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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    Cheating..No, not with food!

    So you think that because a few ministers have been in the news about this stuff that the group as a whole must be like that? Believe it or not, there are a lot of men and women in this world that still repsect the marriage bed, and the relationship they have with their spouse. I know for a fact that many of my friends, and family, as well as ourselves, respect our marriages and our spouces more than anything on this earth, and the main reason is because of out spirituality. Now I am not saying there are exceptions to the rule, cause their are, but the MAJORITY of this group (the religious) will hold their vows sacred because of where their were made and what they mean. Not to mention that they truly love their spouses. and you are right, he was stupid. LOL
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Stomach bypass operation best for extreme obesity

    the reason I think the whole article is BS is that they claim that something is better for one group of people, yet they do not look at the overall long term effects. Yes - bypass patients lose more in the first year than most band patients Yes - bypass patients don't have to think or work on the losing like band patients Yes - bypass is probably good for someone who is so obese that they are close to death because of the quickness and ease of losing weight but what about past the 30 days out? What about after the first year? When bypass patients begin losing teeth, and hair, and color, and their eyesight? What about the years that are taken off the end of their life due to malnutrition and permanant damage done to the body? What about the alarming rate at which bypass patients gain their weight back because they are never taught how to properly eat, and their no-brainer surgery basically reverses itself after 3 years? There was no other choice for me but the band. And I am going to work the band to lose the weight as fast as I can, so that in the small chance that I lose it for some reason, I will be close to or at goal with new eating habits and will not have to try any other form of wls.
  3. LOL no, it is a way to tie up someone. You never know if you are going to be in a place with a head board that you can tie something to. So I have a really long length of satin ribbon. You slide that under that top mattress, and have the ends come up on either side of the bed. Now you can tie down the hands, or legs. We don't do much tying up, but it is nice to have when the mood strikes.
  4. FunnyDuddies

    Cheating..No, not with food!

    I think you are very wrong. Honestly, you have to look at the dynamic of this board. There are more very devout religious people here than not, and for the most part this group is going to be in a relationship where both are of the same level of faith. That faith leads to deep respect of the bonds of marriage. Just with that statistic alone you will find a majority of the people on this board are in relationships that will have no cheating. I think that sometimes people use statistics as a cop-out. Well if everyone else is doing it then it is no big deal. I HATE that marriage has become something that people easily walk all over and destroy. It baffles me. My parents were married for 35 years, and my father threw all that time, and work away. Now there is a part of me that is glad he is gone because my mother and I were abused on a regular basis. But even with all the abuse, the fact that he cheated, rather than say "I'm not in love anylonger and need to leave the relationship" was a huge slap in the face. It was as if he kept us both around just to use for the abuse. His personal whipping posts. Because he got nothing else from us. He was too busy bangin the whore. The part that cracks me up is how much she looks like my mother. And that he married her two weeks after the divorce was final. I mean if you are a man, who has been married for 35 years, and you are finally free....why get married immediately after?? Why not just be a single guy for a while. If he wanted strange booty, he sure missed out on a lot of opportunities!! LOL
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Non - Scale Goals:

    This is one of my goals too. Not the girl, the outfit.
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    Just give us your stats, and tell us about your journey! I will get you added to the board.
  7. hehehe paula, i have a "toy chest" that is in the form of a lockable footlocker in our closet. yes...lots and lots of toys. I am not sure how we aquire them all either. but we have them. also in there are the ribbons, costumes, lotions and oils, etc.
  8. FunnyDuddies

    Cheating..No, not with food!

    I'm sorry Dody. I really was not upset, but it REALLY did not come across as a joke at all. Maybe a few more smilies next time. My father cheated on my mother for the last 5 years of their marriage. He is now married to the skank he cheated with. He comes here to spy on me all the time, so I hope he reads this. hehehe Now lets all say it with me... The woman is a skank!! WOOHOO!! LOL
  9. FunnyDuddies

    Cheating..No, not with food!

    Dody, this topic is in the lounge which is where all topics that are not about the band belong. this topic is allowed, and I think that almost every aspect of our lives are touched by the band. Especially relationships. I think this topic is fine.
  10. I think for me, since I was self pay, this was a major question. I could have afforded to go to a surgeon here in Florida, or anywhere in the states. I chose to go to Monterrey Mexico and get banded by Dr. Sanchez because through all the research I could NOT find any bad remarks about him. Everyone loved him, and his team. And the hospital and the guest house! And everything they said would happen, happened to me. The great care, fabulous people, and the caring warm hugs. It made me realize that not only had I made the right choice, but that I wish he was able to do ANY surgery or medical operation I need to have. LOL It was truly amazing. For me the number of bands is also a big deal. Dr. Sanchez has placed over 6000 bands. I don't think there is anyone with the same number out there. Definitely not anyone in the United States that I could find. I was very uncomfortable with that.
  11. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    I saw it!! I went back a few months ago for a business trip. It was amazing to see the bridge like that! I used to hate driving over the old one. It will be neat to see how they take it down when it is time.
  12. oh and telly, that new sig is freakin hilarious! lol
  13. Omg I haven't heard anyone call them that but me for about 10 years!!!! LOL I am not into the role playing, but I will dress up. As for DH and my freakiness...he loves it. But he is a freak too. I think I mentioned that before. He is freak enough to be mentioned again. LOL As for talking to wives about being freaks... LOL Are you really sure you want more people like me and telly and jen in the world? hahahaha
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    I used to like in kirkland, redmond, bellevue, gig harbor, silverdale, and seattle. I basically did a lot of my growingup there, and rob and I were never happy with where we lived, so we moved a lot. My mom still lives there. She lives on the border of renton and bellevue on the lake. she is very glad she has an air conditioner lol
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    ok...you are making me miss washington a bit. which beach and which lake? LOL
  16. I don't wonder. I am pretty sure that at some point in your growing up and puberty years you either measured it directly, or compared it to something and measured that. In fact I am so confident I would bet you a dollar that you did it.
  17. FunnyDuddies

    Cheating..No, not with food!

    Ok, thenI will try to keep my answers sane. No, I have never cheated, and neither has my husband. There is nothing that I keep from him, and vice versa in any part of our relationship. We communicate about everything, and have since we became friends way way back when I was in high school. LOL Ok...not that way back, but we met and became friends in '93. I think that communication is the key, and so is a healthy respect and love for each other. I can honestly say that, aside from my kids, there is nothing on this planet that I love and care for, as well as think about, more.
  18. FunnyDuddies

    What is your pirate name?

    hehehehe Catfish Paul.
  19. FunnyDuddies

    Non - Scale Goals:

    not just the hips. even the fat in your stomach rolls over the top. That is prolly moe for those of us that are near 300 but i look forward to getting rid of the muffin top as well. I can't wait to wear a bikini in public and have people look at me to admire me. Not to laugh lol rob and I have a special vacation that we want to take. It is a romantic train ride through scotland, and it lasts a few days. very formal, and very romantic. I won't do that till I am skinny enough for the very formal gowns, and for the maneuvering through a crowded train without knocking people around.
  20. FunnyDuddies

    My NSV Very Exciting

    That is AWESOME!!! Congratz! You are doing an amazing job!!
  21. FunnyDuddies

    What is your pirate name?

    JP, post it. Now. lol
  22. FunnyDuddies

    Cheating..No, not with food!

    What is your definition of "cheat"? I should probably not post here cause you want only sane people. LOL
  23. men get implants, y'all just don't talk about it. what man wants to admit they needed an implant? that is the thing. Most women aren't shy about it. in fact most women who get their boobs done show them to a lot of people other than their husbands LOL
  24. FunnyDuddies

    What is your pirate name?

    i blame it all on my husband. he is a pirate looking at 40. or close to that at least. the man is redbeard born again.
  25. never implying that you are small. Just implying that if us chicks had them, we'd do everything in the world to make em bigger. why do you think we get our boobs boosted so often lol

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