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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    Unethical bandsters?

    I don't know. That is a very interesting question. Somethings to look at are why these people want the band. If there are people who obviously have weight issues, but they are on the low side of a diet, should they have to gain it back just to have the band put in? My mother worries about this. If she goes on a diet, loses a bunch, but sees it coming back, will she have to gain it all back just toget the band to help control her weight? In france they are actually starting to put the band in teens who are showing difficulty with managing their weight so that they do not get too big and develope health problems. I think this is a good thing. Look at people who have gotten to goal, but have a band slip or erode. Many of them get a new band put in even though they are no longer obese. Because it is more of a control mechanism rather than a weight loss mechanism. I think it is good that some of the Mexico docs are willing to put in a band on someone who is below the 35bmi level. There are a lot of factors that go into our weight. And it is all individual. But I do have that niggling feeling about people who just want it as a vanity tool. Someone who is 20 pounds overweight wants it to lose those 20. Is it necessary? Prolly not. But who am I to tell them they should or should not get it? I am not paying for it LOL Unless they have state ins or something. HA!
  2. FunnyDuddies

    What is your height?

    My doctor explained the inch loss. If you are still fat, the fat actually changes the shape of our spine. It is physically impossible to straighten as much as we used to. I used to be 5ft6. I shrunk 2 freakin inches!! I am hoping that when I get back to my original weight I will be able to stand as tall as I did before.
  3. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    ugh talk about emotional eating. I totally binged last night, which is not normal for me. I have a lot of stress right now, I am scared about the surgery, I have tons of work on my plate, and my house is a wreck. The kids had me close to a migraine last night, and I got news from my mom that my grandpa is now checked into his hospice. I spiraled out of control and ate to sooth myself. This is not who I am. This is not how I got fat! Why in the hell did I do this?? I am really depressed today.
  4. FunnyDuddies

    Your political compass

    hehehe Boy and I an odd duck in this crowd. So many -'s and very few +'s. Economic Left/Right: 4.63 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 2.26 I am right in there with Tony Blair. That's cool. I like him.
  5. FunnyDuddies

    doc in MEXICO

    Dr. Sanchez is who I am going with. Did you still need the link for him? It sounds like you have a lot of his information already. Kmecey it does seem tough to wrap your head around going to another country for surgery, but after some researching I found I was more comforatble with the idea of going to Dr. Sanchez than going to someone here in the states. And I can afford to go to either one.
  6. FunnyDuddies

    who set your goals?

    I picked my own goals, but my doctor agreed that the goal I picked was within reason. My doc told me I may never get back to the 110's, or even 100's. but I could easily do 120's.
  7. FunnyDuddies

    Cost of Surgery

    I am having my surgery done in mexico, but when i called around locally here the self pay amount started at around $17k and went all the way up to $31k.
  8. FunnyDuddies

    What is your height?

    5ft4, and I was a perfect size at 110, but would be really happy to be 120 again.
  9. FunnyDuddies

    Breast Cancer segment (Please Read this)

    Thank you for posting this!! My aunt died from this form of breast cancer, and I have a friend who has been diagnosed with this. It is rare, but very hard to detect. It is so important that you check for it. It is one of those aggressive cancers, like pancreatic cancer, that once the symptoms show up it is usually too late.
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Jobs...are you the human or the monkey?

    Actually, I don't think it is a silly question at all. The problem is not that everyone thinks they are the best. It is that in this environment you are going to find that 85% of the people hwere are here because they focus their attention on everything but themselves. We fat people are usually the ones that over compensate by working hard, taking care of others, putting everyone before us. And that lack of interest in our own well being and our own bodies is what makes us fat. Not all....but some. I can guarantee you there are a few lazy fatties here too. But I think they are too shy or embarassed to post here. :cool: I have worked with some doozies in the past. I absolutely HATE clock watchers. Wheets...I had an almost identical exp to yours. When I worked for Microsoft we had what my manager would refer to as the "knuckledraggers". They were the ones that you would routinely not find in their offices. If you went looking for them they were either in the cafeteria getting coffee, or in the parking lot smoking. They were also the ones that would get really gung ho and work hard on parties and events, but could not pull their shit together to meet a deadline to save their souls. Then would complain that they would have to work past dark to get their work in on time. And they never had consideration for the fact that their laziness held up other people's job. It just makes me crazy!!! I am so glad I work out of my house now. I don't have to deal with idiot coworkers pulling crap anymore. Hiding my chair. Or worse yet, my computer. Setting my screensaver to porn pictures. Having candy fights where the whip tootsie rolls back and forth over my head. And I can promise you those people don't believe they are the hardest working individuals out there.
  11. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    Good luck Seppi!! And Diane, You are doing awesome!! so is your daughter it sounds!! a2zhoochie, I am having both done, the apron removal (sort of like a tummy tuck) and the lapand surgery. Good luck to you!! I LOVED veggie day LOL I am such a veg fanatic! And man did it clean me out! HAHAHAHA For dinner I had...get this...and entire bunch of asparagas, a whole cuke (in slices) a large tomato, and a bell pepper sliced up. OMG it was good. I mixed some fat free sourcream and some lemon juice together. Not much, but enough to dip the veg in. Mostly I just used some salt and pepper. OMG it was so good!! And so much too! I was stuffed! I like that today is fruit and veg days. I have something to eat this morning for Breakfast. I am having cantelope and strawberries and blueberries. For lunch I am making a new pot of Soup (DH and I went through it already along with the kids. They love it!) Now I did not have the potato last night, but DH did. I kinda forgot. So I will save that for next week. So far it looks as though I have lost 4 pounds on this. I weighed yesterday, and weighed 333. That was down from the day I started which was 335. Today I am 331 (hovering slightly under actually) so I am calling this a success so far. The test will be to see if it continues and if it has such great weight loss next week and the week after.
  12. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Emilee yours looks great! Wouldn't it be great to have those legs? LOL Kristin congratz on not gaining with you fill gone!!!! that is awesome!!! I am so happy for you that you set a date! What a perfect time of the year. Everything good happens in January. After all, it is my birthday month LOL Everyone's losses are amazing!! The maintains are great! The pluses are ok...it is good motivation to get the ball rolling. We can all do this guys!! Drink your Water, workout and eat no bread and sugar. You do that and you are bound to lose!!! No more cheating!! I want to see perfect scorecards out there!!! :cheer2::clap2: :cool: :clap2: :cheer2::clap2: :clap2: :cheer2::clap2: :clap2: :cheer2::clap2: :clap2: :cheer2::clap2: :clap2: :cheer2::clap2: :clap2: :cheer2::clap2: :clap2: :cheer2::clap2: :clap2: :cheer2::clap2: :clap2: :cheer2:
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    k. I really quickly did this. It is in no way as good as the others have done, and I did it in about 10 minutes, so it is not as good as it can be. But I figured I would do myself a little 'thinspiration' to put on the fridge. maybe what I will look like in a year? LOL
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Christina (Illsucced) need prayers!!

    OMG I am in tears here. When you talk to her i am sure you are letting her know that we all love her and wish her a swift and complete recovery!! I will be praying along with my family. I can't wait to see her on the board again. Come back sarge!!!!
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Jobs...are you the human or the monkey?

    I agree with you in that I have a hard time finding people who have the same ethics, work or otherwise, as I do and I look at them all as if they have arms growing out of their noses. People who do not take responsibility in life make me insane. fine, be down on your self. whatever. but work is work and other's depend on you. same with being a parent. or a human being that leaves their house. LOL Makes me insane. My husband and I work really hard. Not just for the betterment of our family, but because we take pride in the companies we work for and want to see them succeed. the better the company does, the better we do as employees. We are both excell at what we do, and are considered the best in skills by our superiors. I get to work from home, which is so nice, but it also means I can work all night if I need to. I get all the hard projects and the tough projects, because I am reliable and I always do my job possible. But that is also reflected in my pay. It does not go unnoticed. I do not understand people who do not try to excell in their jobs. Why just ride it out and go nowhere? Why not try to be the best you can be, and make something better of yourself? Ok...done ranting. lol
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Current=333 Lost=2 pounds this week highest=372 total lost=39
  17. FunnyDuddies

    Have I got a Story?

    God bless you! I really hope things start turning around for you and you quickly get back on your feet.
  18. FunnyDuddies

    Car Wreck!!!

    Also, send everything return receipt mail, rather than fax. that way she can't claim she never received it. Also, make sure you send a letter to your local insurance commisioner, cc'ing them. Let the insurance company know how upset you are with her service, and that you are really feeling jilted. That way if they decide to drop you after all of this they will think twice. It is really important you do not let her walk all over you with this. some ins claim adjusters are fabulous!! But some are real sticks in the mud.
  19. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    you are more than welcome to join! And there is no such thing as TMI in this group. LOL So welcome to the group sheryl!!! Go to the first page and grab yourself a scorecard. That way you can be accountable while you are here. Plus it allows us all to cheer you on. YAY SHERYL!!!
  20. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    Oh it is so full of veggies!! I barely have any liquid in the bowl when I get a bowl of soup LOL I agree that it fills you up and you are good for a few hours. On the cabbage soup diet (from what I heard) the soup tasted just awful!!! A lot of people thought "Well of course i am going to lose weight. I don't want to eat the only thing I am allowed to eat!" I don't know if that is going to happen with this. Plus I really plan on filling up with the other stuff. On beef days I got me a few nice steaks. Some chicken too. And I got some gorgeous asparagas, some artichokes, a few really nice melons, some papaya and mango... I got a lot of stuff that I know to be full of Vitamins and stuff that would be a real treat for me. And I got nothing canned except for the broth and the chicken noodle soup LOL I like all of my ingredients fresh. I think it gives you more nutrients, and feels better eating it. I had a BLAST making the soup. The stuff I added to the soup was some basil, and about 1.5 cups of parsley, and some pepper. Thats it. Garlic would be good. I will try that next. Emily can't wait for you to join us. I mean yeah...this is a fad diet. But my nutritionist has told me that it is one of the better ones out there. You are not limiting calories. Not even intake. You are limiting types of food. And the food you are allowed is really good for you. So I feel ok trying the fad.
  21. FunnyDuddies

    Central Florida Lapbandsters?

    well alberto was boring. lol
  22. FunnyDuddies

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    Robyn - I am so sorry you are still struggling with this. I hope it gets resolved soon so you can live a life without worry about this infection. Leatha - I am so sorry this has happened, but it sounds like she is recovering. You are very near my thoughts and prayers due to my similar situation. Pnut - I love you sis and you know that I am praying hard for the peace you and your mom are seeking. Take care, and try to relax. I am praying for all of my LBT brothers and sisters everyday. I love you all, and hope to only see you all succeed. I need to request some prayers. My grandfather (my mom's dad) had a stroke the day before yesterday. He was so stubborn he decided to lay in bed till my mom came home from her trip here, and not get help. The doctors say that too much time passed and he will not be able to recover from this. His life, what is left of it, will now be one of constant care and help, and zero independence. His entire right side is not working. He is 84 and very stubborn and independant. This is devestating to him. According to my mom he keeps talking about how he just wants to go home, and that he will be fine and can still drive and still walk etc. Its not that he is confused, just angry. My mother is the only family out there, and the only one that is willing and able to care for him. But she can't take him in. It pains her to have to set up care for him. Part of his stubborness is that he refuses tolisten to the doc's orders. He is in early kidney failure because he refuses to follow his diet and take his pills. And he still has to drink his wine every night. The doctor thinks that he does not have much long to go. Please pray that they both find peace in this, and that his final days are not filled with anger and torment.
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Lizard in the house

    LOL when we moved here our cat elwood just decided he was in hog heaven. he sits and chirps at the window all the time. anytime he can get outside he goes crazy chasing any lizard that comes into view. We also love frogs and toads. We have a little toad that lives on the back porch. He comes and sits in the dog's water dish every night, then goes on the hunt for ants and aphids on my gardenia bush. His name is Frank. LOL My daughter named him that. Her stuffed monkey is named "monkey". Her stuffed dog is named "Dog". She wanted to name her fish "fish" but we see the frog and say what do you want to name it? She looks at him and thinks... "I think his name is Frank" LOL
  24. FunnyDuddies

    If it were up to you, what laws would you create?

    It is! I just wanted to point out that we should not disagree with people's pet peeves. they are so personal. maybe there were not enough smiles in the post. :) :) :)
  25. FunnyDuddies

    Child Abuse - what do I do?

    Oh Diane I am so happy. This family has been in our family's prayers and I am glad it all sorted out calmly with a solution that hopefully will be the end of it. We all have trouble sometimes. There is nothing wrong with that. It is when we do not check our trouble and it gets out of hand. Sounds like he is being a good dad and making the right choices on getting help.

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