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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. I was given a double dose before surgery, and one the next day after surgery because of my history. usually they only give you a single dose shot before surgery. One funny thing. I should have remembered after being on thinners before that the smallest thing bleeds badly. When the nurse took out my IV she put a gauze on it and left the room. I felt something drip on my hand and I though I had knocked my Water over. I looked down and blood was pouring from my wrist and covering my hand. I put pressure on it, and told my husband to get the nurse. He looked so faint LOL It was a lot of blood in a quick period of time. The nurse came in and got it stopped, but it was a memorable exp.
  2. FunnyDuddies


    have him sign up with some contracting companies in the area. that will help him along with the job search. what area of computers is he in? hardware? software? i can give you some other ideas from that.
  3. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    I count those pounds because I lost them, with or without the band or the plans for the band. they are gone, and gone for good because I am never going to see them again. But I do understand wanting to count just from surgery. That is when you made the big step towards the new life. I think we each have our own way of doing this. Good for you on the weight loss telly. you are amazing!! pm me your plans for friday and I will let you know where I could fit in, and where we should meet.
  4. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    I have a Inamed Vanguard 10cc band. It is larger than the other inamed band, and needs a slight fill to hold it in place rather than just having the stiches hold it there. But it is not supposed to give me any restriction. Even though i can only eat MAX 1/2 cup of food right now.
  5. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    Desertmom, I am sorry this did not work for you. I am really not sure what would make you have those chills, but they sound really concerning, and I think you ought to speak with your doctor about them. That is not normal, and not a good thing. I hope all goes well for you.
  6. FunnyDuddies


    KAT!!! You will be right near me! We will have to do a regular coffee clutch type of thing. LOL Glad to hear that you guys are excited about this possibility. I have always loved taking risks and making moves like that. A year and a half ago when Rob and I were fed up with Seattle we just packed up the van and the kids, put all of our cash into our checking account, and drove to florida. It was the best move we have ever made. Good luck with the final decision!!!
  7. FunnyDuddies

    July 2006 Band Crew

    You did the right thing, and this too shall pass. I was really not hungry the first 3 days, but totally famished the last few days. I had thinned pudding this morning for the first time, and it was perfect!! It gets better. Try some gas-x strips for the gas and burping, and make sure you are drinking really slow to help get those burps out before you are full. funniest thing for me is sometimes i need DH to pat on my back like i am a baby. Maybe that will help you if someone can do the same. Good luck!! Everyone who has just been banded!! WELCOME TO BANDLAND!! Those who are close, Congratz and GOOD LUCK!!! It is an awesome journey so far for me, and I am so excited to see where it heads.
  8. FunnyDuddies

    What is this I'm having????????

    Sherri, not just the size of the bite, but how long did it take you to eat that amount? It took me about 15 minutes. I was really taking it easy, and going slow. I want to learn well how to feel when I am full. I would suggest that you try it again, but give your tummy and esophagus a day or two to calm down incase the pain also included some swelling. HUGS
  9. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    lol a leftover from old school internet days. If you sound it out, it is "sexy" with a greasy accent. hehehe
  10. FunnyDuddies

    how can this be happening

    I gained too. It is totally normal. I am waiting for it to go away, and I know it will.
  11. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    all those pounds. gone for good. doesn't it feel great?
  12. FunnyDuddies

    lack of emotional support

    We went to a birthday party for my brother in law and his son yeasterday. Everyone had this spectacular spaghetti, and yummy ice cream and cake for dessert. I had with me a cube for chicken broth and a pudding cup in the car. I knew we were going to be eating. And I knew that they probably had no clue as to what I could have and couldn't have. And I didn't want to be unprepared. It is MY responsibility to take care of my dietary needs, and I should not rely on, or look to anyone else for this. Even if I am invited to their home. Turns out my sister in law had made chicken soup (from scatch) and removed all of the chunks and veggies. She also purchased a small cup of sugar free vanilla ice cream for me for when we came to dessert time. She actually researched what I could eat and made sure that she was prepared. I was floored. I would never expect anyone to do this, and she went out of her way. It was wonderful. But if she hadn't, I would not think less of her in any way at all. You can't expect people to do magical things for you. You must create the magic yourself. You should have requested more Jello, if you were really still that hungry.
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    But why not count ALL of the weight that you have lost? They are all pounds that are gone for good. I don't think what you do is wrong, but I am curious as to the reason.
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    Jan.Barnett - One other thing. If your high is 318, and you are currently 218 then you have lost 100, not 93. Are the weights correct, and you have been counting down from your surgery date? We count from the highest because every pound is important. Let me know so that I can make sure your numbers are correct on the board. Thank you so much!
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    Iziksmom and Posterchild - Welcome back!! I will update your numbers now. Good to see things are still on the downward trend. Jan.barnett - that is exactly what I needed!! Thanks a bunch! Joyce - You are doing SO AWESOME!! What a will you have! Tricia - I love your av Scheckshy girl lol Sherri - I did pudding this morning mixed with some milk to thin it out. it was soooo good. We were driving back from Georgia from picking up the kids. I was very limited in my choices, so I am glad it went well. I am not sure why you got that tight feeling. Might still be swollen. I ate about a 1/4 cup (2 oz) and took about 15 minutes to eat that. It went down fine and was very yummy. later today I am going to have some cream of chicken soup, strained, and see how it goes. I am going to make it really thin. Anything is better than broth. LOL Sorry i didn't get your call. I didn't get a message...you silly. You have to leave one! LOL
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Day 5: no sleep

    I did not sleep the night before my surgery due nervousness. I did not sleep the night of my surgery due to needing to walk every hour for circulation and gas. I did not sleep the next day due to pain. The day after that the doctor gave me a shot for pain and a sleeping pill. I slept 5 hours that night, and woke up several times during that night. Last night I did not sleep because I was in pain, and we had to be up at 3am to catch our flight home. Now I am unable to sleep tonight. This is driving me nuts!!! I get little naps here and there, just from pure exhaustion, but it is mainly in the sitting position, and leaves me uncomfortable and stiff. It is not a true pain that is keeping me awake right now. Its like this uncomfortable feeling inside me near the port, that is so uncomfortable it is almost painfull. I have tried putting a pillow under my stomach. I have tried laying on my back, sides, and even sitting up in bed. I seem to get comfy, and a few seconds later the uncomfortableness starts in the port area again, and i have to sit up and lean forward. Did any of you deal with this? Did you just suffer through it? Was there something magical that you figured out? This is so frustrating. I need to get some sleep badly!!
  17. FunnyDuddies

    Day 5: no sleep

    I don't know what kind of band Sherri got. I got the inamed VG 10cc band. But I am a lot bigger than sherri. So she might have gotten the small one. I don't know if that makes a difference. LOL
  18. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    If its white you are safe. If its red I am going to grab that jub from you and hide. LOL Jug huh? I got a few good boxes of wine i can share with ya. WOOHOO! Lets make some backyard sangria!!!
  19. FunnyDuddies

    Day 5: no sleep

    I feel really good tonight. I am hoping that sleep will come easily. I appreciate all of the advice. As weird as this may sound, I am not a drug person. Give me a bottle of scotch and I am good. :eek: But I HATE taking drugs for pain or for sleep. the only reason I took the pain shot and the sleeping pill in Mexico was becuase I knew that I needed some rest before the flight or they would not let me leave. I am the kind that tries to do everything naturally before going the medical route. Hence my waiting on getting the band and researching for a year. LOL I am sure that tonight will be easier, and every night after progressively. Hi sherri!!! I am good. I have been around. You might not have caught my posts. I am glad to hear you are doing well. Marlluvia, congratz on the band!! We are going to see big changes soon! Mini me. I missed you. Thanks for thinking of me girl. Hugs
  20. in my opinion, if they have a tape of the guy telling you it is covered, and you have already started the process to get the band, then you should have someone from obesity law make your case for them and shove it down their throats. how awful!! I hate when ins screw around with us on this.
  21. FunnyDuddies

    Inamed ... How many fills?

    I have heard that if you have your fils done with flouroscopy then the fills are more accurate. i am sure that there are exclusions and exception to this rule, but it stands to reason that if you can see how much Fluid is going through the band under flouroscopy then you can determine how filled you need to be. Also, keep in mind that Inamed makes two bands. I have the Vanguard inamed band and it holds 10ccs. 2ccs were put into it at the time of surgery to keep it in place. I do not know if I am restricted yet, but i can drink alright and I have hunger.
  22. FunnyDuddies

    What kind of drinker are you?

    Man I am suprised at how many drunkards there are on this site LOL joking i think all us bourbons need to go out for a night. tear some poor town up.
  23. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    done and done. lol CHOO CHOO I can't wait. I have decided to make the soup, and I will drink broth while DH and the kids eat the veggies. LOL
  24. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    Hey all!!! I am back, and banded! Glad to see some new people trying out and liking the soup. Desertmom, the cold and chils sounds like dehydration dear. That could asl explain the stomach cramps. How much water are you getting? and I am glad to hear you dropped your sodium intake. I can't wait to get back on this soup! It is one of the things I have been craving and I am a starving bandster right now. But I don't even get to do thick soups till late next week. So I have to wait. Good to hear everyone is taking this recipe and making it their own. That is why I posted it. A note to those of you who have been coming in here and putting down the soup. Please, just get off it. If you read through the whole thread you will see that we have ALL been customizing this to make it healthier. Adding protein, taking out carbs, only eating it for one or two meals a day. No one on here is planning on living the rest of their lives on just veggie soup alone. Sure the diet lacks the protein we need. That is why we have all been adding protein!! LOL We are aware that it is a fad diet, but as was stated earlier its a hell of a lot healthier than how we were eating before, and takes in all the major food groups. I just don't understand why people have to be so negative when others are trying to do something positive. So lets keep this train going. I am near making a pot just to drink the broth. I think I am going to add some garlic to my next pot. some garlic and dill, and only use chicken broth. Maybe no tomatoes. Make it a real spiced chicken soup. Oooh...maybe even a little citrus juice. some lemon or orange. God I can't wait till I can eat again. LOL
  25. FunnyDuddies

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Everyone sounds so great!!! Glad you all are feeling fine. I woke up this morning (yes, I finally slept last night and it was GOOD!) feeling AWESOME! No port pain, no gas pain. I am still burping but nothing is getting stuck. Thank god. I drank a boost drink this morning, and that is it. I need to start drinking more water. I feel great, lots of energy, but I am not going to go out and run a marathon. Just taking it easy. We drive to Georgia tomorrow to pick up our kids. It will be nice to see them again. My incisions are healing really well, and my bruising is finally turnng yellow. I asked the doctor why I had so much bruising as opposed to what others looked like, and he said it was because of all the heprin I had to take. Off to find some jello!!

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