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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    Folding Sheets, or, My Idea Of Hell

    ok...y'all are gonna hate me. My OCD is really bad when it comes to closets and clothes and sheets. I am the type that needs to have everything folded correctly, placed folded side out, on the correct shelf, in the correct color corordination. I have this folding pallet that i keep under the bed. It folds eveything, and I mean everything, so that it is the same size on the shelf and fits properly, and lays flat. I Iron the sheets, and fold them, and the fitted sometimes takes me 30 minutes, but it is done and when you open the closet for towels and sheets there is no confusing anything. Dark blue towels and light green towels on one shelf. Kids towels and junk towels on another shelf. Sheets and linens and extra pillows on the third shelf. Extra blankets on the last shelf. and yes, I fold tshirts so they are perfect and do not get wrinkled. like I said tho...its one of the areas where my ocd takes over badly. LOL the rest of my house is insane. the areas where there is a military sense of order is in the kitchen with the food in the cupboards and the dishes, how the dishwasher is loaded, and the clothes and linens. Kathy....your daughter would love me LOL Emily is a 5 outfit a day girl too. And when she looks for a new outfit she goes through and messes up the drawers like crazy. So what do I do? I dump them out, every time, and start over. I get my little folding pallet out and refold all of the shirts and pants. lol and no, i am not coming over to anyone's house HA!
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    TELLY!!!! HUGS!!!!!! I missed you! I am glad to hear you are so pumped!! Congratz on the loss, and the enjoyment of food that sounds so yummy my mouth is watering now. LOL Energized huh? I need a little bit of that!!!
  3. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Sherri welcome to Gone for Good!!! I am glad you came over. I know you will find the support and the positive energy you are seeking here. After all....we are the Sunshine Sisters!! LOL Sherri, we are doing a weight loss challenge and if you would like to join the challenege you can. It is not required to be part of the GFG club, but it is really good for keeping yourself in line and making some serious strides in your weight loss. If you go to the first page of this thread you can read where Photonut has explained how to do the challenege. MyChevyGirl won last month and has a kick ass medal to show for it. I am gonna try to win this month LOL But above anything else, I jsut want a perfect scorecard, because it means I did everything right!!!
  4. FunnyDuddies

    Mexico or States

    nursenora - I just read about your deal with the clinics in TJ and american hospitals to transport emrgency americans across in case of a problem. I think you have been in a situation that has colored your judgement, but it is a situation that is not the norm. TJ, while it may have a few good clinics and docs, is mainly full of a lot of fly by night clinics that prey on americans. We know this from the various stories and surveys and posts. There are a lot of creepy docs out there, and they like to settle in border towns to make a quick buck. We have heard from people like Delarla say that some of the clinics there reuse needles, don't wear gloves, don't check ID, just take your money and perform the surgery. It is a scary thing. But that does not make it the norm. And the worst case senarios are going to stand out in your mind because of how tough and sad they are. When I lived in seattle we would hear about the same thing coming out of border towns in canada. But it jsut does not mean that it is the norm for that country. I have travelled a lot over this earth. I have been to some places that I would NEVER have even have a cold looked at. and I have been to places that I would be glad to give birth in. Sometimes in the same country. It just means that you have to do your research. In Mexico, a lot of the surgeons cost the same for their all inclusive package. So cost is not an issue any longer. People just really need to make sure they research who they are going to have their band done by.
  5. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    I am going to get all the stuff to make it this friday or saturday. I am going to start it monday, because I plan on doing a lot of drinking this weekend HA! But we will see how it goes. I plan on doing two weigh ins each week. One on mondays for the diet, and one on wednesdays for GFG.
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    one thing to know about me. I overreact to EVERYTHING!!! I am super emotional, so I am super nervous. but i am used to it, and i know that it is over the top so i try not to pay attention to it. It is its own being LOL
  7. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    C 335 (-37 lbs, -3 this week) :faint: :heh: :faint: :scared: :heh: :faint: :heh: I can't believe I maintained and lost more!! I thought for sure i was going to gain back some of what I lost when I was sick. I have been working out so hard though. And I am being so strict about my diet. And I am in the middle of my period too! :sick So I might lose even more by this weekend!! Congratz to everyone!!!! We are all doing so well! I would venture to say we are the most successful group on the board LOL That is mean. Ok. I won't say. FUPAs for everyone!! :omg: :clap2: :omg: :clap2: :omg: :clap2:
  8. FunnyDuddies

    Mexico or States

    I think it is really just a matter of what you are comfortable with. If you do not believe that a major hospital in Mexico will suffice, no matter what their abilities, past experiences, accolades and whatnot, then you have made your decision. I kind of have this feeling with the surgeons here in america. I am sorry, but there is NO ONE in this country that I would want to have place my band. Doesn't matter what hospital they practice out of, or how long they have been a doctor. I want the surgeon who has done more than any of the surgeons in America. That would be Dr. Sanchez. He has done over 5000 bands of various sizes, and was one of the first surgeons to offer it. He has taught others how to do it that are now practicing here in the US. I feel more comfortable having my band placed my the teacher, not the student. Does that mean I think y'all are crazy for having it done in the US? Sure as hell bet I do!! LOL Joking. Of course I don't! It is all a matter of personal preference. I think we just need to keep that in mind when speaking to each other about this. Now of course, there are bad doctors in Mexico. Just like in Japan, Australia, South Africa, Germany and the US. You will find bad clinics and doctors out to just make a buck anywhere. The key to this is to research your choice HEAVILY!!! You should be 100% sure of your surgeon on the day of your surgery. I cringe when I see people come nto the board one day asking for details about the band, announcing the next week they are approved by insurance, and then the next week they are banded. They are usually the ones that come here searching for the information on what to eat and when, and not understanding why they havne't dropped 20 pounds in the first week before even getting filled. Research is key. And is paramount to your choice of surgeon.
  9. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    HAHAHA Thanks! I plan on having more surgery done after I reach goal, but yes...I need my huge apron taken off so I can workout properly, and not have to dress specifically so that I do not get sores from the skin touching and my sweating while workingout. It is awful. And I can't wait to have it gone!!!
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Mexico or States

    Would you guys have surgeries in Italy? Or France? Or Australia?
  11. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    GOOD JOB!!!! That is fabulous A1!! I love being a part of this group. It keeps me in check.
  12. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Welcome Styler!!!
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Beggers....Politically Correct?

    I would contact any of your local churches, explaining what it is you are raising money for. And also get the kids involved, and throw some fund raisers!! They would be so proud to get the stuff for the school. Also, I currently work for MSFT, and DH used to work for them. When it comes time for the software purchase, let me know. I can get you a wicked price on it. We will get ya all set up in that dept. Unfortunately I can't help with the hardware. But you can also go to your local best buy and make a plea to them. Large companies like that always are looking for a feel good charitable story that puts them in the lime light. :scared: These things should get you set up for next year pretty easy. I think a well written proposal and a few motivated kids can get you just about anything you need from the school.
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    OMG Mo I so needed the FUPA laugh!!! HUGS!! thanks so much! LOL I have a smile about FUPAs now.
  15. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    Fortunately I do not have any comorbities in the diabetes dept. I just have joint pain and muscle aches. So I am thinking I am going to do this diet. I will be getting the ingredients this weekend. I will keep y'all updated on how it goes.
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Mexico or States

    Sherri Congratz on getting your date set up!! I will be a Sanchez patient as well, and am looking forward to it all!! Diva I do understand your conserns. There are a lot of scary factors that go into surgery in foreign countries. I personally agree that i would not have this surgery at a weight loss clinic, but would prefer to have it done in a hospital. But what about the surgery clinics that do the surgeries here in the united states? Is that not the same situation? And the doctor that Sherri and I and many others have chosen does his surgery in an actually hospital, with some of the most cutting edge technology out there. Stuff that is being used in the whole planet EXCEPT for the US because of the FDA and medical regulations. It is an American owned hospital. It is cleaner than any hospital you can imagine here in the US. And yes, there are dirty cities in Mexico. More so than in the US. But that does not mean there are not really rich and wealthy and nice places too. Just like here in the US. I always bring up the idea of...Would you have your surgery in a strip mall weight loss centre in East LA? No? Its the united states. Its just one of the poorer towns in the United states. Would you have a problem having your surgery in Beverly Hills? Monterrey is one of the riches and wealthiest towns in Mexico. Akin to Beverly Hills. Of course I feel comfortable having my surgery there!! Besides. I have done close to 9 months of research on this, and my doctor, and the hospital I will have this surgery in. I understand the hesitancy. But before you look down on the decision, take a closer look at the choices that are being made. You yourself said that you didn't know all of the details. Hugs everyone
  17. FunnyDuddies

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    3loves that is AWESOME news! God does provide, and He has heard your prayers for your family. I am so glad for your security, and will continue to pray that everything continues well. :scared: Krisitin did check back in. Seems her doc who was supposed to give her an unfill the last time she was in, didn't really do it. She has been tight this whole time, bless her heart. But she was watched over, and got a complete unfill and will heal until she is ready for refill. Thank goodness she did not have anything really serious happen to make her stumble on this journey. I am praying for everyone to be lifted in their spirits. My emotions have been so down lately, and I really pray that no one else goes through a funk anytime soon. I am not sure why this mild depression has come over me, but I am praying through it, working through it, and spending time doing the thing that brightens my day the most...playing with my kids. God bless you all.
  18. FunnyDuddies

    HELP! Will insurance cover ER trip?

    OMG Kristin, I am so glad you are back and ok!! I was worried sick all day today! I must have told my husband 20 times today about you, to the point where he asked me how you were doing this evening!! LOL I am so glad they got you all figured out, and i would be furious about the other doc not removing anything. You should take your medical records to that doc and demand your money back asap. That is totally uncool. You should also request that he pay for any costs that arise from your ER trip, since it prolly would not have happened if the unfill had been done correctly. Good to hear you are empty and recovering, and I am sure in 3 weeks you will be anxious to have it refilled. Ugh, I can go back to work without worry now. LOL HUGS girly.
  19. FunnyDuddies

    Fun Thread: Goofy Pictures

    Wheetsin I still have those tights. LOL
  20. I am curious as to the cost of the procedures as well. I know the doctor is in Monterrey, Mexico because I will be going to him myself. I have heard nothing but fabulous things about him, and Alice seems like yet one more happy client!!
  21. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Way to go dawg and kathy!!! Both are having awesome days!!! I am having a down day. I feel really fat today. Hey look at that! its cause I am LOL I am just having a low esteem day. I think it is cause I am in the middle of TOM and really very ready to be over it.
  22. FunnyDuddies

    What kind of pets?

    Mvpo maybe it is a genetic thing. LOL elwood is a big kneader too! He is insane about it. Ok...get this. He also sucks on the back of his paw and mews in his sleep LOL His other paw kneads the air or anything it might be touching, and he sucks on the back of his paw or his leg. It cracks me up. The drooling thing is weird. I have never heard of another doing that, and your tuxes do it too! Freaky
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Taking Suggestions for NEW LBT Features!

    I think the newbie forum would be perfect. Also an exercise forum. I also think a scheduled moderated chat would be good so that people know for a fact that at a certain time on a certain day people will be live to chat with and share experiences. maybe have specific topics each time, or have a newb chat and a vet chat and things like that scheduled for diff times.
  24. FunnyDuddies


    There are a lot of reasons coffee is sometimes a no no. I think just about all of them were touched on here. But to sum up. It is a diuretic. It will cause you to lose your hydration, so you have to up your water intake to cover it. It can play havoc with your metabolism. And most people have it with cream and sugar so it is a lot of empty calories. But there are some good sides to coffee too. It is a diuretic, and with increased water you can actually do a good body cleanse with it. The caffiene can temporarily increase your metabolism so that you can burn more when coupled with exercise and lots of water. Drink it black and it can be a good addition to your diet. just make sure you are getting the water you need. I can't live without coffee. I know people like Pnut have lost their appetite for it since being banded, and i do not know if that will happen to me, but as of right now, I need my coffee or i can't function. LOL
  25. FunnyDuddies

    Did you diet before banding?

    oh i am afraid to do that. people keep telling me "oh have this! you won't be able to after you are banded" and I just freeze up!! I am afraid that if I just go hog wild, murphy's law is that something will happen and i won't have the surgery. Then I have gained all the weight and have to try and get rid of it on my own. LOL Paranoid much, Amy?

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