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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    Apron Removal

    when i had consulted with PS in the area I asked about the complications, and risks and the rate that they happen. I did not ever get the 100% quote (across 4 different surgeons) but I did get the "complications arise in men and women who are severely obese and have comorbidities such as diabetes and high blood pressue that would slow healing time" speeches. I was also told by all of them that I am in perfect shape for the surgery. My skin is in good shape, I am in good shape. As my PCP says, "You are as healthy as a horse! You are just as big as one, too." LOL Sue, I agree that fat people have a harder time healing. Complications are always lurking. We can just try to up the odds in our favor. I have the good fortune of having good circulation, a pretty good immune system, and am in pretty good shape for my size.
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Flooding in MA

    oh yeah...we floridians would drool over the rain you are getting, but we are too dried out! lol we desperately need rain here, like you need sunshine. glad you got your mom out! i hope it doesn't get too bad there.
  3. FunnyDuddies

    Apron Removal

    I have already documented it for the ins company, and they have turned me down, twice. no worries. we can afford this cause of the new budget we set up. dh is intent on having me get all the stuff i want and need for the weight loss before anything else is bought for the family or home. fee, no please, do show your pics! There is a chance that i will have abdominal musclework done as well, but we aren't counting on it. he is going to see what things are like when he opens me up. I def want to see pics though!!!
  4. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    oh and I forgot about myself. LOL Don't I always. I am still slightly recovering from a sun filled mother's day at the beach. It was really a fabulous time, and my clock is still stuck on slow. working out this morning was hard. And I am really hungry now that I am on the liquid diet. But I am sticking with it! My only cheat off the liquid diet yesterday was a roma tomato. That isn't too bad. I filled out all my foods on fitday.com and have found that I am getting the right amount of calories, but I need more protein and less carbs, so I am going to up the jello and protein drinks. DH is going to buy me some more isopure, and I think that should help some.
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    Diane, really happy to see you better dahling. This will be good for you, i can feel it! Heather, I kicked my own butt on the eliptical this morning too. I am up to 9 minutes that I can do on it before I feel like my legs are going to just fall off, and the pain is too much. LOL Good for you for getting up that early and going!! (((HUGS))) the first step is always the second hardest. The hardest part will come in about 4 days when your body hurts and its really early and you just don't want to go. LOL That is when you have to be the strongest!! You can do this! Tricia, your new av just makes me smile!
  6. FunnyDuddies

    24 Hour Fitness anyone?

    I'm there with ya too!! I joined Lifestyle Fitness here in Tampa, and will be going early in the morning too. We will all have a mental workout together.
  7. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    i joined a gym this weekend too! then found out the time I plan to go workout during is when they open the gym to teenagers for free so that they can get some workouts done. we'll see how that goes. last thing i want is a bunch of snide teens making fun of me while i am working out. hopefully it won't be that type of crowd.
  8. FunnyDuddies

    Apron Removal

    I am going to Monterrey, MX for my apron surgery. the cost is $4200. But insurance is not covering it. They feel that it is considered weight loss surgery. I know what you mean about pilates. I do them everyday, and it is tough. I also have to take breaks from working ut during the week because i have to heel from heat rashes. it is awful! And ever since my csection for my son i have lost most of my feeling from my pubic bone up to my belly button, so I don't know if have a rash or not, and it gets worse and worse without me knowing it. This surgery will eliminate all of that hopefully!! I am so excited!
  9. FunnyDuddies

    Being fat and finding love

    i know it seems corny, but have you tried eHarmony.com? I have 3 friends who went on there, and their personallity matching really seems to work!! 2 are married, and 1 is engaged. And all three couples seem really perfect for each other! I met my DH online waaaaay back when the world wide web did not exist. It was just the internet. Connected to schools, libraries, the government, and of course the hand full of pervs. LOL DH was working at the library where he was going to college, and I was a freshman in high school. We were just friends for the longest time, till i turned 19 and moved to florida where he was going to college. then we fell in love. When I was a freshman in high school I was tiny. 100 pounds, 5ft 4inches, and tight. when i moved to florida, due to 2 years with a VERY abusive boyfriend, i was 300 pounds. he fell in love with me as a person, not with my body (although he does really like me no matter what my size.) I think that is what is great with the internet and meeting someone online before meeting them face to face. Just keep your eyes and heart open, but at the same time, continue to find the love you have for yourself. I know you are really lonely, but if you find love for yourself you will respect yourself enough to find the right man, and not one that will treat you badly, or manipulate you in any way. Good Luck!!
  10. FunnyDuddies

    10 months before-after

    HUGE DIFFERENCE!!! There is no more "back roll" really anymore. You just look fantastic!
  11. I love that! Wheets you are doing awesome!! You will make it there before you know it! I can't wait to reach twoterville either. Its gonna be a big celebration!
  12. FunnyDuddies

    10 months before-after

    you look amazing!! Look at your shoulders and your neck! Truly breathtaking! Congradulations! Almost 100 pounds!
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    Oh, so this weekend I went out and got all of my liquid diet foods. I am going to stay on liquid diet until its time for the apron surgery. I got high protein slim fast shakes. some low fat and low cal high protein vanilla chai tea, lots and lots of pomagranite juice (my new fave), lots of veggies and fruits for juicing, some chicken and beef broth (low sodium), skim milk, and of course my trusty protein shakes. I am focusing on protein protein protein and really going to try staying between 1200 and 1000 cals a day. plus a gallon of water. no more, no less. Does anyone have any other ideas for liquid diet options that are low cal, high protein? do you see any problems with the diet here?
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Summer swimwear poll

    depending on how my apron surgery goes, i doubt i will be in a bathing suit this summer. but next summer i am going to be a curvy girl in a sizzling one piece. maybe a two piece if the boobs don't look too bad. LOL
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    Hippo you are more than welcome to post here!! We welcome everyone in, even if you don't want to stay in the club, post all ya want! :nono: Tricia, I really hope you find good restriction again. I heard that as you lose the weight, you lose the fat around the stomach itself, and there by lose restriction because the band is not as tight. Hopefully this fille will work for ya and put you back into the swing of things. Diane, I am so sorry that you had the obstruction and it went and messed up all of your restriction. Maybe, like Tricia, you can go in, get unfilled, and have great restriction again. I have my fingers and toes crossed for both of you. Kristin, ugh, that sounds nasty!! LOL knowing me I would have just died of embarassment, and left the restaurant crying! I told DH that after I have the band I am not eating out anywhere until I get to goal!! LOL Pnut, shut up and get the fill! joking sis, but just talk to your doc and both of you can decide if it is time. Personally it sounds like it. You got this thing to help you lose weight. If you are not filled properly then the tool is just sitting there not doing anything for you. And if you are afraid of making it work then why did you have it put in to begin with? See the logic? I know that you will get a fill, and that you will be fine. And so what if you get a little tight for a while. You just have a slight unfill and find that sweet spot! I had a great mother's day! We spent the whole day at the beach. We got to watch the sunset and the kids played in the water all day long. We caught a ton of sponges that I am going to purify and use around the house. If anyone wants any natural sponges, just let me know. They are soft, and great for using on your face!! Just the right amount of scrub. Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Found New Diet Popsicles

    omg i bought the sugar free dr pepper and other soda popsicles today. they are sooooo good!! I also got a box of sugar free fudge, creamsicle, and regular pops. yummy in my tummy!!
  17. FunnyDuddies

    Post Your Skinny Dream Clothes

    right on poodles!! i think dh's version of dream skinny clothes and my version of dream skinny clothes are vastly different! LOL while mine be small and revealing, his idea for me is almost nonexistant LOL
  18. congratz molly!! that is awesome! I can't wait for my digital scale to read something other than ERR
  19. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    tell us some about yourself and consider yourself part of the group! Welcome to LBT and to Gone for Good Clanton!! Glad to have you here! Where are you going in Mexico for your surgery? I, too, am going to Mexico and amy extremely excited! Pnut, I agree that I think the 2 gallons is a bit overboard. I really did notice that I actually started to feel THIRSTIER the more I drank. Today I backed off to a gallon. I know I need that much, but I think more than that is just overkill. I know one thing though...doing 2 gallons a day for last week really cleared my body out!! My skin is clear, and soft, and my sinuses actually feel really good (they have been bothering me lately) I think I needed that burst of water, but I am sticking to about a gallon to a gallon and a half a day for now.
  20. FunnyDuddies

    Michellina's Frozen Dinners

    thanks megan! good to know they might be an issue.
  21. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    wow...we are cycling together. seems we are all going on the rag at the same time! LOL
  22. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    Kathy I agree. Something is up. there is just weirdness all around.
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    i am not weighing anymore till the end of the challenge. my scale is just insane.
  24. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    WAY TO GO GFG GROUP!!! That is so awesome!! I can't wait to be a part of that!! You big losers and little losers and little gainers and big gainers are a great group! I am so happy to be here. :Banane13: yay us!!
  25. FunnyDuddies

    Michellina's Frozen Dinners

    well most frozen meals are $5, and some lean cuisines are topping on $6 now, but these are 98 cents usually. I agree that fresh is better. We do fresh only in this house. But I know after i am banded there are going to be times that I need to pop something in quick while preparing the rest of the family a meal. I was wondering what bandsters out there thought of them.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
