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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. Rob swears that this will be his wow moment in all of this. He constantly tells me he can't wait for me to be able to sit in his lap and cuddle. I agree with him.
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Which side is your port?

    The largest incision is your port incision. It is so large because of the work they have to do to anchor it in. Not sure why he told you it was where it wasnt.
  3. FunnyDuddies

    What are your favorite NSVs?

    Sex with my husband just gets better and better His arm reach around to my sides now when he hugs me Guy friends of ours now treat me like a woman, rather than one of the guys My chin is disappearing, and my cheek bones are reappearing I can run if i need to I can play with my kids without getting tired This is just with the first 50 pounds gone. I have another 200 to go, so I am sure that my life is goin to change dramatically.
  4. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    Hey Sunta!! I was just alerted to your check in. Just that you check in makes you a good club member. Maybe not gold star...LOL joking. I don't have other stats for you though. Come back and give me your highest, goal, surgery, and current weight. that way I can put them up with your total. :mad:
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    :welcomeB: :mad: * DCPrincess * Ericsmom * Iulizbug * Jan.Barnett * :welcome2: :cheer2::welcome2::cheer2: :welcome2::cheer2: :welcome2: Welcome to the Gone For Good club, guys!! We are so happy you are here! The more support we give to each other the more we get back in return! This is a group of caring people, who want nothing more than to help each other succeed. We do not see the barriers that will keep us fromour weight loss! We see the path to a healthier and more beautiful future. Where everyone is hot! And has healthy hearts! LOL Love y'all!
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    LOL no, but you can add it to this weeks weight loss Ok, stats are updated. Sorry that took so long. Jan.barnett - welcome to the GFG club hon! Can you please give me your stats and such? I have added you to the board, but only with the info given in your sig line. Thanks!! Pnut - Got a gallon of wine left for me? I need something to put me to sleep. LOL Good job on the marginal gain with all that boozing. Trust me...it is a good job that you did. whenever I go one a binge, I add 10 rather than 2. LOL HeatherGurl - I am sorry you are stuggling hon. Just focus and stay strong. You are my inspiration. :mad: And you are still the top loser in this club!! WOOHOO Lins - you are just adorable!! You are so pretty, and your pics really bring across your personality. I am so happy to know you. Kathy - Hey girl!!! How are ya? I was thinking about you the other day. For some reason you just kept popping into my head in Mexico. Hugs Cheri - I am sorry you feel like you are struggling. But hon...I just did your update, and you have lost 62 pounds overall!! That is huge!! Chin up, switch to the smoothies instead of the milkshakes, and eat more protein when you are not travelling. You will continue to lose. AndyLiz - Glad you are making the soup work for you. isn't it good?? Leila - you put that your total loss is only 11.5 pounds, but that is from your surgery date. do not discount the weight you lost before that hon!! I adjusted your total. Dianechef - WOOOHOOO get that scale moving!! I will get your stats updated now. (don't tell tricia i'm letting you in this late, she'll sic telly on me LOL) Those shakes sound good. Can't wait till I can drink them. Then I will try it out. I love adding banana to smoothies and shakes. It adds a rich flavor, and lots of "fill" and substance to the shake. If you freeze the banana (peeled first) and then add it you can add less ice and it makes the shake thicker. Try it, you might like it. Love you all. Good job losers and maintainers. And you gainers...I am one of them. Just a little bump in the road. Lets make next week a losing week. A little bit of walking does a lot.
  7. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    Ok, off to update the totals. anyone who has totals they haven't given yet, do so now!!!
  8. FunnyDuddies

    Program Fees??

    Normal, not the most ethical in my opinion, but normal. They claim it is to cover the support groups, nutritionist, etc. a lot of them out there have it. I think it is a joke. But it is up to you on how much you want to have the surgery done by him. Good luck on your journey!!
  9. How long will you be banded by that point? And keep in mind, it should take a lot less alcohol to get you plowed than it did before. Stick to hard stuff if you are going to do it. There are fewer calories, and more alcohol content. That way you are not getting too many empty calories. I have heard lots of people getting drunk with the band. I don't think there is any harm in it as long as it is an occasional deal. Too often will sabotage the hard work. I outlined the best things to drink while on a diet in another thread. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?p=244160#post244160 If you are going to do it, plan ahead. Drink a lot of Water for two days before hand. Make sure that you prepare your stomach with some malox or tums before and throughout the night. And be sure to drink plenty of water during the evening too. It will help with the dehydration, help to keep you from getting sick, and help your stomach not get irritated by the booze. Hope that helps.
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    i probably will, but dr. sanchez's version of mushies is a cross between full liquids and mushies. pudding and ricotta cheese should be thinned a bit in the beginning with some milk. plus cream soups that have been pureed, thicker juices, thinned yogurt, etc.
  11. I cried when my husband went to hug me and when his arms wrapped around me they were able to reach the opposite sides. It was a major feeling for me, and I love his hugs more than ever now.
  12. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    OMG i am hungry!! LOL I just had my high protein Boost drink, but I am still starving. Just a few more days and I get to eat mushies. I bought ricotta cheese (part skim) no fat cottage cheese, no sugar preserves, fat free refried beans, powdered mashed potatoes, fat free gravy (still not sure how they do that), lots of fruit to make smoothies, tons of fat free sugar free pudding and jello, benefiber to keep it all moving, and chewable flinstone completes and viactive. I think I am set. Dr. Sanchez's plan is second week mushies, 3rd week eggs and fish, 4th week chicken and toast, 5th week red meat, 6th week and so on to introduce other meats.
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    I think you look great, and it is impossible for you to look really fat in anything now!! So stop that.
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    Telly you are so hot!! Friday is very cool for meeting. Just let me know what your plans are, and we will get together.
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    ugh. i got on the scale today. i have been gaining since the trip to mexico. plus i am on my period, which showed up with a vengence yesterday morning. before we left for mexico the scale read 308-309. when I got to mexico and weighed in on the 10th (after eating lots of normal food) i was at 313. Today I am 318. I know this is not a time for weight loss, and not a time to worry about my weight, but it really really really sucks. :mad:
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Day 5: no sleep

    Well last night I finally got brave and actually rolled onto my port side. No, I wasn't laying on it, but I was laying on the side, and it was uncomfortable at first, but with a carefully placed pillow, and a few burps, I got comfy. And passed out like a drunken prom queen. It was fabulous!! I slept all the way through till about 5 minutes ago. hehehe Close to a full 8 hours. I woke up this morning and I have no pain. I am serious. No pain. I am still going to take it easy today. I think my pain yesterday was from all the fast walking at the airport and wearing myself out. I think that when I laid on my non-port side, even with my tummy supported with the pillow, the port would still pull on the muscle and that was what was causing the pain. I can't wait to be able to sleep on my stomach again. I was a total insomniac when I was pregnant with the kids cause I couldn't sleep on my stomach, and never slept better than those first few days after they were born when I could lay flat on my stmach with my head buried in the pillow.
  17. FunnyDuddies

    July 2006 Band Crew

    I am having an uncomfortable feeling that is just not allowing me to get to sleep. It is driving me nuts. I am going to post a seperate thread about it, but if any of you have some tricks, let me know. So happy to hear everyone is doing well. I can't wait to move to full liquids cause i am STARVING tonight. it is driving me nuts. LOL As for releasing gas in the mall, no...that did not happen, but I sure did burp up a storm in the guest house room, and rob said my breath smelled like antiseptic lol
  18. FunnyDuddies

    Mexico or States

    Just came back from mexico, and I cannot rave enough for how well I was cared for, how nice the hospital was, and how great it was to have a guest house to recuperate in after surgery. It was more than I expected, and I can't wait to go back for my plastic surgery. Dr. Sanchez and his team are absolutely fabulous, and treated me and my husband like we were family. Not just another patient. When it came time for my surgery I was introduced to everyone in the room, and the anastesiologist (sp?) gave me a kiss on the forehead as i went under. I remember saying "Gracias" to everyone as I was being wheeled out of the OR and into recovery. And they stayed on top of my walking to make sure my circulation stayed strong. It was all professional, but warm, and they treated me more like a person than other doctors I have had.
  19. FunnyDuddies

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Sherri I miss ya too. I had a BLAST in Mexcio, and we brought home so much stuff from our shopping Rob could barely lift the suitcase. LOL I got home a few hours ago from Mexico. Flying was a bit tough, just because I was squeezed in between rob and the window. And we had a lot of walking and running to do to catch our connecting flight in DFW. My tummy has lots of colors on it. LOL Bright purple, red, yellow, blue, brown...and my skin is so lily white that these colors really stand out lol
  20. FunnyDuddies

    What is or was your "Last Meal"

    I did a preop diet till we got to mexico. then we had a few days of fun. LOL Mexican food, mexican sushi, Cabrito, hamburgers, and cheesecake. LOL
  21. FunnyDuddies

    Which side is your port?

    Canadasunshine, where is your largest scar? I have 4 short cuts, then one 2.5 inch cut where my port is. My port is located on my left side, just under my rib cage.
  22. FunnyDuddies

    How soon after surgery did you feel hungry?

    I was banded on the 10th, and was pretty hungry after arriving home today. All I had that morning was some juice, and water. So I ate some jello when I came home (1/4 cup) and that pretty much squashed it.
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    You better come and visit me!!! Ok guys and gals. I am home now. To a stinky house (I forgot to take the trash out before I left.) It is so good to be home. My sores are really purple and brightly colored today. I am going to take pics as soon as my camera charges. I got a GREAT gift for the challenge. I am excited for whoever wins. I also picked up the most gorgeous mexican blanket that we are going to hang on the wall. I will pictures of that as well. The plane ride was tough. My port site really hurts. But I have no gas pain. Just a lot of burping. Thank GOD no farting. LOL I would just die from embarassment. I am going to go put my feet up. We just walked in and I haven't had my drink yet. I will be back later to update the totals and check out the rest of the board. Love you all!!! And I am SO HAPPY to banded!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  24. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    Hey all!!! Just wanted to check in and say hi! I'M BANDED!!! WOOOHHOOOO Doctor said the surgery went as well as it should, and I was out of recovery in 45 minutes, and up walking within an hour. I felt good, even with the pain. The gas has been mighty, but I am working through it. I have gotten everyone's pm's and read the well wishes here. Thank you all. It i amazing to have so much support. Sherri is doing well to. She had her surgery 1 hr before mine. We were both walking the halls in no time. Mexico is great, and the guest houe is so nice. I am going to go walk the ground, and will be back later after a rest. Love you all. Amy
  25. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    HI ALL!!! I stopped in just one quick second before heading out the door. Rob is waiting in the car. LOL He took off early so he could go to wallyworld with me and pick a few last tings. OMG TELLY! I picked up some Malox plus just cause of you. LOL We are packed, and as ready as we will ever be. Thank you all for the pm's and the cheers. I am super stoked, and will be in touch! Love you all!!!

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