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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    Insomnia anyone?

    No body likes my sex idea. LOL it really does work people!!
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Healthy CAKE made w/ diet coke

    ok this sounds really really good. I just have be play devil's advocate LOL There is no such thing as something healthy that includes diet coke LOL ok...now that that rant is done, I am so going to try this when I want to break from the GFG routine LOL That sounds good. Can't do the sugar now, but will try it later. thanks!! I have written it on a card and thrown it in the receipe box.
  3. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    I am just drinking Water and black coffee. I don't know why you had the blood sugar dip. Maybe it is a telling sign that you have some hidden carbs somewhere in your diet and the slump was a signal of your body being dependant on it. I try not to do fruit juice, because for me the sugar in it triggers a craving for sugar. But from what I can tell, if it is 100% juice then go for it. I just stick to black coffee and water, and I have even gotten rid of all artificial sweetners. Trying to keep everything fresh. LOL I am getting a little ocd'ish about this all LOL The Soup is so tasty, and it is a negative calorie receipe. For those who don't understand that, it means that it takes more calories to burn this soup in digestion than you are taking in by eating it. The more you eat, the more you lose simply because you are filling up on a food that is basically nothing. BUT it is full of water and nutrients from the vegetables. Its a fabulous concept! LOL Food that makes you lose weight. Didn't we all see these on the front cover of the tabloids in the checkout line? LOL But it seems to be working, and I am happier than a pig in slop. I hope everyone is doing well. I will let y'all know what my weight is tomorrow. Are you as excited as me?
  4. FunnyDuddies

    Setting a realistic goal weight...

    I know people give me flack about my goal weight, but when I was at that goal I did not look unhealthy. I used to weigh between 95 and 100 pounds. 120 looks a bit "full" on me. I have thin bone structure, even though i have wide hips. I have a naturally tiny waist line. (20" waist) and the skinny women in my family all look best around 100-110. My goal is 120 cause I know I will have a lot of fat. But I would kill to get back the body I had when I was a young adult. Rob just hit his goal of 185. He is 6 foot. But he has been doing absolutely no working out excpet walking. He wanted to lose the fat before gaining muscle. Now that he is at goal he is going to start adding the muscle back on. I notice he has lost muscle mass. He can't wait to get it back. And he really is excited about getting all buff and macho. So am I.:eyebrows: :dance: :nod::bounce:
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    lins i get panic attacks a lot. they are hell on me. Sorry you had one. HUGS!! Pnut will be back soon. We need to get this party started in here! We have weigh in tomorrow!! How is everyone doing and feeling?? Let talk guys. Let share. Lets get in a circle around a fire and sing christian folk songs. come on.
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Virtual Model

    chrsity you crack me up.
  7. FunnyDuddies

    Virtual Model

    I did a larger one cause I am going to put it on fridge for thinspiration.
  8. FunnyDuddies

    YAHOOO Thanks !!

    THANK YOU ALEX!!!!! I have wanted an exercise forum for a while now!!
  9. FunnyDuddies

    Exercise Equipment

    We just bought a really nice weight bench with a squat bar, preacher curl, and leg curl/extend. It is really nice. Got it on sale at sports authority. I am in heaven. We also have a heavy bag we just picked up. I am going to use it for some kickboxing/boxing training and try to tone my bod up with that. We also have a shadow boxing tape, a taebo tape, and pilates for weight loss tape. (by tape I mean dvd) We would keep going to the gym, but unfortunately the kids are not having a good time at the child care there and the pretty much cry and scream thw whole time we work out.
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Funniest Kid Stories...

    I have told this story on this site before, but I will share here as well. My son who is 3 has this weird obsession with covering his body in various goos. LOL One time my daughter came out of their room, all ready to go, and we had just finished getting ready for going out to Breakfast as well. I asked her where andy was, and she said he was getting his shoes. So we waited. I made some coffee, Rob checked the sports scores. I could hear our son singing and dinking around so I called out to him to hurry it up and lets go. He said he couldn't. I called back to do waht I said and lets go. He called out that he couldn't get down. ...huh... ?? I walked into their room and he was on the top shelf of the closet, nekkid, covered from head to toe in Peanut Butter. And I mean covered. Every time we go to the park I slather the kids over with sunscreen. One morning we woke up and I came out to the kitchen, walking past the kid's door. At this point we had babygates across their door so they couldnot get out and get into stuff. as I passed the gate I noticed a white figure with two green eyes kneeling down behind it staring up at me. I was floored. What was this? It was so white. Andy stands up and he is covered (yes...covered) with balmex (diaper rash ointment). He thought it was sunscreen and thought if he put it on we would go to the park. He was 2 at the time. Anyone who has had a child knows how long it took me to get this stuff off of him. I work from home. One day I put the kids down for a nap and went to get some serious artwork time in. About 30 minutes later I hear this weaid sound. I get up, and follow the sound into the kitchen. And is standing there, naked (he likes being naked lol) in front of the fridge, breaking eggs on his head and rubbing the yolk and whites all over his face and head. And the latest version of this. We keep our door locked at night. If we don't, they come in. A lot! Yesterday morning we finished getting ready and I got up to the door to open it when i heard a little knock and the frantic voice of my daughter. I open the door to a sweet child's face that has been drawn on with a marker. shapes and figures and lines all over her face. She tells me Andy did it. uh huh. I go into their room and andy is there furiously drawing on his arm, covering it with green ink. This is to match his other arm, his feet, his palms, and his entire face which is completely covered in green ink. yes. my son is a freak. and if you tell him that he says, "I sure am!"
  11. FunnyDuddies

    If it were up to you, what laws would you create?

    His jail also has the lowest repeat offender rate of released prisoners. Aso for cutting the hand off of theives...a bit extreme, but as extreme goes...I betcha our theft and robbery rates would drop.
  12. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    heather you look fabulous! Your face has changed so much! And the hair cut looks awesome on ya! I just bought a vintage ac/dc shirt for a goal LOL great minds huh? I miss the nut too. I am sure she will be back soon.
  13. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    in the gone for good thread.
  14. FunnyDuddies

    If it were up to you, what laws would you create?

    Girl you just made coffee come out of my nose. LOL
  15. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    Oh I naturally have a big round butt even when I am tiny LOL I love that...a brazillian butt lift. LOL I hope I don't lose mine when I get smaller. Did you see in my photoshopped version of the skinny me I still have a big ole round butt? LOL The soup is good. there have been a few times that I didn't want anything cause i wasn't in the mood for soup. Like in the mornings. But after the 4th day other things are introduced. So it is all good.
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Low Carb Mushies?

    Sweet potatoes are lower in carbs, with a little butter and some cinnamon. Also, I have heard from people that the soup in my new diet thread is band friendly, and might be a good try for you. Just makes sure that you realy let it cook overnight on low so the veggies are really soft. And chop the carots up really good. I hope that helps!!
  17. FunnyDuddies

    Mexico or States

    I also would recommend him. I have heard nothing but fabulous things. I am still going with Dr. Sanchez, but I believe that those three are just about the best Mexico has to offer!
  18. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    So I wanted to check on my weight, since you asked. and it has been eating me alive wanting to know LOL I am now down to 324. That is a 7 pounds loss. And that is with mass alcoholic consumption saturday night. Pretty nice! I will do this until my surgery time, and see if I can get as close as possible to 300. I have met my little mini goal though! I wanted to be under 330 for the surgery. I have done that! I gave up on the idea of being 300 for the surgery, but I might get close!!!!
  19. FunnyDuddies

    What was YOUR last straw?

    My dh and I had researched WLS and just didn't like the choices. So we resigned ourselves to the fact that I would just have to work on it on my own. Then we heard about the lapband, and researched the possibilities. OMG We jumped all over it. That was about 2 years ago. This whole time we have been researching everything, and making sure the choice I made in doctors was a correct one. I also knew I needed to have the apron surgery beforehand since it was making my exercise life a living hell. I wanted to research that as well, and have everything planned out perfectly.
  20. FunnyDuddies

    Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (maybe a little XXX)

    Oh I am all about hiphop as well. Not so much R&B. I want to dance! LOL Not sway. Kanye or Eminem's "Shake That Ass" or any Black Eyed Peas. Something with a strong beat that makes me sweat. And can I tell you how much I am in love with Nate Dogg. LOL Man has got a voce that melts me like butter.
  21. FunnyDuddies

    Insomnia anyone?

    yeah! REALLY GOOD SEX!! LOL I know it sounds cheeky, but DH is always ready to help. And I pass out like a baby and don't wake up for 6 hours!
  22. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    ugh travelling always makes me retain water badly. just drink a lot of water and your weight will be back to normal.
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Insomnia anyone?

    I am right here with ya, but unfortunately it is work induced insomnia. I have been up since 10 this morning (partied late the night before) and have been working almost non stop. Last week I put in over 100 working hours. going to be the same this week too. I am going to take a break and try to sleep for about 2 or 3 hours, then get up and do it all again.
  24. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    I am LOVING this diet. I have been pretty faithful to it, and i swear my stomach has shrunk!! I now only eat a small bowl at a time rather than my big bowl LOL I made a new pot this evening, set to be ready tomorrow. I love slow cooked veggie stew. LOL I will post on wednesday what my weight is at. Personally I did not go wild on the banana day. Not really a huge banana person. LOL but I had one and a half. I loved being able to have some beef. DH bbq'd me a steak, and I cut up a few tomatoes and onions to go with them. mm mm good. I can't wait to see what my weight is at, and I am sure I have lost. My fave night club corset doesn't fit me anymore LOL guess I will have to go shopping! WOOHOOO
  25. FunnyDuddies

    An Ugly Word and Discrimination

    I hate the term, even though it is a medical term. But I love the word FAT LOL I cal myself a fat chick all time, and boy do i get looks LOL I am not big, I am not a bbw, I am not obese. I am fat. And it just shocks people when I say it. Not that i am running around going "Look at the fat girl!!!" but when people feel it is ok to start talking about my weight, I am not going to go easy on them. Fat is so offensive to everyone. Don't talk to me about my weight unless you are willing to hear the word FAT a lot LOL

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