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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    4th of July/ Summer Exchange Thank You Thread

    Nothing worse than going into a club and finding things glowing that you did not intend for people to notice. My teeth and eyes I can get over. But did you know that if you wear a white bra no matter what you wear over it...it will glow through? That's always a crowd pleaser. LOL I still think it is trippy that my cuticles glow under blacklight. And the little specs left from your laundry detergent that makes it look like you are really linty. That's always a good look. Like you are covered from head to toe in dandruff. nice!
  2. FunnyDuddies

    What did you wear on surgery day?

    I just went out and bought some new pj's to wear around the house for the first few days. And also for the day I am out of surgery. I get to stay in the hospital then a few days at the guest house in Mexico. I also bought myself a brand new pair of flip flops. They are all I wear cause I am here in Florida, but I got a pair of burn out your eyes sunshine yellow to keep my spirits high. LOL I also bought a bunch of new panties. cheap ones. From walmart. 88 cents each. and cotton. I have found every single time I go into the hospital for ANYTHING my panties get something on them. (no it isn't loss of bladder control) I am just not taking any chances of ruining the nice panties I own anymore LOL I also bought new terry cloth slippersocks for comfort when walking around the hospital and guest house. SLIPPER SOCKS! MEDIUM! (quick...who knows what movie that is from? LOL)
  3. FunnyDuddies

    surgery in Mexico

    Hi there! Welcome to LBT!! I am being banded by Dr. Sanchez on the 10th of July. I have complete confidence in him, and have dealt with his staff a lot in the last month and a half. I have been researching the band over a year and a half and really trust my decision. Good luck on getting banded, and have fun in Mexico!!
  4. FunnyDuddies

    GFG Club - Guess Funny's Apron Weight

    Thanks Molly. yay me! hahaha
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Oh by the way, since the "guess funny's apron weight" challenge is now defunct I am going to donate a gift to the winner of next month's challenge. Something from Mexico. Kat is so nice to offer something up for winning this month, and I couldn't let her be the only one to be so generous! :confused: I think it is such a FAB idea. So next month is my turn. I will provide a special something from Mexico, and a little special something from Victoria's secret. I know....No size 2 thongs. LOL It is just one of my favorite scent collections from them. I can't get enough of this stuff, and DH just can't keep his hands off of me when I wear it. So of course I wear it ALL THE TIME!! Good luck to all! Everyone has been working SO HARD this time around. I know the totals are going to be astounding!
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    We are nearing the end of the challenge!! Have you all got your scorecards up to date?? I know I just had to update mine. I am going for the perfect scorecard. I think I might do it. If I can just get through the next couple of days. I have had to take splenda in my coffee a few times (I hate that stuff) just to calm the sweet cravings, but that was early on. The soup diet some of us were doing did a lot for my numbers. And I am still losing. Weeee! with my base metabolic rate, and my workouts and lifestyle (according to fit day) I am burning approx 4500 cals a day. With a diet ranging between 500 and 1000 cals a day intake, it is no wonder I am losing so fast! Did I mention I love fit day? hehehe. Good luck all!! This club makes it work! We are an awesome group, and I love how much weight we are losing together. I stare at our totals and group losers in awe just about everytime I am here!
  7. FunnyDuddies

    4th of July/ Summer Exchange Thank You Thread

    no that is cool. I can see it. I just didn't want to put it on, then go to the club later and glow like a party favor LOL I don't wear foundation so I need to be careful! LOL
  8. FunnyDuddies

    GFG Club - Guess Funny's Apron Weight

    Why do I see myself in mexico, sitting at a table with chille relleno and chips and salsa and salad and margaritas, telling my husband I can't eat any of it cause telly will kick my ass when i get home. LOL
  9. FunnyDuddies

    Apron Removal

    Devana I have heard statistics like that as well before, but were assured it was due to complications of being weak from mal nutrition. Keep in mind, most studies involving weight loss surgery do not include many bandsters, and all the other weight loss surgeries cause mal nutrition as the catalyst for weight loss. When your body is mal nourished it can develop infections very easy, you can have severe heart issues, poor blood circulation, etc. Scary huh? I am so glad I am getting the band! LOL
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Beware of BElighter!!! No kidding.

    Congratz on your surgery!!! I can't wait to be there myself! Sorry there was a mess up with the coordinators, but it sounds like you have a great doctor. I hope you have fun in Monterrey!
  11. FunnyDuddies

    Apron Removal

    Momo I love the lipo in a box stuff!! It looks great! I HATE Spanx and would love something that does not make that nasty sound when I walk around LOL I will def be buying some of that stuff Randi - Its funny you would post that. I have a plastic surgeon friend that I have spoken with a lot about this. He felt it was fine for me personally to have the apron surgery before losing the weight. BUT!! (there is always a big butt around ehre isn't there? LOL) He said that the surgeries that I plan on having after I reach goal should only be had after a year of being at goal. For a couple of reasons. 1. Those who have WLS (but not the band mind you) often have malnutrition issues due to the way they digest their foods. Their complications just skyrocket in the percentage bracket because of this malnutrition and the body's inability to perform at peak levels. But he said that was not an issue with most bandsters because we do not deal with the same malnutrition issues. 2. The skin is in shock after losing massive amounts of weight quickly. After a year of dealing with the skin in its baggy state it begins to shrink some. Not all in most previously severely overweight patients, but it can result in up to a 50% shrinkage, plus be more elastic so that the final outcome is smoother and more appealing. My original plan was to have the apron surgery, then have the band, get to goal, wait a year, then have the total body lift done. My plan now just starts from the band point, and deal with the apron during the weight loss. I would rather not had to deal with this, but I do believe in devine intervention and am happy to go with the flow. I will be waiting that year, though, to see if I can get the skin to respond to my new body and do some self correcting before going under the knife. Then I am being what my husband refers to as "Barbi-ized". LOL
  12. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    Thanks Andy!! I have gone with the doctor's choice of not doing the apron surgery due to a history of blood clots. We are going to wait till I am smaller to do it. :confused: I am really excited to have the band surgery so soon! I was really anxious, and have had to push it out a number of times. Now I am finally going to be banded! I thought I was going to have to wait till sept or oct. So this is a fine change of events for me!
  13. FunnyDuddies

    4th of July/ Summer Exchange Thank You Thread

    Ok...I gotta ask. What do you see with the blacklight? Does your skin glow? Cause I go to a club on the weekends with a lot of blacklights and I want to know if I am going to glow before I get in there. LOL I used the pillow today. OMG I am taking that on the plane!!!
  14. FunnyDuddies

    GFG Club - Guess Funny's Apron Weight

    Starting the liquid diet today (monday) and we'll see how I do with it. I may or may not have the last supper. Depends on how angry the little telly in my head is with me. LOL You are such great support girl! You keep me going back to that #$(%^#(^# eliptical machine. HA! When are we hiting the outlet malls girl? We have to go shopping for next summer's bathing suits!! I have 2 months of work to try and squeeze into two weeks of time, so I will not be around as much, but I will be checking into the GFG club regularly to update my score card and let you all know how nervous I am before getting banded. Pnut has my phone number, and I will be letting her know how the surgery went. Happy skinny hugs to all.
  15. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    Well ladies a gentlemen, I am off this diet as of midnight tonight. With my surgery 2 weeks ahead of me I am going on a strict Protein liquid diet. Lots of Jello and Isopure and such. I will check in to see how you are all doing. I need to really make sure I follow the orders to make my liver nice and tiny for the band surgery. I hope you all continue to do well, and will be checking in to see how you all do. If you want to follow whether I gain all the weight back or not jsut check my sig line, or check into the Gone For Good club. Good luck and big hugs to all :confused:
  16. FunnyDuddies

    GFG Club - Guess Funny's Apron Weight

    It was going to be a last supper. LOL But I will be drinking, maybe no burrito. ok...maybe three or four chips. LOL Oh just leave me alone telly. you can beat me later. LOL Love ya girl!
  17. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    LOL I am sorry that this thread touched such a nerve Honu. I think that you have taken it with much more seriousness than the rest of us. 1. We all know it is a fad diet. It has been mention many times, and in the posts which you think all say the same thing we all mention our intention of just trying something for various reasons, not dedicating a lifetime to veggie soup. 2. I workout twice a day. That has also contributed to my weight loss. You can whatever my success all day long. it doesn't lessen what I have achieved. 3. If you don't like the diet, then don't do it. If you had taken the time, again, to read the posts after just reading the first message you would have found that all of us in this thread know the downfalls of this diet. We are all changing it and morphing it into what works for us. We are also very aware of all the things you have posted about. Read the posts. You will see that. I just don't see where all of this negativity and hostility came from. If I am misreading your posts, I am sorry, but it seems that you are very angry at us all for having fun with this. I am sure I speak for everyone when I say I am sorry that our diet has ticked you off so much. Lots of smiles for this glorious sunday evening to you. I know I am having a good one. :confused:
  18. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    Honu, with all due respect it seems you didn't read much of this thread or the diet receipe at all. There is no cabbage in this soup. This is not the cabbage soup diet. But it is a fad diet. My nutritionist has put a twist on it to up the Protein. There are many days where you are getting lots of protein, and potassium. But my nutritionist has added more protein to the diet. She likes the soup recipe though. She thinks it is a good soup to have around, to eat when hungry between meals, and to get all your daily intake of veggies if you are not a raw veggie person like my husband. I can tell you right now that the 13 pounds I lost the first week of this was not all Water weight. How do I know? Well for one I have been "losing water weight" for the past 2 months. Eventually it stops. And the weight we lose is true fat. I know I am very low in my water weight. That is an easy thing to blame it on, but I know I am not losing just water weight. I think the people who have decided to do this diet are looking at it as a preop diet, and as a plateau breaker. No one here thinks they are going to live for a year on this diet while banded to lose all of their excess weight. I think a majority of us just want to get back on the losing bandwagon and want to try something new out. Plus it is a really good soup plan that seems to be band friendly. I know some people have trouble finding soup ideas. This is a good one, and it is really really tasty!! I know you mean well honu, but all of your conserns were addressed early in this thread. Take a look before you put down the idea of us girls having a little fun with a fad diet. Its really just for kicks, and to get us motivated again.
  19. FunnyDuddies

    GFG Club - Guess Funny's Apron Weight

    Momo the worst is when you actually take the laundry to a service and they bill you by the pound. Man you can get addicted to that quickly!! Time2Live thanks for the well wishes and the thoughts on my surgery. I am going to stick to the sacred heart diet till we get to Mexico. Then I am going to have some fun with Mexican food and a few drinks. Lots of chips. some really spicy burritos. YUM!
  20. FunnyDuddies

    GFG Club - Guess Funny's Apron Weight

    I think I was going over all of these ideas myself. LOL Thankfully I don't have to do anyone's laundry. HA! And I think the band gives me a "get out of laundry free" card for a few weeks hehehe. Is it wrong for me to milk it a little bit?
  21. FunnyDuddies

    GFG Club - Guess Funny's Apron Weight

    God comes through again!! LOL alma, the patient care coordinator, got me set up on a payment plan for $1500 of the cost. This allows us to have some emergency money while we are there. It is through a company called DocPay, and it is intrest free. She said they usually need a lot of time to get it set up, but they are pushing it through priority. I'M GETTING BANDED!!! OH MY GOD!!!
  22. FunnyDuddies

    Apron Removal

    Sherri, you will be my band mate. It will be awesome being banded the same day together. We are in for a great experience, I can feel it! Thank you all for the well wishes and the support. It was a hard night, but I know this is the best outcome. I would be lost without the support I get here. Wheets, I am gonna try that. It sounds liek a good idea. I had been using baby diaper rash ointment, but it is sticky and greasy and really nasty. I hate the stuff, and would shoose anything to get aways from it. I wonder if that would work for my thighs too. One thing that is really cool is that we are flying into Mexico on the evening of the 6th. We are staying at the sheraton till Monday the 10th, and we have all that time to sight see and look around the town. We have heard wonderful things about Monterrey, and can't wait to explore. !!!
  23. FunnyDuddies

    GFG Club - Guess Funny's Apron Weight

    No, cause we do not use checks. We do everything electronically. Debit cards and online payments. It is an account that bank of america offers. Paperless account, and we get special perks. That has come back to bite me a number of times so far.
  24. FunnyDuddies

    GFG Club - Guess Funny's Apron Weight

    Tricia I am. And yes...last night I cried. But I got it out. And I am scared I won't be able to figure out the last $1k. I have a week. Something will come to me. I am just praying really hard about it. It will happen.
  25. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    Wow I almost blew the diet last night. My poor rob. He really means well. But he needs to releard how we are supposed to celebrate. I have these lovely steaks for the steak part of the diet, and nice asparagas and some squash. What does he bring home for celebration on setting the band date? A Coconut cream pie. And I SOOOOOOO wanted some! LOL But I resisted, and told him and the kids not only do they get to eat it, but they have to eat it all. And they did. I was happy for the kids. I felt bad for Rob because he felt he had done something so bad. He apologized throughout the night, and really felt he had done something awful! I told him it was alright, he had nothing to worry about. but man that pie looked good.

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