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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    all nurses or doctors. i need help

    I was surprised too, but they sent me home. honestly i am more comfortable at home. and DH never leaves my side. he has even taken to standing by the door while i am going to the bathroom in case i need help. LOL how romantic! At first the doctor said that I can't leave unless I can eat or drink. Yet at 3am they sent me packin...and I still couldn't get any Water down. But they put in two bags through IV. Got me rehydrated and said that would keep me until my appt to determine what they are going to do with me. OH! And they gave me prednisone (sp?) and percoset. I choked trying to get the prednisone down, but I did manage to get the percoset down. It was a struggle, with much crying. But i figure once it kicks in and maybe takes an edge off I'll be able to get the prednisone down.
  2. FunnyDuddies

    What Book Are You Reading?

    LOL my book I am reading currently is really offcolor and may be very offensive to some people. But omigawd it is funny!!! It is called Apathy and other small victories by Paul Neilan.
  3. FunnyDuddies

    A Big Huge Apology!!

    nut, you gotta let me know, i will drive up. we own property right outside of Asheville, and I would love to go through the estate with you. I LOVE that place!!
  4. FunnyDuddies

    all nurses or doctors. i need help

    Thanks Cashley. This is definitely not running the normal course. I have had strep a lot when I was younger. Haven't had it for some years. It would usually be calmed down and easy to deal with the right antibiotics and a few days rest. definitely most of the pain would be gone after about 36 hours. but this is crazy!! It has never gone on this long, or been this painful.
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    What really sucks is that this illness has totally screwed up my card. i can't drink all my water (can't drink any really) which I had a perfect score on. I can't excersize which I also had a perfect score on. And I might be able to stay away from sugars, but when my throat is feeling better i am having a big hamburger dammit!! LOL
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    well i got on the scale this morning and it read 338. i have lost 12 pounds this week so far LOL i know most of it is water weight, but the doc said that your metabolism sky rockets when you fight infections, so she would not be surprised if the water weight only accounts for a few pounds of that. i am ready for the next challenge!! i can't wait to see how much i weigh when it is surgery time!!
  7. FunnyDuddies

    all nurses or doctors. i need help

    Well last night I was rushed to the ER after fainting on my stairs and tumbling down a slight ways. I was not hurt, but I was out cold. They determined I was servely dehydrated. 10 very painful IV sticks later they got a good line in and got me rehydrated. They also gave me morphine. Took care of my body aches and pains, but my throat was still in a lot of pain. And I still could not swallow anything, not even my own spit. So they made me gargle with benedryl to temp numb the tonsils, and gave me a percoset. Still lots of pain, but the edge is finally off. The swelling refuses to go down though. They think I have an abcess in both tonsils. So I have an appt with the ear nose and throat doctor at the Hospital to determine if removing my tonsils is necessary. At this point I am say YES PLEASE RIP THESE THINGS OUT!!!! but i know that there are complications with abcessed tonsil removal that it might not be the most beneficial choice.
  8. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    dh is a strep carrier too. he got sick, but didn't get strep. he gave it to me though. i begged the doctor yesterday that he would take my tonsils out. he chuckled, said "i know it hurts. But you will get better" Bull. I hurt bad and want these pus covered footballs taken out of my throat!! LOL
  9. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    thank you. i am hoping that the dose of antibiotics tonight will do something for me.
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    i am not better yet. the motrin is no longer bringing my fever down. and the tylenol and asprin are not making a dent either. some things are better, others are worse. I am just going to be happy next week when this is all gone. it is amazing how much you miss being able to swallow spit.
  11. FunnyDuddies

    quick ? what is the first d in dd stand for

    it originally was a shortening of Darling. Darling Husband, Darling Son, Sarling Daughter. Many other uses have come along, but that is the original meaning.
  12. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    there is something to be said for being sick. I am now at 340. LOL
  13. FunnyDuddies

    [R&R] Lying ba*ds!

    It really depends on the fit model actually. some lines have a very good fit model (the person they say is the average and tailor the clothes to fit) and some of them use very out of proportioned fit models. its sad really. But you can get a good fit or a bad fit no matter what size you wear.
  14. i grew up in japan, so it is second nature for me to take my shoes off. and i don't expect people to take their shoes off in my house, but we do. and when people see that our shoes are by the door then they usually follow suit, without asking them to.
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    WillBeThin , noone called you the awful names and made personal threats to you. The threads that were deleted should have been deleted. It is not a matter of "if you can't stand the heat" It is a matter of respect for the person being attacked, and keeping this place a fun place to post. Yes there will always be drama, and there will always be differing points of view. But there should never be the awful name calling and personal attacks. Those posts and threads have no place on the board, and were wisely deleted. I think Susan shows great courage, and amazing strength to not lash out in defense. It is hard to let things roll off your back. We are all familiar with being called fat at points in our lives, this is similar. And it is so hard to not let it affect you. Susan you are amazing
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    i think the creation of this forum is a smart one. thanks Mods and Alex!!
  17. FunnyDuddies

    all nurses or doctors. i need help

    penni the pain meds were the generic version of Voltaren i have never heard of it before, but it did absolute diddly for me. never taking it again. right now i am alternating tylenol and motrin, and just trying to keep my fever down so i don't get that racking pain. the only way i can descibe the pain was it was like really bad preg contractions only all over my body. last night sucked. my fevers would come and go, and i was pretty much miserable all night. at one point rob woke meup cause my fever was back and i was sobbing in my sleep. I feel like such a baby LOL i have a pretty high tolerance to pain, so when i cry from pain, rob gets serious. he wanted to call an ambulance, but as soon as the motrin kicks in i start sweating profusly and the pain goes down to a steady dull ache. this morning my throat is much more swollen ,and much more painful, but one is red now instead of both being totally white and black. so that is a good sign. gonna gargle with a lot of hot salt Water today and see if tht kills some of the pain and swelling.
  18. FunnyDuddies

    all nurses or doctors. i need help

    the asprin made the fever break in about 10 minutes. i am still in pain, but it has gone from a 9 to a 3/4. and i realized how hungry i was too. LOL I am not sweating to death and the fever is controlled. i am not going to use that stuff anymore. it didn't do anything for me. it is motrin and tylenol from here on out
  19. FunnyDuddies

    all nurses or doctors. i need help

    i took an asprin. i can't stand it. we'll see what that does
  20. FunnyDuddies

    all nurses or doctors. i need help

    wellhe prescibed these pain meds, and said don't tke anything else. i only get it TID, bit it wears off in about 2.5 hours, or like this last time just did nothing!!
  21. FunnyDuddies

    all nurses or doctors. i need help

    no double dose. he gave me a three day run of it. large horse pills that are just a pain to swallow
  22. FunnyDuddies

    What's so good about Krispy Kremes?

    oh then you got a bad krispy kreme! you want to go in and buy then when they have he "ready hot now" sign. i LOVE them, but am happy to say that I have not had one for approx 2 years
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    oh thanks guys. i hate being sick, and this is just rediculous!!
  24. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    i have a major major throat infection. severe strep in my throat and another seperate infection in my ear, that my doctor worried my cause hearing loss if the swelling gets out of hand. think about me, pray for me, do whatever cause i need it!! LOL I feel like i have been twice runnover and stewed for soup! i have good pain meds, but they only last about 3 hours, and i can only take them every 8 hours. the sad thing....doc said (i want you to eat some cold comfort foods. ice cream. chilled pudding, popcicles. and then mashed potatoes for dinner. OH yeah. that is on my diet. $^%^* &%^&*^&* ^&*I (^*#$%
  25. FunnyDuddies

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    Dody, I respect what you are saying, and agree to a point. These things should never have been said. The post should never have been made. There are several on the board that should never have been made, on boths sides of the fence. As Susan's friend I ache for her and what was said, and my concern of the harm being threatened is way up there. But at the same time, I have been on the internet since before the world wide web came around. (anyone remember PINE mail?) I have belonged to many BBS and boards discussing everything from salt water reef fish, to weight loss surgery, to sex. and this is going on on all of the boards. It is because when a large group of people get together, there are going to be a few that don't get along. The mods do what they can, but like Alexandra said, they aren't here all day long. I imagine the way things are set up is there is a seperate forum that none of us can see. this forum can only be accessed by mods, and I betcha there are tons of threads about the fighting going on. While Alexandra (this is just for example. i do not know the situation and am using names for this example alone) may want the thread deleted, the only other mod on at the time like Penni may not think it is bad enough to warrant a deletion, but does agree that it should be closed. There are several threads and posts that i wished were deleted. But I do not have those powers. all i can do is report report report. and be available to speak with alex or the mods whenever they wish to discuss the events.

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