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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    :cheer2: go dawg! way to live!
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    I want to be 345 by wednesday. i think i can do it, plus some. that is my mini goal for this week. and Water water water will do that. i am bad today. after about 90oz i stopped. so i just got another bottle out of the fridge and am downing that. telly, when we get small enough we should go get some cheerleader outfits and be the GFG cheer squad. hmmm...maybe we shouldn't wait. that will be motivation for you guys! to see us squeezed into cheer outfits! LOL
  3. FunnyDuddies

    What are your Summer plans?

    we won't this year trisha but if this becomes a regular thing we will next year. i refuse to wear a bathing suit in front of people right now. lol and yes, hurricanes are a fact of life down here, but if your house is built right, and you leave when they tell you to leave, you are ok. :eek: that is the key...leaving. unless it is like a cat 1. then the hurricane parties are AWESOME! LOL
  4. FunnyDuddies

    What are your Summer plans?

    geez y'all are coming here to florida!! Should I have a bandster BBQ?? We can all split a hot dog! For me it is all about the surgeries. July 28th is my band date, and i am trying to work out when i will be having the apron removal and where that will take place. other than that is it working out in the back yard to get some landscaping done, partying with the neighbors, and relaxing at the beach. i am hoping for some good storms to come through. and at some point dh and i are gonna go down to the keys to look at property. oh, and i am sure pnut is going to come down and visit. :eek:
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    you can reach onederland!! I know you can! I think it is great that you are going to go balls to the wall in the gym. just remember to spend most time doing aerobic, and not a ton of lifting. you will want to do some toning, but you will gain weight if you just do nothing but weight training. and when you do the toning, try to do core and leg strengthening. muscle burns fat, and your legs and core are where the biggest muscles are located. Kristin is gonna come back to school smokin hot!! LOL No one will recognize you!! I have a reunion with a group of friends that is being planned. it won't be till October, but i have this new found urgency to lose as much as possible between now and then. I want to be hot again, and really blow them all away!! LOL i know it is only 6 months, but a lot can be lost in 6 months, and a 350 pound person...hmmm. excuse me, a 347 pound person as of this morning, can look dramatically different in 6 months! woohoo!!!
  6. FunnyDuddies

    I just realized...

    omg pnut that is too cool!! i have no realizations lately...but i know what it feels like when they happen. i hope you just cheered your butt off for these things, even if people were watching! I and dawg had better have given you a big hug and a kiss! these NSV's are whats gonna keep us all going.
  7. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    oh trust me..fat can be funny. and telly, i'll be right out. Pnut, hold my shoes, earrings, and hair. i gotta go take care of somethin here. LOL are we all getting our water this morning? i feel like a pufferfish! If I jump up and down you can hear my belly sloshing around with all the water.
  8. FunnyDuddies

    Isopure Water 40g Protein

    FAB-U-LOUS! Ok, gonna order a few cases of this stuff. I really need a good protein drink that is more like water. The protein shakes lately have been making me feel sick. I think it is too much substance in one drink. Thank you dahlink for the info.
  9. FunnyDuddies

    Isopure Water 40g Protein

    can you do me a favor and look at the label and tell me how many calories, carbs, and what sort of protein it is?
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Wanna be healthy, but afraid to be thin?

    i am afraid of being thin, but that is because i am afraid i will not be like i was when i was thin. i was hot. i had a great bod. and now i wonder all the time if my body is so screwed up under all this fat that i will look awful. i hated my body when i was thin because i had little nitpicky complaints. i thought my boobs were just a hair too big. i hated that my waist was so tiny, but my hips were very curvatious. i had chipmunk cheeks no matter how skinny i was. now i would kill for those problems. and i wonder if my boobs will be beyond all repair. i wonder if my waist will ever be back to its original size. and if i will ever get the shape back to my butt. yes, i am afraid of being thin, because i am sure it will not be what it was like before.
  11. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    who do you think supplies Zephyrhills bottled water here in Florida?? and yes telly, i know you are kidding. i am rarely ever serious on here. even when i am in fighting threads, i am always sarcasm and joking. unless you wanna make somethin of it. lets step outside. i maybe be big but i aint slow!!
  12. FunnyDuddies

    Dr. Grossbard self pay

    i got that price from the patient care coordinator when i called the office. she scheduled me for a time to come to the seminar. i said i needed to get financing set up and needed the total amount charged by them to do this. she said to tell the financing company that i need a total of $18k. that it was $17k, and having a bit extra was always good incase additional tests had to be run. that is how i got the figure. i never went to the seminar because i chose to have it done in Mexico with a doc with tons of exp. i am sure dr. g is a fine surgeon, but i prefer someone who has been doing it longer, and i found that was cheaper. that to me was an all around good choice. i think dr. jessee for the surgery package is about $17k as well. i will be going to her for support meetings, fills, etc after mexico. i think she charges a bit more than most for fills, but i have heard she is phenomenal to work with and well worth all the costs.
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    i seem to recal you sharing too much a time or two as well telly. LOL isn't this waht this place is for? saying things you can't express to anyone else in person? And right now I am all about expressing how crystal clear my pee is. LOL Its one of the joys of weight loss. if i start taking vitamins it will be gatorade green!
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    i swear i am drinking so much i am peeing bottled water LOL
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    i have struggled with upping my water. i am getting more than the 64oz easily. i drink more water before 9am than most do all day. !ha! but seriously, i do, butmy goal is to drink a gallon and a half. it has been really really hard. the workout i do before the kids wake up. i try not to eat before i work out so that i can burn fat, not food calories. then i am famished for breakfast and have a nonfat yogurt and cereal. where my weaknes lies is wanting bread. sugar doesn't bother me. but holy heck i want some sourdough bread. it is killin me!!! this week i am going to try for a perfect week on the bread. i think i can i think i can.
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    pnut...i think dawg and rob were seperated at birth as well. lol rob said this too me approx 4 days ago for a billiards site we are doing.
  17. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    i know heather....i swear. i think he is lyin. he's hidin something. pnut put her pics up, but he is too good to put his pics up.
  18. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    i am so with pnut on this one that is cool dawg! its great when people notice. i'll be prayin for you pnut to have strength, and dawg...i will be praying for you that the beating is not too severe.
  19. FunnyDuddies

    Did anyone watch Oprah on Monday?

    its hard to get away from high fructose corn syrup. it is used in everything it seems!! any other lists from that show would be appreciated!!
  20. FunnyDuddies

    Did anyone watch Oprah on Monday?

    i did not see it. sorry i missed it too. i love shows like that. i have been watching a lot of the food shows on fit tv and have really been making big changes with the family's diet. and the kids and DH seem to be enjoying it and benefitting from it. I have gotten rid of most of the premade foods, and have been buying lots of fresh meats, veggies and fruits. we ever try to get fresh spices. The Cereal we buy we get from the bulk foods section, and it is fresh oats, apples, and nuts. dinner and lunch are all natural and fresh as well, and we rarely eat anything that has preservatives in it anymore. and it is interesting how we feel from it all. dh says he is not so tired. the kids are sleeping through the night again, and my skin has cleared up a lot! dh's breath even smells better! LOL
  21. FunnyDuddies

    Annie Wilson's lapband what happened?

    last i saw brian he was looking FABULOUS! i'll see if i can find a pic of him on the net.
  22. FunnyDuddies

    any thoughts?

    I completely agree with you!! I went into this knowing that I had to fix me, and my willpower, not jsut my tummy. But we have people around us that have had all different forms of weight loss surgery, and only 3 of them have reached goal and are sticking there. the rest either lost and regained, or never lost much to begin with. Then they complain that they went through all that pain and suffering for nothing. family who sees that do not see that they are not following orders, and then try to discourage me from having the surgery. I chose the band over GB or DS because I wanted to do it with a little help. Not just have something do it for me. I have seen that there are many DS and GB patients that are starting to gain back because they never relearn. I want the control to be in my hands. And I want to make it work for myself.
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    you have me blushing again. lol thank you. and telly. nicole kidman i am not. but i used to look like her when i was skinny (a bit too skinny), so hopefully i will get back to that in a healthy way. i love her. now she is a knock out! met her in person when her and tom lived in North Carolina. They lived next door to a guy who was a close family friend, and she was nothing but the nicest person. i used to like tom...till i met him. lol
  24. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    oh i love her! she was perfect in funny farm. one of my favorite movies.
  25. FunnyDuddies

    Annie Wilson's lapband what happened?

    its sad that with all the weight loss they still have her hiding behind nancy. i was really hoping that she would come out of her sheel from the surgery and really be proud of herself. its not like they need to try and make a name for themselves. they are setup as it is.

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