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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    Dody, I respect what you are saying, and agree to a point. These things should never have been said. The post should never have been made. There are several on the board that should never have been made, on boths sides of the fence. As Susan's friend I ache for her and what was said, and my concern of the harm being threatened is way up there. But at the same time, I have been on the internet since before the world wide web came around. (anyone remember PINE mail?) I have belonged to many BBS and boards discussing everything from salt water reef fish, to weight loss surgery, to sex. and this is going on on all of the boards. It is because when a large group of people get together, there are going to be a few that don't get along. The mods do what they can, but like Alexandra said, they aren't here all day long. I imagine the way things are set up is there is a seperate forum that none of us can see. this forum can only be accessed by mods, and I betcha there are tons of threads about the fighting going on. While Alexandra (this is just for example. i do not know the situation and am using names for this example alone) may want the thread deleted, the only other mod on at the time like Penni may not think it is bad enough to warrant a deletion, but does agree that it should be closed. There are several threads and posts that i wished were deleted. But I do not have those powers. all i can do is report report report. and be available to speak with alex or the mods whenever they wish to discuss the events.
  2. FunnyDuddies

    A Size 16 NSV

    that is awesome pnut!!! You are doing so good girl! It just shows that hard work, the right choices, and a helpful band can make this work for you. I don't think I have heard you whine once, except for mood swings. That is just so awe inspiring.
  3. Dr. Sanchez in Monterrey Mx has don over 5000 lapbands. Many people go to the Inamed site to verify this statistic but cannot because he has not done just Inamed bands. I agree that a little research goes a long way. I also feel that it is a personal decision. I am confident in my decision and look forward to my surgery with Dr. Sanchez.
  4. FunnyDuddies

    Outraged! This man mooed at me!

    i would have followed them around the whole store, stating very loudly to everyone i walked by, These insensite assholes just moo'ed at me to mqake themselves feel like they have a bigger penis. i am sure a few employees would notice, and they would either be asked to leave, or they would leave on their own to avoid the crazy lady shouting and drawing attention to them.
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    OMG Jenna I just laughed out loud! You made me wake my kids!! That picture is hilarious!! I am printing it and hanging it on the fridge.
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    OMG Jenna I just laughed out loud! You made me wake my kids!! That picture is hilarious!! I am printing it and hanging it on the fridge.
  7. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    so today I went back to torrid to do a bit of shopping for tonights party. My god that place is addictive!! Bought another new corset. And a really soft yellow shirt with open shoulders. So I am walking out and it is right next to Icing (owned by Clair's accessories) and I think what the hay! I need some new earrings to go with the new tops. LOL I am awful!! At least their stuff is cheap! So I am in there and I am looking at all of their stuff and I think, "ya know! I used to have triple pierced ears. I rarely wore anything in the third holes, but I always had earrings in my first and second holes. But my second holes have long since closed up. So I decided to get the second holes re-pierced. The whole time I am looking at stuff emily is asking me "whatcha doin ma?" "Oh can I have this? It makes me oh so pretty!" "Oh Its pink ma! I like pink!" "Holes in your ears? Is that how earrings work? I want earrings!" So I call Rob and hand the phone to emily so she can ask him. Our rule was that she would have to ask. We were not going to get her ears pierced as a baby. It would be her decision. At least for the first set. After that she has to wait till she is 16. LOLThen she can pierce anything that I can see. So she asks, and her kind and sweet daddy says yes. While she is on the phone with him she is sitting in the chair watching really close as the woman does my second holes. She sees the stud puncture my lobe. She sees a little blood (I bleed with paper cuts) She asks me "did that hurt? Do you have a booboo? Do you need a bandageaid?" I answer yes, yes, no. She sits back and says into the phone "Daddy I don't want a earring. I am not big enough for hurts and booboos yet." The ear piercing girl just about cried! LOL
  8. This sounds like an advertisment for her doc really.
  9. FunnyDuddies

    Fun thread: foreign languages

    Whoever taught you german must have been a really fun! LOL I love that you know how to say "you have enjoyble thighs". I think that is a phrase that everyone needs in every language!!
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Plane Tickets- did you have to buy two

    At my highest I have weighed 372. I have never had to buy two seats, but I have worn an extender. you are better in an aisle in my opinion cause you can just lean out in the aisle if need be. Also, when you get to the gate see if they can place you in a seat next to an empty. it will make things more comfortable.
  11. FunnyDuddies

    kids pics

    Looks like two booboos that got a bath! that magnifying pic is hilarious!!
  12. FunnyDuddies

    PNut :)

    She is, in my opinion, the biggest (no pun intended) cheerleader on this board. Three cheers for the Nut!
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    join the club. tell us about yourself. and then when the next challenge starts up you will know what you are doing.
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Goals of all kinds

    i just want to be able to run! LOL
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Whiskers On Kittens

    i think that is hilarious!! and i am a cat lover.
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Why do I get all the anti-NSVs?

    lol hey wheets. you look beautiful!!
  17. FunnyDuddies

    kids pics

    ok hon, when you visit you have to bring him along. just so i can stare. lol i know...creepy. but holy moses!!
  18. FunnyDuddies

    kids pics

    yours are prolly better behaved than mine. lol i wouldn't want to punish you. actually we are pretty strict. so my kids are fairly well behaved. its just that when they get into trouble, it is in weird ways. like andy and his things about spreading things all over his body. like eggs, and diaper rash ointment, and Peanut Butter. and my daughter lines all of her babydolls up in the hall at the top of the stairs. so when you go up it is like coming up to an audience. its creepy. the trouble part is that when we ask why she does it, she lies and says she doesn't.
  19. FunnyDuddies

    weather watchers

    i am here in florida where we have been dying for rain. the little bits we have gotten has not made a difference. when i lived in okinawa we would have lots and lots of dragonflies about before any kind of storm. i went outside and saw a lot today. do you floridians think it will rain soon? do any of you have other ways of telling when it is going to rain?
  20. FunnyDuddies

    weather watchers

    they are pretty. deep red and shiny
  21. FunnyDuddies

    kids pics

    ya want em? :heh:
  22. FunnyDuddies

    Goals of all kinds

    i am at my first goal now!! 350! got there wednesday and I am SOOOOO happy. my next goal is 300. and to not worry about my shirt being tight around my tummy!
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Marriage Dictionary

    frodo of the nine finger er er ers hehehe one of my favorite things!!
  24. FunnyDuddies

    Marriage Dictionary

    LOTR. from before it was a movie. at least the major motion picture. i still love those old animated films.
  25. FunnyDuddies

    kids pics

    what a gorgeous family you have! k, and your son is HOT!

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