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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    New Orleans in Danger again

    You mean I am not going to live forever? Quick! Get me my car keys. I need to go out and buy gas!
  2. FunnyDuddies

    New Orleans in Danger again

    We're All Gonna Die!!! Dawg Has Predicted It!!!
  3. FunnyDuddies

    The "DeLarla's Back" Fun Thread

    you have me almost peeing i am laughing so hard. i am glad you are ok, but that is one funny story!! LOL
  4. FunnyDuddies

    Question about Moderators

    She meant Just My Opinion.
  5. FunnyDuddies

    New Orleans in Danger again

    I guess everyone missed all those bus loads of people that were taken north before and after the hurricane. and all those folks that live in the other states. Call me crazy, but I know I can walk to Georgia in a week. LOL I would have stolen a shopping cart, put the kids in there and hoofed it. but that is just me. I am a go getter.
  6. FunnyDuddies

    New Orleans in Danger again

    Ok I just have to laugh. Donald Trump is a brilliant money maker. He did not put $5 million away, and that is why he is worth as much as he is toay. He invested his money. He went bankrupt a few times, and still worked it. He worked hard and deserves every penny he has. He has his name on tons of property, games, even bottled water. the man knows how to make money. That is why he is wealthy. Not because someone gave him $5 mil. He lost that initial investment amount years ago.
  7. FunnyDuddies

    New Orleans in Danger again

    you seriously think that $5 million in the 60's is worth $30 million today?
  8. FunnyDuddies

    New Orleans in Danger again

    I have NEVER exclaimed or even thought for a second I was BETTER than anyone. I think I have made better choices. But never do I look at myself as a better person than someone else. Maybe you need to focus that statement on yourself. As for what happened to them...that whole state knew those levies would break some day. why do you think the areas around the levies were poorer districts? Because it is not prime real estate being that it would be destroyed some day. What I have a hard time with is the need for the people that stayed, when they were told to leave, and even offered help to leave, to then say that others need to help them due to their actions. No. I don't buy into that type of thinking. You do something expressly against what you are warned about, and you pay the consequences. sorry. the only butts i wipe now are my kids. and that is stopping as we speak. everyone needs to take care of themselves. the only time I lend a hand is when someone truly deserves it, and in those cases I am the most honest and compassionate person you could ever meet. I helped with cleanup after many hurricanes. We even had a family live with us a number of years ago when a hurricane hit melbourne cause in their trying to leave their car broke down and they got stuck. Do for yourself. When the world still kicks your ass at that point, I am the first one to step up and give you a hand. But if you can't get your butt off the couch an don't want to at least make an effort, why should i waste my time? there are people a lot more deserving.
  9. FunnyDuddies

    New Orleans in Danger again

    LOL Inflation isn't that bad. $5 million in the seventies is NOT 30 to 50 million dollars today. If it was my $1000 I got on my birthday in savings bonds would be helping me retire today.
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Please help me

    It REALLY depends on your surgeon's office and your insurance company. Did you already find out if your insurance company can and will approve you? Do you meet their requirements? Some insurance companies have 6 month or 1 year waiting periods. And your surgeon's office might be slow in communicating with your insurance company. They could also be pretty booked and you need to wait for their schedule to open up some. there are so many variables. Its hard to tell you exactly how long it might take. You should just make sure that you impress upon your surgeon's office and the insurance company that you need to have this done quickly.
  11. FunnyDuddies

    Question about Moderators

    the LBT God
  12. FunnyDuddies

    New Orleans in Danger again

    um...before katrina the govt sent buses around to evacuate people. here in florida if you are in an area that needs to be evacuated you can call your local police and they will evacuate you to a shelter. there is not excuse. sorry. I have been through enough of them to know the inner workings. my brother in law is head of the emergency disaster response group (the state version of FEMA) in South Carolina. I know how SC, NC, GA, FL and MS are set up in times of hurricane, or other natural disaster. We speak about it a lot. There is absolutely no excuse for people to not evacuate. Those that stay due so on their own accord, and if you stay, you have no place to complain. You chose your bed, lay in it. wet or dry. As for personal belongings, I have been penniless a lot of times in my life. I guess I had the sense to realize that putting myself in the middle of a state that would guarantee my belongings getting destroyed at least once a month was a bad idea. So I moved out of the state. And before anyone says that takes a lot of money...no it doesn't. I have moved across the country 3 times on very little. Once as a family of four. its easy if you try.
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Question about Moderators

    you'd think that wouldn't you. my family is too busy putting away their shoes to realize that they too can poke holes in the top of the celophane and press a few buttons.
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    thanks nut. i need to go huddle in the corner, hold myself and cry for a few minutes.
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Question about Moderators

    LOL kelly....its that way, till you become a mod. then your day is filled, and family wonders why dinner is late
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    no thanks. i don't need the remote control panties. there are plenty of laps i can hop on when the mood strikes me.
  17. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - August 2006

    I still have a gift for whoever wins the next challenge. whether that is this challenge or the sept challenge. Thankfully I am not seeing any other of our threads getting shut down anytime soon.
  18. FunnyDuddies

    New Orleans in Danger again

    hell i want to open a gas station where you live! Sounds like they are doing good business! LOL
  19. FunnyDuddies

    New Orleans in Danger again

    according to the 2pm advisory the storm is barely going to clip miami. and it won't even hit till Wednesday. At least for me, filling up this early would not be a good thing. Cause i have a life to lead and will be using that whole tank of gas before wednesday morning. LOL they also don't feel this storm will make any impact on florida other than rain and a little wind. that is IF it strengthens before it hits florida. it is falling aprat as we speak.
  20. FunnyDuddies

    Question about Moderators

    In my house, shoes fly at heads that do not put them in the right place. LOL
  21. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    my head hurts now. thank nut. LOL dawg...rob will be there. he will take the pain for you.
  22. FunnyDuddies

    New Orleans in Danger again

    Come on! Do you seriously think I am sitting here saying these people should just die? Are you serious? Do you think I am stupid? There are always ways to get out. Trust me. And you know what....if they can't afford to live there, and can't afford to deal with the storms and such then they should move! Why is that wrong to say? I am compasionate to a fault. But what you are spouting is not compassion. It is a "I must do for others who refuse to do for themselves". I don't buy that.
  23. FunnyDuddies

    New Orleans in Danger again

    LOL TOM where do you live? I have never seen anything like the things you are talking about. I must be in the "nice to people" part of florida. which is saying a lot cause i live in tampa. not too many nice people here. LOL Last year there was a storm that came through. Not a hurricane. Just a storm. It was a doozy!! LOL My mother was flying in from Washington and it was raining so hard and so much they shut the airport down. She was reroute to jacksonville and had to drive down to tampa. the raining started at about 8:30 am and ended around 5pm, and in that amount of time we got a record 18 inches of rain in one day. it was amazing!! I saw nothing but kindness and people helping other people. there was no real destruction, because we are all prepared for the bad summer storms, and the houses are build to handle it. all the Water was gone the next day. Storms are storms. And florida gets a lot of them. Our houses are built to withstand them, and the streets are designed to deal with the flooding. The only time i have heard of anything happening like that you are taling about TOMis when the oil line broke and we had the major gas shortage. Maybe you should find another gas station. Cause that one seems fishy.
  24. I still see me at 372. its hard. but every weekend we go to a club, and i swear the bartender reas my journal LOL he looks at me, gives me a hug, and nails exactly how much weight i have lost. its scary. and he keeps me floating on cloud nine. to me if i can't see it, i know others can. that makes me feel good.
  25. FunnyDuddies

    Question about Moderators

    I still think you keep your shoes in the wrong place.

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