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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    Beggers....Politically Correct?

    You know, a fundraiser does not have to just tap the parents. For prom and stuff...yeah. But for supplies and teaching tool, get these kids together with some proposals and dress em up nice and start hitting the local companies. Even $100 here and $50 there can add up to a lot. That and you might find some of them willing to donate other things, like their old hardware. And local art stores will prolly be willing to donate supplies to you at cost. You travel around with a newspaper person and you have your self a certified human intrest story that companies would love to be a part of. It is big advertising for them.
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Mexico or States

    The airfare would be different for Dr. Ortiz than for Dr. Sanchez. Two completely different parts of Mexico. But with Dr. Sanchez the 8500 does not include airfare. the 9100 dollar price for Dr. Sanchez covers airfare. 600 is typical for a plane ticket, and I have found that sometimes the prices for airfare goes even higher. Good luck Shell. Make sure you do tons of research on your doc, and on having surgery in Mexico. That will help you ease some of your concerns and answer your questions.
  3. FunnyDuddies

    Child Abuse - what do I do?

    Speaking as someone who grew up in an abusive household, please call. Please. The mom sounds like my mom...scared, unsure, afraid to lose her family unit as it is, and afraid to lose the relationship she has with her husband. I watched my mom struggle with not telling anyone when my dad would do these things to me. I think you need to call, and then offer, with help of the pastor if possible, to have them find counseling and possible leave the home for a little while. Not forever...somethings can be mended. But until then it is safer physically and psychologically for her and the kids to not be in the house. If she does not proactively leave, she may find that CPS takes the kids out of the home from both of them. And then she might face his stress and anger over the situation. I will pray for both her and family, as well as for you. this is a tough situation that needs to be handled gently or it could tear the family apart completely. Good luck to you, and to her.
  4. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    *SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCH* you know we carry on like this and dawg and rob are gonna get embarassed. LOL
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    That is too funny. LOL I mean money is always on my mind, and my mother and money....oh jeez that is a toughy subject, so it fits LOL Thanks you guys. I love being here. Oh, and here is a pic of this wonderful man. He deserves all the hugs and kisses in the world for his compliment and the sweet thing he did this morning. He is such a stud. LOL (notice he had to sit in the pink girly chair. That made him less happy that day at the beach. But it made me giggle)
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Do you worry about our society's obsession with beauty?

    I worry about it a lot. I belong to a few eating disorder web boards because when I was younger I struggled with anorexia. You would not believe how many teens (i am talking about 9yo to 16 year olds) come on those sites looking for "tips and tricks" to safely become anorexic. It is sad. Our society has really reached a dangerous level I think. It is sick how girls strive to be as light as possible with no regard to their health.
  7. Tricia...that has to be one of the funniest dirty smilies I have seen in a LONG time! LOL
  8. FunnyDuddies

    If it were up to you, what laws would you create?

    oh i agree DOC. it blows down here when all the snowbirds come to town.
  9. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Ok...I want to share my morning. I woke up this morning dreading today. My mom is flying in. She will be here a week. I love her, but this is stressfull when she is here sometimes. She is supposed to be here at 9am, and i know the house is not nearly as clean as I would like it to be. Plus I still haven't washed the sheets for her bed yet. So I get a call from her at 6:30. Her plane has been delayed, she is in Texas and won't arrive till noon. Ok. Cool! Thanks God. I need those extra hours. Now I don't feel insane. I get on the scale today and I lost a pound and a half yesterday. Sweet! Bigger smile now. This really is working. I go to get dressed. I put on my yoga pants and something is wrong. I washed them but.... they aren't stetched tight around my thighs! My butt and tummy, hell yes. But they are actually baggy in the thighs!! wow. Ok. Bigger smile. I grab my bottle of water, throw my hair in a ponytail and head downstairs for some tea with rob. I walk up to the table, give him a kiss and he stops me, pushes me back, and says "wow...those pants are getting loose on you." I throw my arms around him and give him a VERY passionate kiss. LOL But honestly I think I would kiss anyone like that if they paid me that compliment. LOL So I went to the gym and just worked my ass off this morning. I worked really hard. Came home, showered, and found that Rob did my mom's sheets and made her bed while i was at the gym. Today will be a great day. I think I am coming out of my depression. woohoo!!!
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Way to go mary!!! I am so happy to see that your scale is moving!! :eek: My dh constantly tells me that When you move the body, you move the scale. He is very right! Come on everybody (you too pnut and dawg...i know that gym membership is just growing mold) lets move are bodies and move those scales!!! :cheer2: :banana :cheer2: :banana :cheer2: :banana :cheer2: :banana :cheer2: :banana
  11. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Omg Lianna!!!!! Congradulations!!!! That is so cool!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I am way happy for you! It is awesome to reach these goals. :eek: :Banane52: :Banane20: :Banane08: :Banane30: :Banane51: :Banane09: :Banane29: :Banane18: :not_ripe: :Banane07: :Banane17: :Banane06: :Banane38: :Banane05: :Banane27: :Banane04: :Banane47: :Banane02: :Banane13: :Banane35: :Banane03: :Banane44: :Banane01: :Banane22: :Banane32: :Banane53: :Banane42: :Banane21: :Banane10: And I think that it is ok to set your goal for whatever you want. How tall are you? My first goal is 130, but I am hoping with surgery, and toning, and working hard I will gt back to 120 or maybe even 110. I was between 90 and 100 before I got fat, and I loved that weight, but I don't know if I can get back there. I would LOVE to get close though!!!
  12. FunnyDuddies

    If it were up to you, what laws would you create?

    OOOOOOOOOh. I could do this forever. All child molesters, on their first offense, should get locked up forever along with chemical castration. This goes for the sickos that get caught in internet stings too. Anyone who kills someone should spend the rest of their life behind bars. no more 'paroled in 8 years' or anything like that. basically i think that all of our penalties should become harsher. it is crazy how relaxed we are with our criminals in this country. now for the silliness. I think it should be a law that if you go anywhere with your children, they should be attached to a leash that is attached to you. I am totally with wheetsin on this one. I am willing to do that with my kids, but they know better too and are well behaved. I got slammed into by a 6 kids riding in and pushing a cart in walmart one time. They hit me so hard my hip popped and i fell on the ground. The mother was in the aisle over. Rob went and found her...the kids had scattered like roaches, and the woman rounded them up, and walked away. no forced apology, no apology from her. she didn't even look at me. she is lucky i wasn't more seriously hurt. I think it should be a law that if you work in any sort of customer service capacity in this nation that you speak perfect english! i don't care where you are from. or if you have an accent. If you can't understand me when I ask you a question, or you answer me in half english/half some other language, you should not be in that job!!!!! I think it should be a law that if you work in any sort of job that handles money, specifically giving me change in any capacity....you should be able to count!!!!!!!!! did you know that most mcdonalds screens not only show how much change to give, but actually show what coins to use and how many?!?! that is sickening!!! why is this country becoming so stupid? And why are we supporting it!!! ok...this is raising my BP i am gonna take a break from this thread LOL
  13. This thread is making me giggle like a school girl. heehee
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Sherri I am glad you were able to talk to her. She is a great person!! and can really help to ease your mind on all the details and worries you might have. Kat i think it is awesome that you are doing so good on the exercise part of things!! that is where you thought you would have the most problems!! Way to go girl! Now just work the band and do things in the right order. proteins, vegs, then carbs. don't let that ice cream tempt you. but if you must have some, fill up on protein and veg first. then have a spoonful or two. leave it at that. and enjoy your weight loss Way to go Morsaille! And welcome back to the pack. We are doing great people!!! Lets keep making this a winning team!!!
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Old Timer's History

    sounds as if you might have been too tight, and just haven't had a chance to really heal. Maybe you have been in a constant state of aggitation. I really hope that this unfill will give your stomach a change to calm down and heal itself. I hope you really enjoy the time off from the pb's and the reflux. You have been down a hard road. Good luck to you.
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Dr Huacuz Should Sleeve Gastrectomy

    AAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH DIAGRAMS!!! *runs and hides under her blanket on her bed* Make it stop mommy, make it stop!!! LOL
  17. FunnyDuddies

    What do you do when you play hooky?

    I think it allows us to clear our minds of that nasty little list of must do's. And work is the perfect time to do it cause you don't want to do it when the whole family is home. It takes away from your time with them.
  18. FunnyDuddies

    Folding Sheets, or, My Idea Of Hell

    a folding pallet is this thing that is used predominantly in clothing stores. It is this fabulous partical board contraptionthat you can put clothes and sheets and towels on and it has "wings" to it that you use to fold over the edges of your clothes and linens. It folds everything the same, nice and simply, so everything is the same size,and is flat so there are no wrinkles. It is the greatest invention evar!!! LOL
  19. FunnyDuddies

    What do you do when you play hooky?

    oh i lead a sad existence. LOL When I play hooky from work (contract graphic design from my home office) I get to do laundry, clean the house, feed the kids, the dog, the cat, and take care of the lawn. LOL my hooky is never that exciting. but that is prolly why I play so hard on the weekends.
  20. FunnyDuddies

    Folding Sheets, or, My Idea Of Hell

    See...another part of my OCD. I can't stand to have anyone else touchmy clothes. I have this weird fear that someone is wearing them when I drop them off. Stupid I know, but it keeps me from sending them in. I will if I have something that jsut can't be cleaned by me, but I hate to do it. LOL
  21. FunnyDuddies

    Apron Removal

    Meow - too funny! LOL Its sad that without the heads on some pics, we all kinda look the same! LOL GeezerSue - I agree that the risk is high, but thankfully I am really healthy, have good circulation and a healthy immune system. I am hoping things go well. I have had a breast reduction, and a csec all while MO and have healed really quickly. So far I am batting 1000. But I agree that we tend to make tougher patients. I will be spending a week in Mexico afterwards being checked everyday to ensure that I am healing well, then will see my doctor here in the states when I come back for followup care. Same as when I have my lapand done. I am not worried at all. I also plan on doing a detox diet right before the surgery, and bumping my Protein up really high so that i will kick start my healing. After wards I will be doing a high protein diet for 2 weeks to ensure that my body has all it needs to heal. My mom is coming down to take care of the kids,and I am just going to take it easy, work at home, and drink my Isopure LOL
  22. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    i think it is because once we reach goal, most of us are able to live a normal life and not deal with the weight coming back on. That is the most powerful thing about the band. It is one of the reasons I am in love with the idea behind it. I can't wait to get it put in. I am also excited to see how much (or how little) I will weigh when I have it put in in October.
  23. FunnyDuddies

    The Picture Thread

    oh hell, i didn't even realize this was a NJ thread. sorry for intruding LOL I just love posting pics.
  24. FunnyDuddies

    The Picture Thread

    Oh they look so sweet and snuggly!! I wanted to show off my hubby. Just cause I think he is super hot LOL But I am biased.
  25. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    uh duh!! LOL We have to be here to keep the newbs going!! They will need positive reenforcement and positive role models

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