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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    Really Depressed

    http://shop.nordstrom.com/S/2886581/0~2376776~2374327~6002274~2382064?mediumthumbnail=Y&origin=category&searchtype=&pbo=2382064&P=4 this is a VERY flattering style for your shape, and the sleeves do a lot for the arms. http://shop.nordstrom.com/S/2891658/0~2376776~2374327~6002274~2382064?mediumthumbnail=Y&origin=category&searchtype=&pbo=2382064&P=3 this is also very nice, and the color is very pretty another thing to keep in mind, you can do a halter top dress and go to the special occasion section of nordies and get a wrap to go around your arms. that way the halter top style that would be extremely flattering to your figure shows off what you want it to, and the wrap will camoflage your upper arms. this is also good for warm climates.
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Really Depressed

    oh, yeah what is your basic shape? are you an apple? a pear? and hourglass? and what type of wedding is this? very formal? tea time wedding? garden wedding?
  3. FunnyDuddies

    Really Depressed

    http://shop.nordstrom.com/c/2382064/0~2376776~2374327~6002274~2382064 Nordies really has some flattering dresses that you can try for the wedding. and if you order one and it doesn't look good you can return it to your local nordies with no fuss. I suggest checking them out. I used to work for Encore. I know how to fit people pretty well. What size are you, bra size, height and skin tone? I'll see if i can pick out a few that i know would look good on you.
  4. FunnyDuddies

    July 2006 Band Crew

    So many people changing their names LOL I am feeling better today. my congestion is breaking up well thankfully. My incosions are healing really really well. I have no more scabs, and my itching has gone away. I tried a little bit of grouper last night. it was baked, and shredded and mixed with some mayo and chream cheese to make a spread. it was the appetizer for everyone else, but for me it was dinner after about 3 ounces. it was fantastic. i took a long time to eat it and really chewed well. how has everyone else done with fish?
  5. FunnyDuddies

    XXX Rated- Only look if not easily offended

    should i be scared that telly thinks i am a bigger perv than her? lol
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Post-op diet question

    ThinMan, the postop diet is EXTREMELY important. The doctor would not put you on it if it wasn't. This isn't like the insurance companies trying to make you frustrated so that you will go away. Your stomach needs to heal. You have stitches holding your band in place, and they are not strong enough to do that and deal with the digestion of certain foods. who were you banded by? and why did they not tell you why you need to stay on this diet? If you just can't handle it you need to call your surgeon and tell them this. Let them know that this is really hard for you.
  7. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    :welcomeB: :welcomeB: :welcomeB: ThinMan To the GFG club!! :cheer2: :yo: :yo: :yo: :cheer2: Why don't you tell us a little about your journey. We like to know where everyone has been, and what stage they are in. We are so glad you are here. We hope you find the same support that we all find here.
  8. FunnyDuddies

    XXX Rated- Only look if not easily offended

    jenna i think flirting is an art, and I am a serious artist. LOL So is DH, but he doesn't realize most of the time that he is flirting. Woman love it when he flirts with them, and he is given numbers all the time. it totally shocks him. Or at least he says it does LOL Telly, LOL, Pervert is like a second language to me LOL Glad we have a spokeperson. We need some good press. hehehe
  9. FunnyDuddies

    Christmas Lovers Thread

    156 days till Christmas!!! :) :bananapartyhat: :bananapartyhat: :bananapartyhat: :bananapartyhat: :bananapartyhat: :bananapartyhat: :bananapartyhat: :bananapartyhat: :bananapartyhat: :bananapartyhat:
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Celebrity Twins...

    jp where is a larger version of your av. i think i know of a twin for you
  11. jenna that was just funny. LOL The champagne thing can be dangerous. I don't want to cause the men here any pain, but the champagne can burn sensitive skin. be aware of this before trying. You might end up with an exp you really didn't want. But this is also called a few other things. (now you all will really get to see how freaked up my mind is with the knowledge I have attained) Disclaimer: We have not tried this. it sounds too silly to try, but we know people who have and they loved it. LOL This is champagne thing is actually called a "ball-cuzzi" and it is a jacuzzi bath for the boys. its can safely be achieved a few ways. a deep bowl of warm water and a straw will allow someone to give the receiver a variable jacuzzi bath. a version for singlemen is to use some sort of carbonated beverage. coke, clear soda, etc. personally i think the champagne is a bit of a waste of good booze. LOL
  12. I STILL use the envelope method!! And it is so easy and nice. We have put away a ton of money into savings using this method and it is what paid for my band. This is a great idea. Also, if i find deals, and end up saving money here and there, I put that money away and every few months use it for something just for me.
  13. Ok girl, I did this just after the kids were born and the car broke down. LOL here are thetips I learned. Suave makes great hair products (shampoo, hairspray and mousse) for really really cheap. Go with that. And learn some really natural hair looks that take very little product. It is healthier for your hair anyhow. As for makeup, got for a natural look that will be really quick to apply, and take very little cosmetics. Get a pressed powder. I love cover girl for powder and foundation when going cheap because they are oil free and do not mess with my skin. Get a subtle powder blush that you can apply on the apples of your cheeks, lightly on your forehead and down your nose, and over your eyelids. This will give you a touch of sun look, but will still look very natural. then get a basic mascara. Covergirl again makes some good cheap ones. This should last you 6 months. Do your lashes well, and you won't need eyeliner. finish off with a colored lip gloss that will keep your lips looking plump and pretty, and will make the skin nice and conditioned and soft. That all should take you about 3 minutes to apply, and is a total of 4 items. And drink Water water water. Nothing makes the skin look better than lots of water. You might even find that your skin looks so even and good that you do not need to do the powder or blush. your natural glow can show. Water will even out the tone, clean the pores, and soften the skin. All that makeup you wear is actually bad for the skin. So going with the lots of water, and the natural look will actually help heal your skin and make it even prettier than before. I know it is hard to eat cheap without going fast food and crummy calories. first and foremost, cutout what you don't need. booze, Desserts, unhealthy Snacks. Then, make up a menu of what you are going to eat each day. Breakfast, lunch dinner and 2 snacks. figure out waht you need for ingredients. Make a shopping list, and stick to it when you go to the store. Eat before you go to the store so you do not pick up cravings while you are there. Buy generics. They really do taste the same most of the time. Get some baby carrots and celery and fresh fruit and veggies for snacks. They are cheap, and healthy. Also, plan out dinners that you can make a lot of, and freeze portions of in the freezer. Making things in bulk will save pennies. Pasta sauce, chili, Soups, etc. Buy frozen chicken breasts. Boneless skinless chicken breasts are usually 9-12 per bag and cost about 9-14 dollars per bag, depending on the brand. Don't go for the individually wrapped. Costs more than it needs to. These will thaw easily, and can be cooked in so many ways, and are low fat and really great sources of Protein. You have a supervised diet you are following, so make sure you stick to that obviously. If they gave you a menu to follow see what you can make in bulk and then freeze protions of. During your non working time, see what you can do that costs nothing that will bring order to your life. Spend the next weekend going through your place doing some spring cleaning. get all of the clothes that you no longer wear into a bag, trinkets and furniture and everything that just doesn't get used or is no longer needed should be put into a box. simplify your life. If they are in good condition take them to a consignment shop to be sold. It will being in some cash for you. If they are a little more loved, take them to the salvation army so they can be loved further. While you are there check out the dvd's and tapes and see if there are any workout videos that are in good condition. pick up a few. it is good to have a variety of workouts to choose from. and see if they have any exercise equip. maybe a step system, or a thigh master, or something like that. any of these things will be very cheap to pick up, and can be done in the home, and will take up hours of your life getting you healthy without needing you to go out and spend money. also, on the weekend, find things to do that cost nothing to very litte, but give you a good workout. go on walks, clean your house, wash your car, walk around the mall and look at all the clothes that you look forward to wearing, buy a yearly membership to the zoo and go there every weekend. Things like this give you the activity you need, but for very little cost. I hope some of this helps. I know exactly what you are going through. Also, get a jar and put all your loose change in there. it adds up quickly, and comes in handy when you need a quick dollar or two. good luck hon!!! I've been there. Its hard when you are still a week away from payday and you have 15 bucks to get you through the week. but you will get through this.
  14. Now there is an aftertaste that i don't care for.
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    something I realized last night, after indulging in a bit of frozen yogurt...today it does not matter what my calorie count was yesterday. I know I have known that before, but it REALLY hit me today. Cause I was mad at myself for what I did yesterday. Who cares if you got emotional. All of us will at some point. So what. just pick back up. you have done such an AWESOME job!! I can't wait till I have lost 100. I think it will be amazing!!
  16. You were being good, in a sex thread no less. I think that deserves a chocolate.
  17. FunnyDuddies

    XXX Rated- Only look if not easily offended

    putting XXX brings Telly and I running to the thread like ducks to a duck call. its sad really. LOL are we wrong girl?
  18. FunnyDuddies

    XXX Rated- Only look if not easily offended

    I don't know why but i read this the first time as "he said if I could get it in I could have it!!!" and I cracked up hard. whic is mean cause i am newly banded and laughing that hard sometimes hurts.
  19. Its Alive! ALIVE!!! Oh man that is funny! you don't like the idea of the little guys swimming around your stoma? LOL Is it just creepy, or is it that they are doomed to never do what God made them to do? Their short little lives completely failed and worthless.
  20. JP....who are the "they" that call you "dr." heeeheee
  21. WHAT DID MY HUSBAND DO?? oh..the whole swallowing thing. lol well. I am just telling you what he said. I do it to please him, plus when he eats a bunch of pineapple he turns into a candy machine LOL Human pez dispenser. hehehehe
  22. So you are saying that the woman should eat the yogurt before blowing her man? or she should eat it while blowing him? Or he should dip it in there and let her go to town. I have heard of lick-em-aid but that is a bit crazy!!
  23. OMG Telly you are painting a funny picture LOL I asked Rob what the purpose of swallowing was, and he said for him that it is just the notion of someone swallowing his semen makes him feel like they just cannot get enough of him and that really turns him on.
  24. dairy actually thickens the consistency. Fruit really helps the taste, pineapple being the proven to be the end all/be all of ejaculate enhancers. high fruit and veggie diet will make the ejaculate thinner, and protein rich diets will make it thicker. certain spices will really add a foul flavor, as will strong flavored veggies like onions and garlic. JP I agree totally. Talk talk talk. communication will help to work all of this out. Rob and i talk constantly. It is the one thing that we established early in our relationship, because thepart of married life that happens in the bedroom has a HUGE impact on the rest of the relationship.

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