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Everything posted by FunnyDuddies

  1. FunnyDuddies

    Gone for Good Club -- September 2006

    I am not doing the challenge this month, but if the challenge goes on i still have my pretty piece from Mexico to give to the winner. This month I want to take off 20 pounds. LOL Its my goal...lets see if i can do it!!!
  2. FunnyDuddies

    does heavy around middle=VG BAND???

    I asked my doc today about this after reading it here on the board. He said that he waits till the patient is open to see what the situation is. 3 of us were banded the same day by him. 2 got the 4cc band, i got the VG ban. Granted the other two were smaller than me, but I had a larger internal stomach, not just more fat. He said that the VG band should keep me fine without being overfilled due to the size of my stomach all the way to goal.
  3. FunnyDuddies

    PacifiCare Sucks!

    I actually looked into the band way back when we had Pacificare...man were those some tough people to work with sometimes. One thing I heard about getting around the 6 month diet is if you can show that you have already been doing a suppervise diet. Has your doc had you on any kind of diet? Or a nutritionist? I have heard of some people being able to use this history in lieu of their 6 month supervised diet and getting through quicker. HTH!!
  4. FunnyDuddies

    Is There A Miracle Drink Anyone????

    well here is the theory. Your body can only digest, it think it is, 20 -25 grams of protein at a time. the rest can get stored as fat, or flushed out of your body. As for the kidneys, my doctor recommends upwards of 150g of protein a day, so 40g can't be that bad. I just drink the bottle in small amounts. about a 1/4 at a time. the only thing bad for your body when it comes to protein is when you ONLY have protein, and nothing else to balance it out. It creates ketones in your body that can then hurt your kidneys as well as your heart if i am correct.
  5. FunnyDuddies

    Put Up Or Shut Up

    um....i stated in my post that i was here for 2.5 years. not that i was signed up for 2.5 years. but ok. g'night!
  6. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    dawg didn't kill the thread.... the thread killed dawg
  7. FunnyDuddies

    Exercise Today

    I did a full hour of the jumprope tonight and skipped the heavy bag. my shoulders hurt.
  8. FunnyDuddies

    DeLarla vs. PhotoNut

    I think she started the internet though.
  9. FunnyDuddies

    Ethical Question

    You know, microsoft did this. they have an annual charity drive, and the admins would pick who the charities were. We were then browbeaten to give so that they could "win" at being the most giving group. It was sick really. then when I went to work for Disney for a short time the introductory meeting they passe out slips for how much you wanted removed from your check each time they cut them. not if....but how much. i asked if we could decline, and to do so took a book of paperwork to fill out. nuh uh. i don't think so. i told them i was going to fill it out, and the literally had trouble finding me the paperwork.
  10. FunnyDuddies

    Put Up Or Shut Up

    Dody, let me give you some history. I have been on this board for close to 2.5 years. I only signed up to ask some questions answered after reading for a long time. Funniest part was...when i signed up the first words out of my husbands mouth was "watch out for that delarla chick...something isn't right there." He's never been wrong. I have seen all the interactions. I was here when a lot of it went down. I joined up right after Photonut did. So sorry, but I do know the history.
  11. FunnyDuddies

    Put Up Or Shut Up

    um....no...pretty much wrong no matter which way you look at it.
  12. FunnyDuddies

    Put Up Or Shut Up

    well then i guess it is settled. Pnut is not a degenerate.
  13. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    for those that can't find it... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=6178&d=1156475640
  14. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    ooooooooow it hurts...make the laughter go away!!!! my port is killing me!
  15. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    Dawg's dead. Long live the Dawg.
  16. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    is that trying to gargle beer with your nose?
  17. FunnyDuddies

    Put Up Or Shut Up

    ROFL dody...that pic has been on the internet for years. it was not her grandkid...trust me. LOL
  18. FunnyDuddies

    Put Up Or Shut Up

    You want that with training wheels?
  19. FunnyDuddies

    Committment Thread to lose weight

    I did ok today with the exception of a few m&m's. damn kids...
  20. FunnyDuddies

    Thread Killers

    THATS what we need...more famous cameltoe pics! DUH!!! lol JP, get on that! Stat!
  21. FunnyDuddies

    Locking Threads????

    oh yeah...and those innocent threads where photonut has been attacked...those got locked down, stealing not only the place for photonut to talk an share and get support, but stealing those areas from everyone else on this board.
  22. FunnyDuddies

    Locking Threads????

    yeah...that rule itself has been broken many times when Lisa and some friends decided to run around the board calling her an alcoholic and drug abuser. that is rather harsh...an one of the reasons she has tried so hard to respond to every threat that came at her on the board. an not just in seperate threads...but threas where she was posting and minding her own business. Its hard having a stalker.
  23. FunnyDuddies

    Colon Blow anyone?!?

    the wha...?
  24. FunnyDuddies

    Put Up Or Shut Up

    yeah 3 loves...so far the only hard evidence was posted, and the poster was chastized for posting it. i guess that is why she is done with this. but everyone else is ready for some hard evidence from the other side. just haven't seen it yet.

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