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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    Overdue FUN THREAD!!!

    nothin. i don't wear panties to bed, or a bra for that matter, and i am still in my PJ's because of my at home job taking up too much of my thought process today. i need a shower LOL
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Official 4th of July/Summer Gift Exchange

    I'm in!! My surgery is in late July, so I would love getting a gift centered around my surgery.
  3. FunnyDuddies

    What's your slogan??

    i did dh's name. came up with one i don't think he would appreciate. LOL Give That Man A Rob.
  4. FunnyDuddies

    What's your slogan??

    My Anti-Drug is Amy
  5. FunnyDuddies


    I heard those when they first came out. They were very interesting. Quite spooky. I love the show Most Haunted on the travel channel. Most investigations don't really show anything that would have me saying "yes there wasa ghost there" but occasionally things happen that are just completely unexplainable. One episode they were doing table tipping, and the camera was running and the three guys had their hand barely touching the table (i think they were still getting ready to do the tipping) and the whole table shifted quite violently towards one of the guys, almost knocking him down. It was very clear on the video that none of them caused this to happen. There was also one they did in a brewery where at one point the investigator was in the keg room, and kegs started rolling across the concrete right on camera! the floor was not slanted, but they were rolling, and changing speed by slowing and then speeding up. It was quite fascinating. They just recently did an investigation of the Queen Mary in California (an old ship that is now a hotel) and one of the investigators had a camera running all night in his room. It shows him sleeping in bed, and you can hear a kids voice clearly say "Mommy" and hear hangers hitting the floor or walls. They also videoed wet footprints that had come out of a pool that had no water in it. Another investigation I just loved!! There were 4 investigators/cameramen were in a bedroom, and they were saying things like "why don't you show yourself? We aren't afraid of you! You couldn't hurt us if you tried!" and all of a sudden the TV in the room switched on and the volume was cranked up really loud. The looks on those guys faces was priceless!! They all jumped into each others arms. It was funnier than all get out. I LOVE Derek who is a medium on that show. I don't believe him most of the time, cause i have seen him on camera moving a table during table tipping. But I think his personality is fabulous!! He loves having an audience, that is for sure. But occasionally he does pick up some weird things. He was in an attic on one episode talking to any spirits that might have been in the room, and a a bookshelf fell on him. it was very surprising.
  6. FunnyDuddies

    What's your slogan??

    Don't Get Mad, Get Amy. The Lion Goes from Funnyduddies to Funnyduddies.
  7. FunnyDuddies

    Does anyone here use Arbonne?

    i have tried it and went back to estee lauder. for that price I can get the best face refinishing cream, all the moisturizers i need, the greatest cleansers, and even some makeup after it all. Just my opinion.
  8. FunnyDuddies

    is someone deleteing large threads?

    :deadhorse: hehehe Sorry. I really don't mean anything by posting the dead horse. You just rarely see it used. So I am using it. :deadhorse: :deadhorse: Weeee this is fun. Beat that horsey! Ok, please continue with the beating and posting and the debating. It really is a great thread!! :deadhorse:
  9. FunnyDuddies

    Working Hard or Hardly Working

    my partner in crime, elwood, is firmly planted in the office chair next to me. and it is his chair. no one uses it. but he sits there all day long when i am working. he also pulled the all nighter with me last night. such a loyal bag of fat and fur LOL
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Ignorant People Irritate me!!!

    If she was a salesperson, I would do all i could to get the info on her and complain to her boss and her boss's boss etc. Vines, while that theory is good, I think sometimes people just need a good sock in the jaw. I am of the mindset that if you can dish it you can take it. If that woman had come up to me I would have stopped the treadmill, taken off the earphones, gotten down to her level and calmly told her to back the f*** off, that I was capable of living my life without her pearls of wisdom up until then, and I will continue to succeed till the end of my days. Then I would have promptly asked to see the manager of the gym. It is stuff like this that keeps me out of a gym.
  11. FunnyDuddies

    Just had a hard day

    Clinically it takes 72 hours for the body to chemically change a habit. So it being easier after 3 days is true. I know when I have done cleansing fasts in the past it was really tough for the first few days. But after a week of low carbing it it is amazing how little the body craves. The head is a totally different story. Something that has helped me but may seem kind of weird. I bought one of those key chains that can hold a picture. Then I found a model body, something that I want to be like in the future. My inspiration. (clothed since people see it on my keys LOL) when i am hungry i stare at her. it really does help. a visual aid has more power over the mind than just thoughts alone.
  12. FunnyDuddies

    The Bunnies are 6 days old--new pix

    oh those are just so precious!! their fur is at that velvet stage where you just want to rub them against your cheek and under your chin all day long.
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Potty-Training Boys???

    loves it makes me sad too for him when he has an accident. he is trying so hard. he came into our room the other night, and i thought it was because of an accident. he came in to tell us that he had gotten up to go pee and his underpants were still dry. i was so proud. then when we woke up in the morning he didn't want to get out of bed. when i finally picked him up i smelled it. he had pooped in his pullups during the night and he was so angry with himself. he doesn't really get embarassed, just frustrated. so we have lots of love and hugs and kisses. emily hasn't been helping though. when he has an accident she points it out loud as can be, and calls him a baby. we have had to have a few serious talks with her about that. but andy holds his own. he stands in front of her with his hands on his hips and tells her "you be quite, i don't want to hear you say baby! you a baby!" then he takes his stuffed turtle and his new underpants and goes to find a quite corner to put them on. it is sad, but cute at the same time.
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Missing Members...

    and due to the deletion thread...where is kelly going? why is she deleting posts? is she taking off? i saw someone mention that she has done it before. does she do it and still stick around? I would miss seeing her post. Kare, i wanna see the flowers! My garden won't do crap this season so i am discouraged. tell ya what. you pep talk me on my garden, i'll pep talk you on losing weight lol
  15. FunnyDuddies


    I am a firm believer in spirits and angels and ghosts. Good and bad. When we moved into the apt in Tampa while getting settled my son (3 at the time) kept going into his closet and talking to someone. and not like he was talking to someone that was just imagination. he was answering questions, and using words we never used with him because he would not be able to pronounce them. When asked who he was talking to, he said there was a man in his closet like papa (his grandfather) who sings him christmas songs. He even started singing christmas songs (middle of april) that we never played. We got a kitten about 18 months ago, but it was sickly, and ended up passing away one day when we were all out. we found him laying on our bed, on my pillow. he liked sleeping right next to my head when he was alive. our other cat, elwood, hated him because he was new. even after he passed we would see a kitten run down the hallway to the master bedroom. And at night I would feel a purring breath next to my face, wake up and have elwood asleep by my feet, not my head. When my grandmother passed my DH and I were living together but not married. We were having sex one evening (i know...shocking!) and heard "Oh my!" clear as a bell. We both were very startled and looked around. We thought someone had actually come into the house and into our room, but Elwood (faithfull and trusty) was asleep right in front of the shut door. No one would have come in and left him undisturbed. I thought the TV might have made the noise, but it was off completely. It wasn't like a whisper, it was very clear and in the room with us. I got a call about an hour later from my mother that my grandmother had died. my mother told me her last words were "Oh My!" I still have not told my mom. Kind of embarassing that your grandma's ghost comes to say good bye and you are getting busy with your man. When my daughter was born her umbilical cord was attached to the Water bag and tore during delivery. Both my daughter and I were losing lots and lots of blood. The doctor carved me up down there, reached in, and grabbed her. I was not even fully dialated. Emily's heart had stopped. It was a scary situation. They rushed her to the table and started working to revive her. She began breathing and her heart started after less than a minute. I am still not even sure what they did with her, as I was not allowed to have her til the next day, but they gave me a transfusion for the lost blood. We found out a few days later that Dh's grandmother, who had been in an almost coma from a stroke for the last 3 years, woke up completely cognisent and with full motor skills and told dh's mom that she was right. We had a girl. Then she died. When I was a kid I used to ride with my mom to work in hawaii before having a friend's mom take me to school. Every morning we would drive along this stretch of road near a sugar cane field. One morning there was terrible traffic, and we found out a teenage boy had been hit by a car and died. A few times after that occasionally we would see a teenage boy walking along the road minding his own business and a few blocks after passing him we would see him walking in the other direction coming towards us. We would pass him without event. He never looked up or strayed from his path. it was quite spooky for me. there are more but i will share at a later date.
  16. FunnyDuddies

    I just have to say...

    *in her best drunk college boy impression* I LOVE YOU, MAN!! pnut, i agree. I have met some wonderful people here, made some really stong friendships that I will cherish forever, and found the support and love I could not have gotten anywhere else. who'd a thunk it, huh?
  17. FunnyDuddies

    The things kids say

    my daughter is so sweet and innocent, but picks the wrong times. at the grocery store in the checkout line she lifted my shirt all of a sudden. i pulled it down, but she patted my tummy and boob and said, "mommy you are so big and soft" thanks. not on the fat topic, but my daughter is at the age (4) where sometimes certain words and phrases are not said correctly. and (excuse the language) but a lot of her words come out to sound like "bitch". We have to listen to the context to understand what she is talking about. well she was watching tv the other day and they were singing mary had a little lamb on there. She came into my office wanting me to hear her singing it. Our neighbor was over having coffee with me so we stopped the convo and listen to her perform. "mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb, Mary had a little lamb, the bitch was white as snow" Tera, my neighbor, snarfed her coffee (snarf = the act of making liquid that is being sipped to come out one's nose) and ran to the bathroom laughing so hard she thought she was gonna pee. That's my girl! a very entertaining 4 year old. even if she doesn't understand why.
  18. FunnyDuddies

    Messed up Body Image!

    diane you do look awesome. every picture i see you are more and more beautiful. and your smile is the best part now think back to all the times you have yo yo'd. it takes forever for our brains to catch up to what is happening to our bods. when i was skinny, i thought i was fat. i hovered around 100 pounds, and still starved myself because i had a huge rack. i couldn't get rid of it. so i considered myself fat. I gained all of my weight in a VERY short period of time. but i still thought i was not as fat as i am now. i still have trouble seeing me for the real me. i look at women my size and think "there is no possible way i am that big!!" but i am. bigger sometimes. and i know that now that i am coming to accept it, i will start losing and not see the loss just like you. it is normal. just chalk it up to insanity and move on to the next thing in life. LOL its the best way to get through it. And remember that we NEVER see ourselves for the true us in the mirror. Something that really helped me (but is tough if you are not computer savvy) was to take pics of myself. Clad only in underwear, i take digital pics of myself. I am always in the same position, and always wearing the same thing. I am also always in the same spot. This way as I lose I have a good side by side comparison to look at. It is hard to pick apart three dif pics of you when on is sitting, one is hiding behind the family, and the other is in a FABULOUS outfit. try it and see if that helps.
  19. FunnyDuddies

    Restless Leg Syndrome

    the new drug is pretty good. RSV is actually a neurological disorder, and the new drug treats it as that, and not like the pain killers and muscle relaxants that used to be prescribed for it. I have it, but I try not to take drugs, so i deal with it. I have found the less stress in my life, the less RSV I have, so I try to do a lot of relaxation techniques before bedtime. last night was impossible for me though. our a/c is broken and it was 86 in here last night.
  20. FunnyDuddies

    Potty-Training Boys???

    we have the opposite prob. andy will get on, go poop a little. then jump off to run around the house and tell everyone and be cheered on. then the underpants go on, then the pants, then he has an accident cause he was not really finished. it does break his little heart when that happens too. he tries so hard. but he doesn't understand how to tell if he is done yet when he is going poop.
  21. Finally got a scale that goes up to 360. got on it last week and cried. i thought i was lower than 360-something. today i am 355. and going down. i am going to reach 299 before surgery!! or die tryin lol
  22. FunnyDuddies

    UHC Won't Cover My Surgery

    if you call up and ask about your policy, request that you be told if it is an exclusion, or some other reason you will be denied. Also, ask for a copy of your policy to be sent to you so you have it in black and white. if there is not an exclusion, then fight. some people go through 2 or 3 denials before getting approved. some insurance companies have that as part of the approval process to weed out the wishywashy
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Please give me any insight...

    PE's are hard. I had one after the birth of my daughter. I hope you have luck in getting the financing for the the surgery and this all goes well for you.
  24. FunnyDuddies

    denied medical insurance due to lap band!

    You could be denied insurance for individual coverage. But if you go out and get a job that has a group health plan, then you cannot be denied. So get a job with a company that is fairly large, with a good health plan, and everything will be fine Diva
  25. FunnyDuddies

    UHC Won't Cover My Surgery

    I have United Healthcare, and I was told by a setup coordinator that set up my husbands employers insurance coverage that UHC is giving huge cost breaks to employers that exclude the surgery. they are phasing out the ability to have the surgery through the employers. so in reality they "used to be" band friendly. my husband's employer is a small company so they took the break, which means they have the exception, and that means no insurance coverage for me. The rep said that they are doing this due to the high mortality and complication rate from GB and lump lapband in with it. yet one more reason to hate insurance companies lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
