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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    Lizard in the house

    THAT is a fabulous idea!! Plus, the little buddies in the plants will really stuff him full. You might want to even leave the plants in there and let him be. He could really enjoy hanging out in there. Can you tell i am a gecko lover? LOL I just love geckos and lizards. The kids and I have so much fun with them here in florida. I even help a gecko egg while one hatched. It was a really cool exp.
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Green is good?

    wow i thought i would have been able to handle those pics. i was wrong. LOL
  3. FunnyDuddies

    If it were up to you, what laws would you create?

    These are all personal pet peeves. No need to debate these. None of us see completely eye to eye, and the last thing this board needs is another fight right now. Standard down time between fights is 3 months and it has only been less than one.
  4. FunnyDuddies

    Lizard in the house

    you can't lure a lizard. lol they eat bugs. ants, roaches, beatles, etc. Just let it be. You will see it again eventually, or it will find its own way out of the house.
  5. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    yay diane!!! Lets lose this together! You and your daughter, with me and my DH. I am really interested in seeing how well this diet works. I am so happy to hear it is band friendly! And the soup really is amazing tasting!! I have had 3 bowls of it today. LOL Its nummy.
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    that is a gorgeous dress!!! Can't wait to see you in it! you are just doing so well!!!!! WOOHOO
  7. FunnyDuddies

    Writing A Eulogy

    Thank you DMK. I needed this post today.
  8. FunnyDuddies

    Lizard in the house

    oh i would just leave it alone. I did a little bit of looking. This guy is not poisonous. Salamanders (some of them) can give off a toxin in their skin. But this guy is harmless I think, and is just looking for a warm house and a good meal. Let him hang out. Once all the bugs are gone in the house he will leave again. I found this great pic of one. I love his smile!!! They really are good to have in the house. Trust me.
  9. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    ok....disclaimer.... LOL This diet did not originate at Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital (in Spokane I believe) and is VERY similar to the cabbage soup diet. Only without the yucky cabbage. LOL I called my nutritionist and asked her about it. She said that while it is not a diet to live on permenantly, it is one that can be done for weight loss, and does work. She does recommend adding a breast of boiled or broiled chicken to the days that do not include beef, so hat you do not drop your Protein intake too low. No skin. She also said to be careful about the banana day, because they are high in sugar and can cause your blood sugar to spike. I just want you all to know that I am researching this, not just plastering info on a diet that may or may not be real. I guess I should say "As with any diet, be sure to seek the advice of your physician before starting any new regimine." Man this soup is good!!!! LOL
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    happy to http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=19407 I just updated it. the diet is on the link i posted in that thread. The soup is amazing!!!
  11. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    Ok. Starting today. I would have started yesterday but the tropical storm kept knocking out our power and I couldn't get the soup fully cooked till 2am this morning. But I am doin it today, and so is DH. I am going to go with my normal wednesday weigh ins instead of twice a week. So I will have a starting weight tomorrow to work off of. I have to say....the soup is fantastic!!! I could never do the cabbage soup diet cause I find that stuff repulsive, but this veggie stew is awesome!! It is so flavorful, and it is all my fave veggies in it! The combo of beef broth and chicken noodle soup is a great one! And the tomatoes add a special kick. Instead of doing 3 large green onions, I used 7 small to medium Vidalia onions. The soup is sweet and flavorful. I am going to be happy eating that anytime. So DH's starting weight is 191. My starting weight will come tomorrow. I will update the thread to let you all know how it is going and if I am losing the 10-17 pounds promised. LOL
  12. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    It is the sacred heart hospital diet. They use it for MO patients who are going to go into surgery. It supposedly is a very fast weight loss, lowers cholesterol, and shrinks the liver. You are supposed to lose 10-17 pounds a week on it, and that is not water weight. That is week after week you continue to lose that weight, as long as you don't cheat. So I am gonna do it. I posted the diet in the Food forum, and will be updating it daily to let everyone know how I am doin on it. It is getting a lot of interest. Check it out and come and lose with me. I watched the storm last night and really tried to relax. It helped a lot. I am gonna do some extra pilates and try to get my mind centered again, and then dive into work. that always help me to take my mind off of things.
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    in a lot of ways. it got her butt out of my house, and the rain and big storms always calm me.
  14. Alice it is so awesome that you are feeling well and everything is going good!! I can't wait for mine! And I hope that we will get to see some pics of you soon!! I know the lipo hurts. Take care and rest easy. I bet you just look amazing!!!!
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Apron Removal

    "overhang":pound: thanks geezer, now I feel more like a house than before !!! LOL :heh:
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Apron Removal

    Geezer I agree that it should be covered by insurance. I went into a big fight with them over it. Here is the issue. The view it as a weight loss surgery, evn though it is medically necessary. My husband's job was told to put in an exclusion on their policy that was written by United Health Care and is about 2 pages long just on weightloss surgery. This sort of thing, whether it is medical or not, or not even considered 'for weight loss' is not covered. no ifs ands or buts. Now I could appeal, and after a number of appeals and my lawyer friend getting involved, i could prolly win. but I would have to wait forever to do that. And I need this done now. I also want to have it done before the band is done for various reasons. The price is a lot better than the 16k my plastic surgeon here quoted. 4200 is something I can be happy paying and know that I am one step closer to my band, and all the more sooner at that.
  17. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    ugh. my weekend has been hell. My mother was here all weekend and while I love having her here, it is a lot of stress. The kids turn into whiney little worms when she is around because she spoils them, and that just makes me want to pull my hair out. So then this tropical storm comes into play and she just FREAKS out. she spends hours calling the airlines and fighting with people and being a bitch to anyone she talks to till she gets her flight changed. she gets it changed, calls my grandfather who is 84 to tell him she will be home a day early. We can't understand barely anything he says. Yesterday morning he says he passed out and woke up with his whole right side numb and unable to speak. So he drug himself to bed, and figured he would just lay there till she came home, fully expecting her to not come home till wednesday night. he is so stubborn, and hates that she leaves him, and this was his "i'll show you for leaving me" moment. My mother is so pissed. I mean, she is obviously very upset that he has had a stroke. She loves him dearly. But he is slowly killing himself on purpose and manipulating her with it. Its hard to watch them go through this struggle. So then she got on the phone and became a bitch to several people for another hour to try and get an even earlier flight. it was ugly. LOL So she is off, I am finally calming down, and I am going to go on my new diet starting tonight. Oh, and I got my labs back for my preop exam for the apron removal. My cholesterol is just on this side of high. that pisses me off. I have never had high cholesterol and prided myself in that. Now I do. I guess I have a comorbidity now.
  18. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i am so in love with football players!!! emilee he is a cutie!!!
  19. FunnyDuddies

    What Grinds your Gears?

    Flakes. I hate when people flake out on me when they said they have done something. My mother said she was going to come down next month after my plastic surgery so that i would have an extra set of hands for the week after I get home. Today she told me that it just eats into her schedule too much and she just can't do it. That she wouldn't get back till 2 days before her new project starts, and that it didn't give her time to get her house cleaned and her car worked on before she had to go heads-down on this project. um...ok. thanks for letting me know after already setting up the travel arrangements and the child care with other family members. You know...if you give your work on something, esp when it is someone really needing your asst. then you should be strung up if you change your mind.
  20. I think some men count as the clear liquid phase, and some count as the full liquid. As for grams...again it depends on the man I think. LOL The pineapple juice does work!!! Oh boy there is a huge change there. Kat...you crack me up. You make the poor man beg? Is it kinky at least? You in leather with whips and chains and him in a thong begging on the floor? Ok...I have to leave this thread now. My XXX mind just went into overdrive LOL
  21. FunnyDuddies

    Insurance Fraud??????????????/

    It is not unusual to charge a "participation fee" to weight loss surgeons/clinics. While I do not agree with them, they do have ways of billing it so that it does not fall under other things your ins should cover. They are billed to you as being for support groups, gym memberships, nutritional counseling, etc. You might not get any of these things, but they can go to the ins company and tell them that is what it is for to keep their contract. This aside, if your doctor is Dr. Spiegel, I would heavily weigh your feelings on this situation. He is not my doc, I have never met the man, and I never will. But I have read post after post of some serious issues people are having with him. He may be a great surgeon, but the follow up care and the life of your band is important, and you will need coverage for it. UHC seems to be having a falling out with him, and you don't want to be stuck without coverage when you find you really need it!!
  22. FunnyDuddies

    Miracle Burn???

    do a search on the this site for hoodia. i think you might be surprised at the experiences of those who have taken it. Personally I would try to get a fill that restricts you and suppresses the appetite rather than try to take drugs. and you do not want to lose faster than the 2-3 pounds per week. I would talk to your doctor before adding anything to the band for weight loss. They may have better suggestions on how to lose faster if you are having troubles.
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Heather I think that is an adorable pic!! I love wedding photos. I need to scan mine in and post it.
  24. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Trip2beme - I would have walked up to his car, said "Oh honey, you are so kind. thank you for finishing the car wash for me." and gotten back into the car. Rob knows not to mess with me when I get like that. :nono: LOL But Rob is one of those guys that refuses to let me lift a finger when things go wrong. Most of the time. LOL I'm sorry your guy had a dense day. They do make up for it in the end most of the time though. Telly - Lookin good girl!!! I want a bag!! LOL I'm gonna go see Gold's today I think and take the tour. Pnut - My ass hasn't fallen yet, and it gets a boost every morning from the goose I get from rob. LOL Did I just say that? Tricia - :eyebrows: all y'all....this is one dirty girl here!!! LOL nasty smilies and all. I bet this crew could do with a bout of nasties. so here we go. :sleep :fruitsex::cool: :Banane46: :Banane56: And a little group sex for good measure LOL :grouphug: ok...i am done tainting the smilies. sorry if i offended anyone HA! I am in such a weird mood today.
  25. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    I found mine in Florida...and ebuy for me as well. But he dragged me back down here. He is hot though, isn't he? :eek: Telly - Good info. there is a golds right here. Those prices are way better than the lifestyle fitness I joined. I will check it out. Tricia - Have a safe trip!!! Be good and we will see you when you get back!! Heather - (and everyone else) post your man's pics!! Its always cool to see what everyone married Lianna - Yeah, he is a light redhead. And out two kids are redheads. Lets just say our neighbors have complained to us because we all yell a lot LOL We are a stubborn family and live life at full volume. My mother is here. I already have tense musles in my back LOL So funny story. I go to the lab today to get my blood done for my PS in mexico. I have my doc's orders from MX and all of the necessary paperwork. I go in. Give the girl the stuff. There are only two of them there at that moment and 3 people ahead of me. I sit down and wait. an hour later the people ahead of me are done, and I am patiently waiting. Others have come in after me and I know that they have not even been talked to yet because they are still working on my stuff. I am called to the desk many times to answer questions, and everyone there knows that I am the one holding things up. i apologize a lot, but I still get tons of dirty looks. So at one point I go to the desk and am answering more questions. This old woman comes to the desk with her paperwork and states very loudly "I am sick and fucking tired of waiting here because you both are not competent enough to fill out the paperwork for someone who needs to go to Mexico to have her ass lifted." She tosses the paperwork across the table at the woman behind it and leaves. Leaves her husband there by the way, who sat there very confused for quite a few moments. Then another woman comes up and says "I can't wait either. this is just stupid" And walks out. I look over the only other woman there, the last one to come in, and she just starts laughing and says "Well my wait just got shorter!!" If those people had waited they would have both been seen in another 10 minutes. And they were pissed at me!! Like I woke up this morning and said I think I am gonna go piss some people off at the lab today! I swear.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
