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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    cheese does go well with whine doesn't it?
  2. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    lol yeah...my port hurts from laughing so har the past three days
  3. FunnyDuddies

    trishs update on surgery

    Omg I am so sorry to hear that! I will be adding her to my prayer list, and I really hope that she has a safe and quick recovery.
  4. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    hehehehe yeah...i need to get drunk and take a bath like last night, maybe that will calm me down
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    LOL you know what...my brain is so dead from the last two days of reading craziness...i have no idea what i meant. I think it is a cross between "to" and "for sure". I can type fast, but not as fast as my brain flies sometimes.
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Starving on post -op liquids

    i went through this too. it is typical. something you can do is try some thicker liquids. like a cream soup, or a smoothie. maybe blend a banana into your protein shake.
  7. FunnyDuddies

    Ethical Question

    I think it is great that a group of you have decided to do this. We are involved in a lot of groups that do this. I understand your guilt of not wanting to participate, as we have already given to many other places as I have stated. We simply reply with "Thank you, but we have a lot of charities that we donate to, and are maxed out as far as we can go this year. Perhaps next year." Maybe people unerstand this, and you have made yourself known that you are not just being cheap. You are simply choosing other places to donate your time and charitable dollars.
  8. FunnyDuddies

    Ethical Question

    Thank you 3loves for answering me civily. I had misread the initial post, and thought she was stating something different with the timecards. For what it is worth, I had no idea where you were working Lisa. I know of slumber parties well, and personally know the area's top seller. I misread your initial post and was stating this as a caution to you. A simple explination like 3loves would have sufficed. Most charities can be trusted, but there are a lot that cannot, so everyone should be very investigative when picking out who they are going to be giving their money to. God bless those who do give, and give generously.
  9. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    please....you are a sicko ture. don't try to hide it
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    i love the music video.
  11. FunnyDuddies

    Ethical Question

    I am pretty sure it is illegal to offer incentives to employees to participate in charity. So the company doing this is not really ethical in their practices by doing this. Other than that, what you choose to do with your money is up to you. If you are feeling chritable you should give your money to the charity that you believe in the most. My husband and I donate 15 percent of our income each month to our church. They are the ones who decide where the money goes, and we know that we can trust their choices. We also donate to Cancer organizations directly because they have effected us personally.
  12. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    http://www.shaveeverywhere.com/ aaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - August 2006

    yay!!!!! isn't that awesome!!!! pictures!!!
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Exercise Today

    This morning: 30 minutes heavybag, 30 minutes jumprope 15 minute walks with the dog throught the day (3 so far) planned for tonight: 30 minutes heavy bag and 30 minutes jumprope, 1 hour yoga dvd.
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Best Protein Drink?

    yeah i could steer clear of the chocolate syrup. i have lost all taste for the super sweet flavor. almost gagged the other when i licked a fork that had maple syrup on it. LOL sugar overload!!!
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Is There A Miracle Drink Anyone????

    oooo i forgot about boost. i love that stuff. it was the right amount, and had good protein in it.
  17. FunnyDuddies

    Best Protein Drink?

    the weird thing is...i am sometimes, and other times i can handle it. i never know till i drink milk or eat some cheese. i can handle cottage cheese really well. and milk is 50/50.
  18. FunnyDuddies

    Best Protein Drink?

    that is an idea. i should check it out. thank you.
  19. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - August 2006

    have you tried the 6 meal a day diet? it is working really well for me, and i think telly is doing it too.
  20. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club - August 2006

    YES it works. i feel hollow inside LOL
  21. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    you are sick too just for reaing this thread. you know it. you like it.
  22. FunnyDuddies

    Hi from Houston Tx =)

    WOOHOO!!! Congratz! And welcome to bandland!! Good luck on the surgery, and be sure to come back soon and update us on everything!!
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Best Protein Drink?

    I hear ya on it being the same. I can't do CIB though so that is why i stay clear of it. Plus it has carbs in it, which i am trying to cut down on. the isopure is carb free.
  24. FunnyDuddies

    does heavy around middle=VG BAND???

    ditto on babs. my doc told me that i needed the vg ban because my actual stomach was larger. not the fat around it. had nothing to do with my weight.
  25. FunnyDuddies

    New diet i found

    I hear ya on it getting old. We'll see you when you come back!! I made a huge pot last night. Eating some now. I bought a bunch of Schwan's mix veggies bags and dumped it into the pot along with some shredded chicken and a couple of cups of rice. Let it cook all night. It is so good this morning and this afternoon. and the bags of mixed veggies were so nice an easy! No cutting! LOL thank you schwans!!

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