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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    liar!! you are like a man! hahahaha what is the stat? sex is on their minds every 2 seconds?
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Kitty Litter

    but not nearly as much fun as running naked through a feather factory.
  3. FunnyDuddies

    Danish Pastry

    Cause then eating a danish would just be a completely different thing! LOL I agree that if you must have bread, go the whole grain route. The carbs are less for one thing than processed white flour and it is not coated in tons of liquified powdered sugar.
  4. FunnyDuddies

    What have I done?! LOL

    scary calories. i think i wanted to sleep for 5 days after my first spinning class! LOL and i craved a steak sooooo badly afterwards. i think that is a good sign.
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Kitty Litter

    i begged the picture taker for them. I told DH that if I did not have them by the time this next party this friday rolled around I would put the outfit on again, and take new pics of my own. then take pics of the other outfit. Even with my hair gothed out, i think i looked pretty good. LOL
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Kitty Litter

    LOL I said this at the party this weekend, but i was asking to pass the rum.
  7. FunnyDuddies

    kids pics

    we were blessed with these two surprises. but we are done with kids. they are definitely a hand full. it is like having twins, and they are so sneaky together. they work together to get into the worse kinds of trouble. but that is what kids do. LOL
  8. FunnyDuddies

    Kitty Litter

    I think we all need time in a padded room. LOL Think of how great that party would be!!
  9. FunnyDuddies

    kids pics

    3loves i am a stay at home mom too. actually i work from home. but i am there for every change and growth and moment. It would kill me to miss a moment like that! and I would have to get pictures of it. LOL my house is FULL of pictures of the kids, and the family. but mostly my kids. LOL Your sons are adorable!! they look like little mischief makers! LOL but aren't all boys?
  10. FunnyDuddies

    lettuce rejoice!

    oh i hope i will be able to eat lettuce cause i am a salad nut!! Any of you who have some trouble...is it all types of lettuce? does spinach hurt?
  11. FunnyDuddies

    Kitty Litter

    Apple tree aardvark banana suck monkey cheese spoon!
  12. FunnyDuddies


    ok, the funny thing is that his words were powerful enough to be used on another board, and then they found their way back here. Bravo!
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Why lap band?

    i considered both. I actually looked at DS, RNY and Lap band. I like the steadiness and the long term statistics of Lapband. It was my surgery of choice. Keep in mind...this is your body. And it is your choice to which surgery you want. If the doc comes in and says that you can't have it, or that they will only do RNY and you have no choice...that is BS. Go to a different doctor. It might be a nice place, but what it really comes down to is how well you and your surgeon connect, and how well they take care of not just your physcial changes, but your emotional changes. They have to be respectful of your needs.
  14. FunnyDuddies

    What have I done?! LOL

    let me make a suggestion about the spinning class. cause i tried a spinning class and found that at this weight it was not a good idea. i have to take off a bit first. LOL Bike seats and not for fat people. LOL plain and simple. if your legs start tingling at all be done with the class for that night and go walk on the treadmill to finish the workout. or take in a towel, fold it up and put it over the seat. my first class i did i hung in there for the whole class. it was fun. i had a blast. got off the bike and couldn't walk lol my legs were in this weird asleep state (not like normal) and they hurt!!! the next time i noticed when the tingling started, got off, walked around a bit, then got back on. i have resigned to the fact that i am gonna have to just wait till i am a little smaller. I don't kow what your weight is, but if you are anything like my size you might want to watch it really closely. I really hope it goes well for you!!! I do 2 hours at the gym every morning with this GORGEOUS trainer, and i lost 8 pounds since last wednesday! it certainly works!
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Oprah backs out of lapband surgery

    you know, i actually like the idea of all of us sending oprah a bunch of letters. I think that if she gets enough of them, nicely written, and well thought out explaining the ups and downs of the lapband it could really get her to stop and think. maybe she would do a show on it at least. and i think that if we had people write about all the different stages, from bandsters that are at different stages that she can see it is different than RNY. Turtles, rabbits, newly banded, veterans, eroded and slipped and everything in between. Write your story and write it well. (be sure to use spell checker. LOL) If enough of us sent letters with LBT written on the envelope in big red letters they would see that a lot of us are responding to her and want her to see some things from the other side. so is there enough dedication in this group to do this? I know that we all have enough typing time to write it out. Thanks Telly for the idea. I think itis a great one. And it is a lot better than all of us just sitting here tossing conjecture around and whining about what she thinks of Lapband. LOL
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    I cannot recall ever sending a nasty PM, although a few months ago I certainly received a few. I never replied, cause things like that only fuel a fire. I am rather proud that I was able to hold my tongue, and fingers, in this fight. Lord knows I love a good fight. LOL But I do agree that a place like this is not always a good place for this sort of thing. I do have to point out though that this sight is made up mostly of women. Yes we have some fine men here, but we are a female majority here, and as I told Alex...Sometimes us girls just gotta get catty in order to refresh our positions. It is human nature. I think the mods and Alex have done very well on this round. I really appreciated Alex coming into the chat last night and chatting with us. He even heard out my concerns and feelings and I wasn't involved in the bout. How cool is that. Thanks LBT for an entertaining, yet resolved start to the week.
  17. FunnyDuddies

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    I cannot recall ever sending a nasty PM, although a few months ago I certainly received a few. I never replied, cause things like that only fuel a fire. I am rather proud that I was able to hold my tongue, and fingers, in this fight. Lord knows I love a good fight. LOL But I do agree that a place like this is not always a good place for this sort of thing. I do have to point out though that this sight is made up mostly of women. Yes we have some fine men here, but we are a female majority here, and as I told Alex...Sometimes us girls just gotta get catty in order to refresh our positions. It is human nature. I think the mods and Alex have done very well on this round. I really appreciated Alex coming into the chat last night and chatting with us. He even heard out my concerns and feelings and I wasn't involved in the bout. How cool is that. Thanks LBT for an entertaining, yet resolved start to the week.
  18. FunnyDuddies

    kids pics

    thanks for putting them side by side for me i appreciate it.
  19. FunnyDuddies

    this man rocks!!

    i love when the macarena came on he flat out said NO!
  20. FunnyDuddies

    Fun thread: foreign languages

    I was raised half of my life in Okinawa Japan, so I speak Japanese. I also know conversational French. My best friend in the world is from Norway, and we speak every night. She is teaching me Norwegian. At this point I am speaking to her solely in Norwegian when we talk. And I learned Gaelic as a hobby when I was younger. I also married a man from Georgia so I speak fluent southerner. Accent and all. It is weird, but when you speak a lot of different languages it is really easy to fall into speaking with a perfect accent. DH says I have a better southern accent than my mother in law.
  21. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    WELCOME BACK DAWG!!!! We missed you! We needed a little male cheerleading here! Afterall...who would be the base to our pyramids? LOL
  22. FunnyDuddies

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    your marshmallows, wisdom teeth, or fat? LOL Vines, I had an extra wisdom tooth on the upper left side. none on the right. go figure. lol
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    your marshmallows, wisdom teeth, or fat? LOL Vines, I had an extra wisdom tooth on the upper left side. none on the right. go figure. lol
  24. FunnyDuddies

    Oprah backs out of lapband surgery

    i know a lot of rich fat women. lol i don't think its money. she just likes her fried chicken!! i think she should just shut up about it. personally i hate the holier than thou additude she takes on weight loss. she needs to cut the BS and just try to do something that will help her keep the wieght off.
  25. FunnyDuddies

    Bird Stuck in my Wall!

    i am so glad you got her out!! And I would not worry about the babies. they might be fine. one night shouldn't hurt them too badly. we will just have to let time tell. oh, i am so glad she is out. i thought about it all night long!!

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