall with her when we are out in public. lol
  21. Ugh, I so need this thread. I was at 335-340 for a while, but over the last month, with my daughter in the hospital and all the stress of moving, I have gone back up to 350. This puts me at a BMI of 60.5. And I no longer have a surgery date, but I do have a time frame...Some time in July I will be going down to Mexico, unless some miracle occurs and I can get the cash back together before then. I actually bought the biggest loser book, and have met my new neighbor who is a personal trainer, and am going to have a completel program setup for me. My first goal is 300. Yes, it does feel yucky to have a mini goal that most people start out at. My end goal is to be 130 someday. I used to weigh 110 when I was fit and trim. I figure with the aging I have done, and the extra muscle from carrying around this weight, 130 is realistic. I am 5ft4 with genetically big boobs, so 130 should look good on me too. lol
  22. FunnyDuddies

    headaches help

    headaches are quite often a result of dehydration, esp with bandsters. instead of treating it with drugs, try a few glasses of Water first. it will help to rehydrate you. if that still doesn't work liquid tylenol is good, and so is taking a pill. you can also crush an asprin in some yogurt or sugar free pudding. this is stuff my doctor told me. I was very concerned about needing to take pills once banded.
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Breasts Part II (women again)

    like i said in the other thread, i had a reduction, and couldnot breastfeed with both kids due to reduced flow. i would leak, and maybe produce enough for a half a bottle all day, but that was it. i gave them that as a supplement, but gave them formula mainly. they still produce milk whem i am on my period though, but only a drop or two. not enough to be noticable.
  24. FunnyDuddies

    Breasts (women only)

    I had a reduction when i was 19. went from a EEE to a D. And it saved my back. But I lost almost all sensation in the right nipple, and have become oversensitive in the left. I have to be really turned on for dh to get anywhere near it, or else it is painful. I also could not breastfeed the kids due to limited flow, but they got bigger! Now they are DDD and I will def need a lift and fill when i lose all the weight.
  25. FunnyDuddies

    I just realized...

    seeing as how i can barely move myself around with out a lot of effort, i am gonna owe the staff a huge thanks and apology when i get my surgery done.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
